Kaylee's review...Don't mix us up please!

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I wish I was 21 but, lol I'm not...

We are not the same Kaylee.

Oh, I hate to hear the guy got the run around. Shame on Kaylee!


:Sne aktongue::Sneakto ngue::Sneaktongue :
LovingKayla's Avatar
This is the second time a provider has taken on a name that has the very real issue of identy theft. I don't know if this new kaylee person had evil thoughts when she did but that "TheNurse" handle actually WAS malicious and intentionally meant to sap the good name and ride the coat tails. Yes nurse we ALL know. Though it's a little unmistakable when you go to such lengths to look EXACTLY like Vnurse. This is a bad trend and is just one more way the underhanded, dishonest, and down right increasing and lazy providers function.

You guys have got to do your research. For someone that watches trends and sees a "new" provider that looks similar to one that's tried and true but gets a bad review or any question raised (except in very specific circumstances) is an attempt at grabbing surface knowledge and trying to pass it off hoping you are as retarded as your dick can be.

Kaylee hot chick and Vnurse are also Dallas queens and subject to identy theft. Just something in which to be aware.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Nice Tushy, girl.

No worries...Vnurse and I will survive this just fine.

As for new Kaylee...come on girl..do a good job at what you do and try to have as much fun as you can.

Hugs to all!
I made sure that I included the fact that she was not you in the review
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I made sure that I included the fact that she was not you in the review Originally Posted by bpmonk
Thank you so much!

Sorry she gave you the run around
Someone else pointed out to me that it was Christina Dior. She apparently is back using a different name.
Aw thank you Soft Place! You too, Kaylee! It gives me warm fuzzies when someone takes up for me! Ya'll are both awesome!

You are correct Kaylee girl...we WILL be fine!
rachet3375's Avatar
Anyone that has seen Vnurse or Kayleehotchick would never mistake them for anybody else. I guess some folks can't carry their own water.
Aw thank you rachet...sorry I missed you this week. It was crazy with Spring Break and all. Hopefully soon!
rachet3375's Avatar
I should be on the mend by the time you get back from Dharmas and in dire need of some therapy [grin]
novacain's Avatar
Well this BS Kaylee has also just been reported to have stolen a car. This is a good warning to the fellas, stay clear of Kaylee/Dior. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=193720
Ms. Kaylee, the REAL Kaylee, you are legendary, not just in your beauty and service but in just you. Nobody would possibly think you would stoop to the level of that kid (the NOT real Kaylee). I have never seen you, having to cancel our one appointment about 5 or 6 years ago, but your reputation speaks volumes.
rachet3375's Avatar
The new lil kaylee sounds like a trainwreck while the original Ms KayleeHC is a heartbreaker. Style & Class trump youth every time. Thank you KayleeHC.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awwwwww...golly guys, you're making this naughty girl blush.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
OMG! I read that stolen car gig. Great...that sucks a big ole hot dog. I feel for the provider who got her car stolen. Dang, can we all just get drunk and screw? Sheesh...