Costa Rica San Jose Christmas and NYE 2021


Will be in San Jose Christmas time. Any recommendations on the adult scene?
1. What's open?
2. Where to pick up women - pro and non-pro?
3. I don't want to stay in any notable places (like Hotel del Rey...albeit closed)....rather, I'd stay in a less conspicuous place near to something like Hotel del Rey or whatever is open.
4. Any recs on place to get MP...a happy one?
5. Where would I find a Chica to spend a day with? You know...just someone to hang with and do things...and have a little fun.
6. Any hot springs or hotel nearby with a pool/spa/hot spring scene?

williemac's Avatar
Go to Jaco, stay at the Cocal....u will be in the middle of it. I'm sure u will have no trouble finding all day Chica....just bring money.
Hot springs, go to Fortuna for a couple of nites.....Arenal volcano....Gd place to stay is Baldi.
Bring a chica with far as i know, no working girls up there.
Thanks so much for the reply. Won't be able to do most of your suggestions due to time, but definitely helpful as I do plan to visit CR again. But Fortuna/Arenal/Baldi might be doable in a day.

Once again, thank you for that info.
Pokins's Avatar
Try the Taormina Hotel. Not far from the Sportsmens Lodge and there are women on site.
williemac's Avatar
Good call on the Taormina hotel, couldn't remember the name of it. Stayed there a few yrs ago, nice room, breakfast included, small bar and pool. Met one of the most beautiful chicas from Limon there and had fun. Also close to several massage places.
I cannot thank you guys enough. You put me exactly where I want to be. Hotel Taormina. Thank you!
Taormina has a chica fee when she goes up with you. $10 i think