Dallas salon owner jailed for defying lockdown orders wins spot in run-off for state senate seat

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

congrats to Shelley luther who made the runnoff by knocking out a 3rd place demi-demon out of the race. she is the owner of a salon which reopened violating covid orders.

She was found in civil and criminal contempt of court for ignoring a restraining order. Dallas Civil District Judge Eric Moyé ordered Luther to seven days in jail and fined her $500 for every day the salon stayed open.

she is making Governor Abbot look bad by making the runoff.

she is in a solid red district. so its republican vs. republican.

should be an interesting race. I wish her best of luck. I don't think she'll win but you never know.
matchingmole's Avatar
And - again nothing cogent or constructive - just name-calling and abhorrent hateful imagery!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And - again nothing cogent or constructive - just name-calling and abhorrent hateful imagery! Originally Posted by matchingmole

are you o-ffended? lol
HedonistForever's Avatar
That's a hateful image? Damn, that is one fine looking MILF.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Not surprised. The whole thing was a publicity stunt from the word jump.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2020, 11:43 AM
And - again nothing cogent or constructive - just name-calling and abhorrent hateful imagery! Originally Posted by matchingmole

Imitation is the greatest form of 'Flattery"!!!!!
The most 'cogent and constructive ' post mm's have ever made.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
mole is one cooked goose. think he'd make a good foie gras?
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 09:38 AM
DF - thanks for posting this

Shelly Luther and her history bring issues of authoritarian government inflicting on the people damaging regulations to the economy and freedoms.

many are fed up - and the Luther candidacy shows the groundswell of those opposed to any more restrictions from authoritarian governments.

She is a bit of a one issue candidate - but politicians best take note - People are Fed the hell Up with the governmental 'mismanagement" of the wuhan virus .
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
to be fair to Gov. Abbott, he did take her side against the judge on the sentencing hearing.

I'm wondering if he has regrets on the lockdown order he issued. if he and other governors excluding dems got bad info, the the lockdown order was GIGO.
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 11:37 AM
DF - fair enough.

i think my post is more accurate concerning teh West coast and New york state and Shity!
rexdutchman's Avatar
She "stood up to the man" and now really wants to stop the guberments overreach , You know like want the progressive want because being free and thinking ( w/o guberment telling u everything) is hard
matchingmole's Avatar
Imitation is the greatest form of 'Flattery"!!!!!
The most 'cogent and constructive ' post mm's have ever made. Originally Posted by oeb11

And - again nothing cogent or constructive - just name-calling and abhorrent hateful imagery!
matchingmole's Avatar
DF - thanks for posting this

Shelly Luther and her history bring issues of authoritarian government inflicting on the people damaging regulations to the economy and freedoms.

many are fed up - and the Luther candidacy shows the groundswell of those opposed to any more restrictions from authoritarian governments.

She is a bit of a one issue candidate - but politicians best take note - People are Fed the hell Up with the governmental 'mismanagement" of the wuhan virus . Originally Posted by oeb11

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

the only thing you got is your shitz.
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2020, 02:28 PM
Foolish Mole thinks i refer to Trump - foolish Mole does not understand tht the governor's and mayors are responsible for the economically disastrous lock-downs the DPST marxists are using to destroy america and pave the way for their Maxrist state.

But - after all - none so blind!

describes the DPST posters and their rants well

particularly Blue Meanie in the denial of 'teh' violence of DPST rioter/looters
sounds just like hannah-Jones - they should met, mate, and be forced to take care of the genetically challenged offspring.