Question for the guys and girls

So I haven't been on the boards very long but have realized that the majority of the providers don't post on the forum.

To the ladies that do post: Do you feel this increases your business?
Guys, do you tend to see a lady that is more active on the boards?

Personally I can so that it is enjoyed reading what the women have to say. Kind of a insight into there personality which can be just as much of a turn on as the looks. Well at least I think so.
DallasRain's Avatar
I love love love posting...I am a post ho{3rd top poster}!!

I enjoy the makes my life more exciting being part of a community where I can "speak my mind freely" with like minded people!!!

There are a probably few guys who wont see me because of it....
there are alot that do see me bacause of my helps display my personality

Because I live in a hub city,I post all over the board...I have guys that who travel here on business and seek me out because they have read my post
I am very active on another site, and am exploring on here. I feel posting gives everyone a sense of you, and makes banter and communications easier. Also this is a great way to deal with the stress of the hobby, by being around people that are involved in it as well, and are going thru the same things you are, the hiding it, the legalities of it, ect.
When I started to post, there was indeed an increase in the influx of requests for an appointment. However, there was not an increase in business, because most of the gentlemen did not pass my screening. So: Increase in work, same pay. I only post nationally now because of the men in my local forum who have tried to ruin my business because of my opinionated posts. I still enjoy it when I can find the time.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
China Doll
And I am so glad I can still read you in areas of the home page. I have always enjoyed your opinionated posts. If I shared your ideas or not. Not shur why some would be scared by your opinion. Or others feel the need to defend you. You do not need ether.

As to why some providers do not post. Its safer not to. And adds not needed work. If a provider just post ads. Well, it takes less time. And no worrys about stepping on the toes of others.

If you look many men on boards never post a lot also. And that does not even count the lurkers that that did not join, and just read.
BadWolf's Avatar
I enjoy reading the ladies' posts. I find myself more attracted to them by learning more about their personalities.
Thank you, OSD! You're absolutely right that it is safer for us to lay low and refrain from posting. I really should just stop posting altogether, but I can't seem to help myself! I love interacting with others in this little client-provider world of ours!
I love the interaction of posting, and find that it helps business. Posting is also some what time consuming and for the working girl who is acting as CEO, CFO, PR dept Manager, Advertising Manager, Entertainment Director, Travel and Transportation Director, Head of wardrobe, Supply and expendable item procurer, Not to mention " ALL" the thousand and one little things that must be done in RW life every day find that posting sometimes falls to the bottom of my to do list. Hope you can understand my lack of posting at times. Then we must realize the desire to avoid Drama also plays a role.
  • anita
  • 10-28-2010, 05:43 PM
To simply answer your question yes, it increase business. It is a good way to hav an idea of someone else personality.
I mean if you meet the prettiest girl in the world but you do not click I do not think you will see her again.Some would rather meet someone they can have fun with,laughter and some conversation.
Gryphon's Avatar
I have contacted providers based on the quality of their posts whom I otherwise would have passed over as "not my type." It has invariably been a good experience. Opinionated posts don't turn me off--I like smart, self-confident women regardless of whether we agree on a particular point. As long, of course, as we can agree to disagree and move past it.
I like reading the posts, but it doesn't necessarily result in me contacting a provider because I'm not necessarily in the location where the provider is. For instance, I've had my eye (and hoping for other body parts lol) on about 5 providers who post here regularly. So far, my traveling has not taken me to any of their locations (damn!!!). But I'm with Gryphon, I wouldn't necessarily have put them on my wish list without the posting.
I don't find many new clients directly from posting (that I know of), but I have had several tell me they were further convinced they wanted to see me after reading some of my posts. As you said, it gave them more insight into my personality, and they liked what they found.

I'm sure it goes in the other direction too (they wanted to see me UNTIL they read my posts), but so far everyone's had the good graces not to tell me about it.
macksback's Avatar
The more a provider gets herself out there the more I will like/dislike her, and the more I would like too see her.
Well ladies I for one enjoy your posts.
burkalini's Avatar
I have seen a couple of providers based on their wit and intelliect on the posts. Of course being hot doesn't hurt either lol. I agree with charles in that there are a couple I would like to see but they are just not in my area. Hope they start to travel.