Unworthy Americans

  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 08:19 AM
While I was wandering through Costco the other day as one of the 5% without some ridiculous mouth thong wrapped around my piehole, I began to re-think the French Revolution. Maybe it’s gotten a bad rap. Still, Marie Antoinette only suggested that the normal eat cake – hey, who doesn’t like cake? But she didn’t demand that the people humiliate and degrade themselves in every aspect of their lives.
But our garbage elite does to us, and so many Americans are sheep who eagerly obey. Independence Day has come and gone, this year being not just a reminder of the greatness of the American ideal but a painful reminder of how so many of our fellow Americans have fallen short. They are delighted to forgo the strenuous rigors of citizenship in favor of the flaccid idleness of serfdom.
It’s pathetic, and unworthy of a great people.
What the hell are these sheep thinking?
They were commanded by their betters to wear a mask inside, outside, while they drive their ridiculous Prius with the “I’m With Her” and “COEXIST” bumperstickers. They were told not to wear one, then to wear one, then to wear two, and they did. The elite told them to get the vaccine because it would protect them, that the shots would make them free again, and they took the shots, but then immediately afterwards the master caste told them that while they were now immune, they still had to wear a mask because…science or something. It was never quite clear. Yet the sheep eagerly did so. They got bait and switched, and the sheep were satisfied with the switch part.

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There’s nothing sadder than seeing some Chardonnay mom in a park in the sunshine with her little kids, all made up like suburban banditos. But sporting a badge of shame on their faces is just a start. There’s never enough humiliation for the sheep; maybe degradation gives meaning to their empty lives, allowing them to feel something, anything.
The elite wants to shear the sheep of self-respect, and the sheep line up, clutching copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s (née Henry Rogers) obnoxious CRT handbook. They are told that they must accept personal responsibility for the slaves they never owned, and that they must therefore be accountable to people who were never slaves. And they obey, joyfully competing to most completely abase themselves, shedding their history and their dignity and trading it away for the chance to be further disrespected and disenfranchised for the sin of having their great-grandfather come from the wrong continent.
The media tells them to eat bugs, literally. The insect imperative is an evergreen story in the state media – how some obscure “experts” contend that red meat, the food of proud men and women, must give way to consuming cicadas and crickets. Why is it so important to get us to gobble beetles? Because we love red meat, and it gives us joy, and that can’t be allowed. No, we have to be broken, and it doesn’t get more broken than complying with the demand to fry up and nosh on a handful of locusts for the giddy amusement of our alleged betters, who certainly will not be giving up their ribeyes anytime soon.

The excuse the elite gives for the bug-eating thing– there’s always some excuse for their bizarre demands – is the weather, and how we must fear it instead of the things that truly threaten us. If we’re worried that it might be a degree hotter in a century, we’re not going to be worried about the elite’s Chi Com friends taking over, or the elite consolidating its wealth and power at our expense. Pay no attention to the aspiring tyrants behind the curtain – take cover, it’s sunny! Or cold – remember, every kind of weather is proof positive that climate change is a thing and if you doubt it, you hate science.
Of the same ilk is the demand that we pretend ugly people are beautiful. Victoria Secret did very well with attractive women, but people like attractive women and that thought crime must be punished and all residual resistance to the elite’s latest aesthetic decree must be purged from society. The placing of grody on a pedestal accomplishes two things. First, it has the effect of making our generally fugly elite feel better about itself, since when we elevate mediocrity it’s their time to shine. The second is that we all know that a bulbous walrus, or a dude pretending to be a girl, or a bony harridan with a bitter scowl and purple hair, are not actually hot. The fun comes with making the proles lie and say that they are. Everyone knows it’s a lie; everyone knows the emperor is going commando, so the juice comes from making people lie anyway. If you can make them lie, you own them. And so many of us are happy to hand over their personal pink slips to the elite.

It’s important to erase the competition, so God has to go. The elite tactic is to belittle and assault the believers – your First Baptist Church is a hotbed of pathogens and must be closed, but topping the list of essential enterprises is the Peppermint Cheetah. In the name of COVID – what can’t pandemic panic do? – it’s out with “Amazing Grace” and in with “Pour Some Sugar On Me.”

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And they create idols to replace the Lord, to which the sheep reverently bow down. Did you see that ridiculous statue of Diana unveiled the other day? The tacky totem features that frivolous bippy with some generic boy and girl, leading them into a bright future of uninspired white wine and ennui. Move over Sistine Chapel, we’ve got the People’s Princess and she’ll make your pain go away. Perhaps the statue-knockers were onto something.

And the sheep eagerly agree with the elite demand that they own no guns, that they be disarmed, the better to encourage the kind of docility fitting for the bottom rung of the feudal ladder. You see it in Europe, where the people shrug and accept life under unaccountable bureaucrats knowing that there’s nothing they could do about it anyway even if their low-T civilization were to suddenly rediscover its manhood. Once Europeans sent crusaders to battle the heathens; today, they sit in rapt attention, childless and chestless, watching some auto-tuned crooner sing about how s/he loves to boogie all night long as Liechtenstein’s entry in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Mostly, the sheep are told to pretend they aren’t sheep. And they do so even if the shame of their submissions somewhere, deep down inside them, gnaws at them.
We are the greatest nation on earth, which today is a sad commentary on the human race as a whole. And sadly, so many of our fellow Americans are unworthy.
Be worthy, and prepared, because change is coming.

The nomenklatura of teh DPST/fascist party does love their sheeples!
Cougarlicious's Avatar
Change is coming....2029 Terminators come to destroy Mankind. i loved that original movie and scared me as a kid to think that would ever happen lol
rexdutchman's Avatar
Skynet is here ,,,,, just look to well smart everythings that's watchin
Cougarlicious's Avatar
How in the fuck did Micheal Bay ever know what a damn SKYNET Was????? IBM Tech Friends of the 80s with some bad ass coke and pitched an idea lmfao
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You don't have to wear a mask anymore, oeb.
Stop pretending like there is still a mask mandate.
It was lifted some time ago.
Almost no one is wearing a mask anymore.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You don't have to wear a mask anymore, oeb.
Stop pretending like there is still a mask mandate.
It was lifted some time ago.
Almost no one is wearing a mask anymore. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I am at Winstar, few masks, no temperature checks, no social distancing. Oeb NEEDS to spin the mask tale, or his Sheeple argument unravels.
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 07:20 PM
The New Covid variants are the fascist DPST's excuse to re-institute lockdowns across america - and further destroy the economy.

Thank you - CT - but the Trump haters have not yet given up.
are you saying that the Fascist DPST party has not politicized mask wearing as a badge of fascist DPST ideologic conformity????
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
They are using freedom as a reward in getting vaccinated.
If they required everyone to continue to social distance and wear a mask,
there would be no reason to get vaccinated.
They are forcing people who are hesitant about the vaccine to get it
by providing luxuries to people who are vaccinated.
For people like you, who aren't afraid of COVID,
it should allow you to go on with your life as per usual.
If anyone asks if you're vaccinated, just lie and say you are.

Whether they lock the country down again over the delta variant I think is presumptuous and likely not to happen. Everyone thus far has been saying that the vaccine and anti-bodies protect against the delta variant.

I'm not saying that the DPST's aren't commie loving, gender bending lockdown lovers, but I highly doubt the government is that stupid to try and lockdown again, unless they actually want to destroy the entire country.
They've already caused so much damage, we will not survive a second round.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I am at Winstar, few masks, no temperature checks, no social distancing. Oeb NEEDS to spin the mask tale, or his Sheeple argument unravels. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If you're not satisfied with that, just go bar hopping on a Friday night. It's like COVID never happened.

I'm sorry Oeb but you're creating a narrative at this point, the same as what you accuse DPST's of doing.

We should give them a little bit of credit and acknowledge that they at least have a little bit of sense.

If it turns out that masks and lockdowns are reinstated, then you'll have a great point here, but right now you're twisting a narrative and no one can know what the future will hold.

I agree however that there seems to be some sort of communist revolution that is happening in this country. This has been brewing before COVID.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Democrats don't want lockdowns. It is nutty to think they do. Biden has crowed over vaccine success, he's not about to go another route.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Instead of pointing fingers at each other, we're eventually going to, hopefully at some point, work together and identity the real corruption that is in our country.

The average ding dong has no control over anything except what is inside his/her head.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is a well written piece, funny and thought provoking.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 05:42 AM
If you're not satisfied with that, just go bar hopping on a Friday night. It's like COVID never happened.

I'm sorry Oeb but you're creating a narrative at this point, the same as what you accuse DPST's of doing.

We should give them a little bit of credit and acknowledge that they at least have a little bit of sense.

If it turns out that masks and lockdowns are reinstated, then you'll have a great point here, but right now you're twisting a narrative and no one can know what the future will hold.

I agree however that there seems to be some sort of communist revolution that is happening in this country. This has been brewing before COVID. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

SM - thank You - I must disagree
The radical fascist DPST's led by the Maduro loving socialist democrats AOC and Squad, etc al - support and deify the tyarnt Maduro - and that is the ideology they wish to inflict by any means necessary - including a total destruction of the economy by their covid lockdowns.

Yes- they are smart enough to see the results of their economic destruction - some of the radical DPST's- but they Lie to keep trying to fool the American public.

they are in league with Putin and Xi in an effort to turn America into a marxist cesspool with themselves as nomenklatura Rules in perpetuity.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Are we up to the 19 wave yet ,, what every happened to all the Ventilaters , and over run hospitals
Then theres the Wuhan whitewash backed by the who ( wall street journal)