Nineteen year old girl films X rated video in library...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...posts the video on the Internet and then pleads NOT GUILTY when charged with crime. Kind of makes the Kardassians look like rocket scientists.
Are you hanging out there now Barleycornball?
...posts the video on the Internet and then pleads NOT GUILTY when charged with crime. Kind of makes the Kardassians look like rocket scientists. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nothing wrong with that as long as she was quiet about it, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar

Makes one want to play in the stacks.

Plus I don't see any "public" around who would find that "offensive" .... I don't.

Makes one want to play in the stacks.

Plus I don't see any "public" around who would find that "offensive" .... I don't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Come to think of it you're right not a sole around. She didn't violate anything. She was in the privacy of her own library, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
Come to think of it you're right not a sole around. She didn't violate anything. She was in the privacy of her own library, lol.Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I recall having a discussion with an "official" associated with a rather popular place for rafting and tubing by college age folks and the "official" was commenting negatively about the "offensive" nature of co-eds removing their bathing suit tops while rafting and tubing and the folks drinking beer excessively ...

.. my response was that's what they do down here .. tubes, boobs, and beer!

I wonder if they wipe the library chairs down with sanitizer every night ....

.... in the event some co-eds might be wearing short skirts.
  • DSK
  • 02-27-2015, 10:00 PM
I don't see what crime was committed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
She should get extra credit.
:vel ho::sno g::rm_ daisy:
Are you hanging out there now Barleycornball? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
and the dipshit from Topeka has spoken, fuck you small dick
LexusLover's Avatar
and the dipshit from Topeka has spoken,.. Originally Posted by gary5912
He's just never had the opportunity to fuck a hot co-ed in the campus library.

Or anywhere else for that matter.
Judging from all of Her business opportunities that have sprung up, she is a pretty successful "college student".

I would like to be on the Jury so I could see ALL of the evidence.
:vel ho::sno g::rm_ daisy:

and the dipshit from Topeka has spoken, fuck you small dick Originally Posted by gary5912
He's just never had the opportunity to fuck a hot co-ed in the campus library.

Or anywhere else for that matter. Originally Posted by LexusLover
One idiot who can't put up a line of emoticons without fucking it up, and thinks my handle is pertaining to my junk. Which he must be infatuated with. Good old lexie with no reviews, but will tell you he has fucked women and still hangs around a campus wishing.

PS Gary you moron I don't live in Topeka.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Does anybody have contact info?
Any reviews?
Menu? Rates?
Does she do doubles?
What about a 15min rate?
JCM800's Avatar
...posts the video on the Internet and then pleads NOT GUILTY when charged with crime. Kind of makes the Kardassians look like rocket scientists. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Maybe she'll get her own reality show as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm waiting for someone to make this thread apropos for this forum.

Come on boys, someone say they don't want to see another Bush.