Lady's "About me" or Biography.

Hercules's Avatar
'Fess up time. How many of you guys actually read a gal's biographical stuff or head right for her pics/rates. I'm guilty...
RealBeer285's Avatar
Yes, I go right to the pics. If I am interested, I then read her bio, etc. If still interested, she goes on the list.
yep just what I thought, and who was it that said looks dont matter Yall are BAD boys
RealBeer285's Avatar
I admit that looks do matter, but like my taste in food, I like a wide variety.
JohnJohn's Avatar
They have a bio?

Okay, guilty here also

Chelsea, can you blame us with avatars as nice as yours? Yummm!
Hercules's Avatar
Nice tits Chelsea....did you say something?
RealBeer285's Avatar
Chelsea - Picnic by the lake? The pictures with you smiling are better.

On the list.
Actually fawn asked this same question just recently and got quite a few responses.
thanks, And did you stop to think how many places we could explore looking for " ticks" if were down by the lake hummmm XOXO chelsea
Hawkeye9's Avatar
When they look like this I tend to go to the Bio first!!
cookie man's Avatar
First glance I go to pics. If interested, I go to rates. If I'm thinking of making an appointment or deciding between ladies, I go to "about me". Then last it comes down to who has the biggest tits! lol...
chipper's Avatar
I always look at the bio if I don't know the Lady. I am usually looking for age and office location.

My three blog readers demonstrate that some people really do check it out for the articles.

P.S. I'm a C cup.
Carrie, there may only be three of us....but we are entertained with your thoughts and commentary. Also the random subjects you choose to talk about is very cool.
sorry for highjacking....
LMAO Hawk you are wrong for that