Republican Next Move: Special Prosecutor

Yep; to go after Holder and the Obama White House....initially over Fast and Furious and Holder's lies before Congress.......but with broader supoena powers to seek out other high crimes and misdemeanors.........

Will Holder be thrown under the bus ? Their stonewalling isn't working.......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is the most paranoid, disorganized administration since Nixon.
  • Laz
  • 10-07-2011, 07:57 AM
This has proven Holder is one of two things. Either a liar or incompetent. Both are reasons for him to go.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2011, 12:19 PM
I thought you GOP'ers were for selling guns to whom ever had enough money to buy them. Unregulated gun sales, right?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I thought you GOP'ers were for selling guns to whom ever had enough money to buy them. Unregulated gun sales, right? Originally Posted by WTF
lol- I don't take anything Whirlway says serious- here's a man(Whirlway) who didn't even vote for the GOP candidate in 2008- and keep in mind won't tell anyone who he voted for- but yet says he's not a Republican- but every post he puts up is pro-republican- Hey Whirl looks like you didn't have the "nads" to spew your rants at Eastfield College this past Tuesday- why didn't you protest outside the school- you would have got all the attention you could have ever asked for.
Wellendowded; I am glad you follow every post and word I can learn something little grasshopper.....but you exaggerate beyond reason when you say such dumbass things as "every post" I make is pro-Republican...just this week i posted in a thread that Bush was an awful President; and that Obama should be credited for targeting Alawaki....again (for the slow learners), I am a Conservative, not a Repubican...big difference little grasshopper....sit and learn....

BTW, how do you know I wasn't at Eastfield ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought you GOP'ers were for selling guns to whom ever had enough money to buy them. Unregulated gun sales, right? Originally Posted by WTF
What a stupid comment. Your President was selling guns to criminals, and then those guns were used to kill American law enforcement officers. He ought to be impeached.

CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has been the lead reporter on this growing story. She says the WH continues to stonewall, there is alot more damaging information that will come out, and the Fast and Furious scheme is a serious scandal that has legs !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Selling those guns to the cartels is clearly giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I thought you GOP'ers were for selling guns to whom ever had enough money to buy them. Unregulated gun sales, right? Originally Posted by WTF
LOL - Didn’t you once post (in D & T some months back) that you are what every conservative fears: an armed, gun toting liberal? Once again you are “liberally” confused about the issues. American citizens – not necessarily Republican, Democrat, etc., – are for resisting the governments’ overt attempts to abrogate the civil rights of American citizens as guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. There is nothing illegal in defending one’s civil rights. On the other hand, “Operation Fast and Furious” violated federal and international laws and cannot be defended at any level.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2011, 10:59 PM
What a stupid comment. Your President was selling guns to criminals, and then those guns were used to kill American law enforcement officers. He ought to be impeached.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

First off, he is your President too. Bush was my President.

Next we do all kinda of stupid shit in the pursuit of criminals.

God Damn, Reagan gave arms to Iran!

Had that agent not been killed by that gun, he would have been killed by another.....that is the price we pay for allowing guns in our society. You will notice they buy them from us, not the Mexicans because the Mexicans do not sell them to anybody with a pulse.

Look, I'm all for people being armed, I'm just saying that this is much ado about nothing. Do the border agents think Mexicans have no guns?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, your idiocy on this leaves me dumbfounded, and unable to answer. You think it is fine for our government to sell arms to the cartel. Amazing.

What does Reagan have to do with this? Does what Reagan did make it ok for Obama to do this? Are you serious?

What this administration did in Fast and Furious is treason, and impeachable. Let the slain border guard's family know that he would have been shot anyway, so don't worry about it. They'll feel much better.

Af-Freakin's Avatar
First off, he is your President too. Bush was my President.

Next we do all kinda of stupid shit in the pursuit of criminals.

God Damn, Reagan gave arms to Iran!

Had that agent not been killed by that gun, he would have been killed by another.....that is the price we pay for allowing guns in our society. You will notice they buy them from us, not the Mexicans because the Mexicans do not sell them to anybody with a pulse.

Look, I'm all for people being armed, I'm just saying that this is much ado about nothing. Do the border agents think Mexicans have no guns? Originally Posted by WTF
dude stfu. stupid shit
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2011, 06:36 AM
WTF, your idiocy on this leaves me dumbfounded, and unable to answer. You think it is fine for our government to sell arms to the cartel. Amazing.

What does Reagan have to do with this? Does what Reagan did make it ok for Obama to do this? Are you serious?

What this administration did in Fast and Furious is treason, and impeachable. Let the slain border guard's family know that he would have been shot anyway, so don't worry about it. They'll feel much better.

Idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
God Damn....they were not selling guns to make money!

They were trying to catch the bad guys.

WTF is wrong with you folks?

You stupid shits act like they were on the fuc'n Mexicans side.

Do you think that is the only guns these Mexican drug lords have?

They buy guns in this country because we sell assault rifles to anyone with a heartbeat.

dude stfu. stupid shit Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Another internet badass
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2011, 06:53 AM
WTF do you cry babies think is the cause of all this violence? Do you guys remember Al Capone? Prohibition?

Hot only that but easy access to guns in this country means that folks will be killed by...drum roll please........................ .......GUNS!

It is the price a free society pays...and in this case a free society that has some stupid laws on drugs.

I can not figure out wtf you anti government Tea Folks are mad at. The government for selling arms or for trying to find the bad guys? Which is it you nitwits?

Since then, Mexico has experienced a slew of violence related to the drug war, including the discovery of over 300 corpses in mass graves in the northern city of Durango. A number of Mexican media outlets believe the death toll from the drug war, launched by current President Felipe Calderón in 2006, has topped 40,000.
The federal government says it will come up with a figure soon, but did not give specifics. “At some point, the appropriate update will be made,” Mexican federal security spokesman Alejandro Poiré said.
The news comes just as some of the Americas’ top policy thinkers stepped up criticism against the global war on drugs.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy presented a report Thursday in New York recommending a strategy based on decriminalization and an emphasis on reducing drug use through public health measures.
“Stop the war on drugs and let’s be more constructive in trying to reduce consumption,” said former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
The Commission also includes former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo and author Carlos Fuentes.
While the report criticizes a drug policy based on prosecuting users, it does recommend using the security forces to break up drug cartels like those that plague Mexico.