Legends don’t die they just fade away...dear john

It’s only fitting for little miss sunshine to come full cycle and share my Dear John letter here...
To my men’s
You (hobby) has been very good to me. I have had the wildest fucking times I could ever imagine. I have changed and times have changed. I have achieved my goal and will be be hanging up my crotch less panties and gang bang fantasies with their places in my history. I am amazed all the time how men are actually willing and even chomping at the bit to get to experience me. It’s a very addicting to be so desired. I won’t be active in hobby for the foreseeable future( with the exceptions of MY iso/hobby bucket list of sorts and this list Will be in an upcoming post/ads) and want to leave a super bright note.
To quote the MAN who Is definitely in my TOP fantasies for a mustache ride, KENNY ROGERS, “You have to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em”! Or something close to that, ha ha ha!

I hope if we’ve had the pleasure of getting sexy - thank you so much.

I am so grateful for good people and being able to do hobby according to how it worked for me. Everyone deserves to feel desired and wanted. Sex isn’t moral it’s personal.

To the guys that didn’t do right by me. Shame on you. I forgive you. I don’t care really. But you guys should be good to girls and give them a chance. I took lots of chances on y’all!

I have a other wild adventures to embark on and live a better life!

Being adorable and fuckable MILF that I am now retiring to a life of a lady of leisure!


That was honestly one of the most succinct,heartfelt and thought provoking posts I've read here.

Forgiveness, Acceptance and Self-Love

" Everyone deserves to feel desired"

That one sentence has had a profound impact on me Sunny, and on a situation in my life currently(forgiveness)



" sex isn't moral it's personal"

So powerful....Im embarrassed to say that even though I've been a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous for 29 years, where we take a " searching and fearless moral inventory", I've never looked up the definition of moral.

" A persons standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and what is not acceptable for them to do"

So Powerful Sunny and such a beautiful letter.

God bless you and may your life be blessed with Joy
Thank you so much Butch! I’m a returning friend of Bill W. And peace is closer everyday.
Well written words, although we never met I wish you all best in whatever life holds for you in the future.
Always special to me
Always special to me Originally Posted by Somform
And I’m youre biggest fan! Love you lots B
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
I hate that I didn’t get a chance to meet you, even more so now. COVID has put a crimp in my hobby life for the moment. However, I wish you all the best on the next chapter of your life.
You will be missed. I’m glad I got to visit you the few times that I did. Best of luck.
What a beautiful heart felt and genuine well written message. And to all the guys, what a reminder that the ladies are people like the rest of us that always deserve full respect and honest treatment. They are genuine and not objects to be used and abused and demoralized.
What a beautiful woman and person you are Sunny. Thank you, Wish you the best and GOD BLESS
Fair winds and following seas m’lady. I’m sorry we never met.
Cumflywithme42's Avatar
It was fun sunny!! salute to you for making fantasies come true !
I was a pleasure to meet with you, I really enjoy my visit and you made a lasting impression.

Best wishes to your journey and i hope you enjoy every step of it.
kologero's Avatar
aaaaaand an ad pops up today LOL.. nice advertising scheme op

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
mrredcat43's Avatar
Welcome back! LMAO!!