If you could print anything you wanted on a T shirt...

Frankie Fine's Avatar
What would you want it to say..???!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Zombie Hunter or Fire Crotch haha
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Lexxxy what about "hot carrot pie"!! lol ...c'mon that's good!

I want one that says "Frankie says relax" .. Applaud jocakz << holy shit did I get his name right??!!!

Anita ..(please forgive me) .. A tight T that says" will work for bacon" ..that would be cute .. In a hot Anita way!

If who was here.. "Peace Homie"..

..Pyramider ..?? Probably "taint"...

..could be anything.. Who knows what someone would want???!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

but somebody beat to it

Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
Well , you asked.
benherebefore's Avatar
What would you want it to say..???! Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
A photo of you on my shirt would be the best!!!
pineappleguy's Avatar
"I'm trying to read what's printed on your shirt,
NOT staring at your underdeveloped teenage tits!"
lol..this is a funny thread..."i'll do you for bacon"...
Better yet. Forget about the shirt!!!!

hahahhahahahah nice!!!

how bout...drop your drawers and give me the bacon!!
hahahhahahahah nice!!!

how bout...drop your drawers and give me the bacon!! Originally Posted by anita germane
Well, since bacon shrivels up and shrinks when it gets hot I think I'll keep my bacon on ice for a while.
hahahahahahahahahahha!! you are one funny dude!!!!
Always Horny's Avatar
Lexxxy's Avatar
The shirt I am wearing right now has a slit down the front and it says "Fucking classy"