Why America Needs Gov. Gary Johnson in the Presidential Debates

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You want a real choice? This explains it.

From the article:

But some of the main obstacles that third parties face are artificial, not structural. "The two old parties have gamed the system," Johnson charges. The Presidential Debates Commission, or CPD, the private group that serves as the gatekeeper for the nationally televised debates, imposes an arbitrary barrier of 15 percent support in three national polls before a candidate can be included. That rule, adopted in 2000, would have barred virtually every third-party candidate in American history. The fix is in, it seems.

The article also states that Gary Johnson is the only candidate that does not support the Patriot Act and does not want to bomb Iran. I would add that Gary Johnson is the only candidate that does not support the indefinite detention of American citizens provision in the NDAA.

Johnson also states from the article, when asked about his candidacy guaranteeing an Obama win, "He says he gets that a lot: "The implication of the question is that I'm gonna take votes away from all those ... anti-war, pro-gay marriage Republicans that are currently supporting Romney." Johnson admits that his candidacy hurts Romney in North Carolina, but insists, "I take more votes from Obama in New Mexico."

I can't fathom why he is "unelectable".
Save yourself the grief and heartache and give up this Gary Johnson as viable Presidential candidate campaign. He's just not presidential material. Seriously. I've seen him on TV several times, mainly on Fox News, his allies, and he still doesn't come off well.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He doesn't come off well. Scholars say Lincoln would not have "come off" well, either. I'll stick with Gary Johnson. Politicians who "come off" well have practically ruined our country.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If he is a candidate for a third party he should be in the debates.
Do you think having Johnson part of the debates will hurt Romney's chances?

Even peeling off 1% of his votes could swing it to Obama. I suppose it could be argued that Obama's youth vote could be swayed away to Johnson....but I am not sure.

I am on the fence.........a 3-way debate will take some of the debate advantage away from Obama...as much as I hate to admit it, Obama is very good at appealing to the un-thinking voter who does not have a poltical perspective or foundation........soaring empathy that sounds wonderful but in reality is horrible policy

Doesn't the elections committe that oversees the debates have a minimum threshold (party candidate has to be polling a minimum of 10% to be in the debates)? I think that is a reasonable standard...afterall the LP hasn't proven themselves to be formidible in electing anyone to a national office.

Keep in mind Gov. Johnson ran as a Republican when he won that seat !

Had he won as an LP; you might convince me otherwise.
joe bloe's Avatar
Do you think having Johnson part of the debates will hurt Romney's chances?

Even peeling off 1% of his votes could swing it to Obama. I suppose it could be argued that Obama's youth vote could be swayed away to Johnson....but I am not sure.

I am on the fence.........a 3-way debate will take some of the debate advantage away from Obama...as much as I hate to admit it, Obama is very good at appealing to the un-thinking voter who does not have a poltical perspective or foundation........soaring empathy that sounds wonderful but in reality is horrible policy

Doesn't the elections committe that oversees the debates have a minimum threshold (party candidate has to be polling a minimum of 10% to be in the debates)? I think that is a reasonable standard...afterall the LP hasn't proven themselves to be formidible in electing anyone to a national office.

Keep in mind Gov. Johnson ran as a Republican when he won that seat !

Had he won as an LP; you might convince me otherwise. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Bush won in 2000 because Nader got two percent that would have gone to Gore in Florida.
Good point JB; I think America needs to hear from articulate LPers like Johnson, they have a good message (when they stay away from the kooky stuff)...he was pretty good on Colbert back in April. He is definetly tamping down the kooky image of Libertarians.....

Thier "social tolerance" stance is just code word for political correctness (circa 21st century).
