An Amazon link on my website? Have any of you done this? Thoughts?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm thinking of trying to add an amazon link to my website to make some funds off of it.

I've never done anything like this before and have no idea on how to go about it. I've been reading the portion of Amazon that explains it (just now, in fact) and my eyes are glazing over.

Has anyone done this on their site? Has it been successful?

It's a tad tacky, I know. But I'm a huge Amazon Prime person. I use the site a LOT and having it as a link would make a lot of sense for me.

Thoughts? Gentlemen, what do you think of the person when she has a link such as that one?

Thanks for your time with this.

ck1942's Avatar
Surprised the heck out of me that nowhere in Amazon's TOS does it specifically prohibit selling anything illegal. Of course, late night last night on my part, so perhaps I missed it this morning.

Searching the site I found for sale sexy lingerie, sex toys, condoms, xxx rated movies and books, etc.

So, depending on exactly what you want to market, why not dig deeper into Amazon and go for it.

One caution, your primary Amazon connections are well known to the site so if you don't see a security issue having those connections underlying your own website exposure , a dollar is a dollar. Thing is, once you start it up, even if you pull it down later, the tracks and trails will still be there.
+1 on double-checking the TOS.

You can also set up a wishlist, so dudes can buy you stuff (gifts or barter). Just make sure to set up the wishlist so you're not giving out your name or address.

While I'm here, my favorite sex-related item on Amazon: ...because you can never have too much lube, right?
I'm not clear...are you suggesting paying for your time/services through amazon? A novel approach to be sure...but I'm not entirely sure I'd want to leave such an easy trail for a halfway clever forensic accountant...js

I'd prefer to stick to cold, hard charitable donation. Now I'd be more than glad to purchase items on your prime wish list for you, but as for anything else I'd be hesitant.