Biden and the changed laws

Anyone thing that since Biden got in and signed new EO's, that sites like this will make a come back son?
As long as you don’t work for a living or pay taxes, you will probably be fine... that’s not the case for me
I know I'm screwed on that. I was talking about the sites like this. Trump basically shut them down and now Biden has already changed some of the laws. I figured that would let sites like this, AFF, swinglifestyle and others open things back up like they were. Less regulations
sure, right
Ah, no.

Not happening.

Here is the thing, even if our Uncle lets up on regs the CC processing companies are not going to do the same unless they are absolutely sure our Uncle isn't going to change things back.
I dont think Trump knew how bad fosta sesta was going to hurt your everyday sw. I have to believe he is perfectly fine with adults buying and selling ass or any other sw that adults engage in. I just think he is like most of us and hates child abuse and his people were telling him just how great this was going to be to end trafficking.

It really has made things much more difficult and risky for those of use who engage in the hobby. I have thought about leaving the boards and just staying quiet in the off chance that these places are being watched and are going to be used to target people down the road. I am still debating it to be honest. I guess it comes down to what can be proven in court and written reviews would be a hard sell. Who's to say that they even took place and weren't just made up? I use this site and others like it for my creative writing skills btw

Whats really messed up is people have spent decades in prison for weed offenses and now its legal most places. Hell you can have heroin and meth in Oregon but a man and a woman cant exchange sex for money. Somehow that doesn't make much sense. I cant see any positives for people using heroin or meth but I know a lot of guys who could really use a piece of pussy every now and then. Me personally if I go four days without I start getting cranky af and anyone around me who knows me well usually tells me to go find some pussy before I drive them crazy. Btw this is a huge positive if your close with your girls mom js.

In my experience once the government sets something like this in motion its here to stay. They just dont roll shit like this back anytime soon. I mean weed was legal until the 20s or 30's and here we are 90 years later and its just getting legalized again. So its really just how hard they are going to enforce it. If they really wanted to they could push us all way underground. I know I would disappear for good if I saw a bunch of new stories about them rounding up hookers and tricks using boards like this.

Biden while clearly having pedophilia leanings isn't going to repeal this. If anything camel toe is a hater who would love to see every male on earth go without ever getting laid again. So there will be no help coming from his administration. Well that is unless your an illegal alien murder rapist and want free healthcare/welfare housing vouchers and ebt cards. If so then I got a feeling your about to get hooked the fuck up.
I hear ya, Basscat, the good news is Biden’s old ass may soon die in his sleep, then we will have Kamala Harris as President with a majority in both houses of the Legislature,what could go wrong? I guess I would laugh if I thought it was funny...