Blog Post - 5 reasons Why a Married Man Should Visit a Provider

1. Monogamy isn’t natural for men. Our society has rules to ensure the fringe stays in line with what comes natural to the majority of us. We don’t murder, we don’t steal, we don’t assault, because not doing these things comes as natural to us as breathing or blinking. However, monogamy doesn’t seem to come so easy. Why? Because it’s NOT NATURAL! One day our society will catch up and this whole thing will pass. Until then you will need a discrete partner to help you live more naturally. Come see me, I can be that discrete partner.

2. Your marriage has become a friendship. Many years ago you had a best friend and a lover. As the years and your relationship have progressed it seems you have a best friend who occasionally allows you access to “the goods”. While you love your wife and have no intention of living without her, you don’t want a sterile mechanical sexual relationship. You want that willing participant that rocked your world so many years ago. Come see me, I will rock your world.

3. A non-judgmental ear. You have spent a lifetime working to make yourself the best you can be. Some days were smooth as silk. Some days however some days felt like the weight of the world was sitting on your shoulders. Those stressful days are hard to deal with. Sometimes you need someone who listens to you. I absolutely love to hear about you and what makes you tick. I also love getting naked and showing you what makes me tick.

4. Kinky secrets. You have sex regularly and she does her best to please. However, you have a kinky side and want to try new things. The problem is you don’t want to ask your wife, the mother of your children to do those things. Ask me to do them instead. I specialize in “those things”.

5 Adventure. Probably the most mentioned reason. Sometimes you just feel the daily grind has extinguished any excitement you’re your life. If you want the adventure back, come see me. I will make your life adventurous once again.
Caligula1's Avatar
+ please elaborate point 3. It will need compassion, knowledge and understanding to provide that listening. Do you think one hour is enough...since it is a business relationship...but yes there are exceptions 1%..,but your thoughts are welcome...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
6. Death wish.
dearhunter's Avatar
7. To help him appreciate what he has at home.
pyramider's Avatar
Please rethinck your #7. I do enjoy fucking those married women whose husbands no longer fuck them. They are just tickled that my 1.3" of dangling death is for them.
Caligula1's Avatar
+ 1 dear hunter I agree with you based on past experience....I will not discount your thoughts sir....
tbone77494's Avatar
Looks pretty accurate to me.
My (retired) ATF of many moons ago told me during pillow talk (actually on our "first date") it was much much less complicated...seeing her ("a professional") than recklessly having a RL affair. And in the long run...much cheaper, as well.
8. Blowjobs.
As a man who wears a are my thoughts. I have a thirst that can't be quenched by 1 woman. I have on the side seen single women...they want to talk all the time and send texts when you are sitting on the couch with your family. I have dated married women and after the first missed call you get from a pissed off husband, you decide that is also not a good option. Option 3...why I am here...some will say there is more risk seeing "ladies of the night" but catch a burner from a regular chick on a business trip drunken evening and you may want to reassess...
MrClark's Avatar
Looks good RS . I would like to add no drama, more economical = more fun
dearhunter's Avatar
"no drama"..........heh
That's the beauty of being single and being a hobbyist....I can fuck who I want..when I want..with zero worries about having to cover my trail due to the "wife"
Interesting read River! Thanks for sharing. Something that came up for me was you conveying the limitations of monogamy as seemingly only applying to men. Non-monogamy resonates deeply with me. And I know many other women who also have a preference for more fluidity when it comes to sexual and romantic relationships.
+ please elaborate point 3. It will need compassion, knowledge and understanding to provide that listening. Do you think one hour is enough...since it is a business relationship...but yes there are exceptions 1%..,but your thoughts are welcome... Originally Posted by Caligula1
One, one hour appointment won't do. But after a few one hour, 90 min or even longer visits together this can happen. The time spend having sex is about the same in an one hour or two hour appointment. I believe I have set my rates accordingly. I enjoy spending time getting to know my clients and letting them get to know me. I, like a lot of ladies, am much more than three wet holes.