Trump Should Announce that HE will Pack SCOTUS

ICU 812's Avatar
Trump and Court Packing

President should give the Democrats a hip-shimmy-and-head-fake on packing the Supreme Court. If he were to make a direct statement or at least "leak" the thought that he himself intends to add Justices to SCOTUS it whether he wins the election or not, could flush out the Democrats on that subject. By co-opting the idea he would get Democrats to loudly denounce the concept and provide all the arguments against it. Then he can say, "Well I guess you are right. It really is a bad idea." Doing this could kill the idea of court packing for another fifty years.

I am sure that there is a more subtle and politically savy way to work through this.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 11:39 AM
Per their usual unthinking hysteria - the racist, marxist DPST's would be sure to rush to condemn Trump for packing the SC. They universally line up against anything Trump proposes - regardless.

If biden is elected and they get he senate - they will go ahead and pack the SC anyway - they have no thought to having their hypocrisy, corruption, and Lies exposed.
He can’t because he needs both houses to restructure the court. Also, he might be dead soon so he won’t be packing anything but a casket.
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 01:30 PM
1b1 - as the rest of the racist, marxit DPST's - u show your own depravity regarding the wuhan virus infection of the POTUS

sniggering with glee much???

1b1 - your teacher's unions racist marxist education - left U sorely ignorant of the Constitution. Try reading it, if u know where to find a copy.

Not that it may mater much shortly - if harris takes office - the Constitution is dead and she will try to enforce marxism on Amerika - and be deposed by Civil WAR.
Typical - teacher's Union total ignorance education.
ICU 812's Avatar
It would be a rope-a-dope. This is not a real thing, it is a three-moves-deep strategy.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nobody would buy that Bullshit. Besides, he is packing the Court already
Lapdog's Avatar
The only thing Trump's gonna be packing for the next few weeks is his Huggies.
.... Also, he might be dead soon so he won’t be packing anything but a casket. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You want to put a wager on that?
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:55 PM
Nobody would buy that Bullshit. Besides, he is packing the Court already Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Depends on your definition CT - nominating a qualified justice to a vacancy on the 9 person court is not considered 'packing' What FDR tried to do , and the DPST have trumpeted that they will do - is nominate and confirm more justices than 'teh' current convention of 9 for seats on 'teh' SC.

Not to mention - if the DPST party had this opportunity to put a radical legislative judge on 'teh' SC under these same circumstances - you want to bet money they 'wouldn't do it"????
Of course they would , and will given the opportunity of a combined DPST Senate and POTUS.

usual DPST hypocrisy!!!!

Which will be the end of' 'teh' Rule of law under our Constitution, as it would have been if FDR had succeeded.
Don’t worry. Demo will get both houses and the presidency and restructure the court I a favorable way. Maybe send Thomas and Alito to the circuit and move Garland and Stewart to the SC. Do a 10 year rotation. Or just say fuck it and make the SC 13 members. And start rotating the district and circuits.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cogent and constructive or racist and Marxist?

Congratulations, DOTY 2020
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 05:39 PM
Be careful what One asks for Sheeples - it may not be what 'the' DPST acolytes are expecting!!
ICU 812's Avatar
I am looking for a scenario where Trump sasys he will nominate an additional two candidates for two additional seats on SCOTUS. I anticipate that the Democrats will howl about how it is unconstitutional, unethical and immoral etc. I am looking for the left to develop every argument opposing the expansion of the court.

I expect that the subject of a constitutional amendment will come up and perhaps an amendment proposed.

Then, win or lose in November, the liberals will have painted themselves into a corner on the subject. If Trump wins, he can drop the idea of adding justices and force the issue of an amendment forbidding it.
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2020, 08:51 AM
interesting thought - ICU - but hypocrisy is the snowflake DPST stock in trade
They will do whatever they see as their path to controlling the population under One party marxist rule - regardless.

Hypocrisy is 'teh' DPST stock in trade.