Tell Me About Pussy Reponse ;)

  • Chloe
  • 01-04-2010, 11:20 PM
So I have personally tasted, encountered and enjoyed many different pussies. . . as the same with men . . .but I was wondeing the other side of the opinion.

No taste? Sweet taste? Foreign yet not bad taste? All taste? Hairy? Strip of cut down hair? Bare? Wet Response? Orgasmic response? Getting it ready resonse? Squirmy hot response? Hard clit no matter what response?

Oh man I'm gettting wet posting this lol . . . I want to hear opinions!!!!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-05-2010, 12:26 AM
Sweet, no hair to very little trimmed. Smooth!

Any response is good, but the more responsive and wetter the better.

Even feel free to help out or show what ya like

Just curious Chloe... What are YOUR preferences?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I like mine hairy

But I know that it is easier to sell a hard wood floor than a rug.
I have to say the least amount of taste or any taste that lingers for longer than necessary is NOT GOOD. I have facial hair, and a good taste is like dessert I can enjoy after the encounter. Sweet is fine, but juicy and wet is best. If I have to always use saliva then it's not a good time for anyone am sure.
Another thing Chloe, after reading Bob's review of "almost perfection", I'm going to need to see ya rather soon than later.
Trimmed (or shaved), nice clit, with HOPEFULLY orgasmic response!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I like mine hairy

But I know that it is easier to sell a hard wood floor than a rug. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
May I ask you how you like your man, shaven or unshaven above and below and any other part you can think of?[
  • Laker
  • 01-05-2010, 08:03 AM
Chloe, wow great morning subject for making the day!!

A slight taste is just great.

Shaved, Waxed, Landing Strip, Trimmed

Wet, obviously enjoying being tasted, then orgasmic, ending with both of us smiling! Is definitly the most fun way of getting the lady ready for her ride!
youngatheart's Avatar
Chloe you have been a busy girl on the computer....
Shaved or strip and real responses not canned ones. If it doesn't feel good don't make those fake "mmm, oh daddy" sounds. We too can tell when someone's faking it.
  • Laker
  • 01-05-2010, 09:56 AM

Your turn, now that several of us have responded, give the ladie's POV
RobRoy's Avatar
Shaved, taste free (or nearly) and only genuinely felt moans and movements.
I really hate the theatrics.
A provider once told me though - "Ya can't fake wet!"

brutusbluto's Avatar
Has to absolutely be clean, no doubt, but when its a throbbin shes a rockin!
Hardpiped03's Avatar
Little to no taste...shaved or a landing strip.....

But most importantly...response from the lady is important!

jimny's Avatar
  • jimny
  • 01-05-2010, 05:20 PM
I've met very few that I didn't like. :-)

My preference is sweet smelling/tasting, nicely trimmed or shaved, landing strips are fine as well. A hairy overgrowth jungle is not my thing. I just hate picking hair out of my teeth.
Hmm, how do I like my pussy... err, a woman's pussy?

I'm old school. I'm fine with a rug. If the woman is a natural blond, the kind that catches the sun's reflection and blonds up to approach a fine yellow-white beacon, then shaving should be a crime.

If the woman can make George of Jungle feel at home, then a trimming to a natural triangle is welcome.

A 'landing strip' or a 'heart' all signal an adventurous spirit and spurs on the frontier explorer in me.

Hairless... where did this trend come from? I'm in the minority I suppose but I want to bury my face in a woman and not a prepubescent girl.

I love me some fem-meat. To re-purpose the belly button saying, I prefer an outie to an innie. We like roses because of all the beautiful layered petals. We like Jiffy Pop after it's been heated and puffed out to the bursting point with wonderful salty treats hidden within. I love eating pussy. The more of it the better.

Depends on my mood. Sometimes I like the little hidden bump that needs to be teased tenderly to firm up to a round full micro-bulb. Other times I want to find a distinct elongated clit ridge. And...I have to admit this...I think I would be okay with a clit big enough to make me start to wonder if I'm lugging about a latent homosexual urge. In other words, a clit is like buried treasure. Whatever you find is more then what you had a few moments earlier. It would take a man with no perspective to do anything but rejoice at having the opportunity to place his tongue on the single most central physical part of a woman.

While I'm on the subject of buried treasure, I like a woman who is a comfortable guide in helping me find her pleasure. Share the map ladies. A woman's oral climax is a little like those wall locker locks you used in high school. If you get told the first two numbers, you can find that third number if you tease the tumbler patiently. Having a woman help you find the first two numbers is deeply appreciated. Whether she communicates through Pavlovian soft moans, her hand holding a fistful of hair positioning you just so, an undulation to rub herself against your mouth/nose/lips/tongue, or explicit loving descriptions of what she likes and where she like makes no matter. The communication is a major part of the uniqueness of getting to know a woman's secret excitement.

While I'm on the subject of combination numbers, digits is also an issue. Whether she wants none or one. Whether she wants four or more. Whether she wants them deep or steep. Fast or slow. Teasing or brutal. It's all good. Talk to me sweetheart, tell me what you WANT.

I like the whole middle range. I don't want it so antiseptic that I could be licking the inside of a freshly opened surgical pack. I don't want it so odoriferous that I could mistake it for the world's largest outdoor fish market in Inchon, Korea. I want to know I'm eating real pussy. To paraphrase a scene from Apocalypse Now, a movie most providers are too young to remember:

Kilgore: Smell that? You smell that?
Lance: What?
Kilgore: Pussy, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.
Kilgore: I love the smell of pussy in the morning. You know, one time we had a hooker eaten, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. The smell, you know that musky smell, her whole mound. Smelled like
[sniffing, pondering]
Kilgore: victory. Someday this party's gonna end... ,

They say that once you get past the smell, you've got it licked. Healthy pussy smells healthy. If it smells healthy, it's gonna taste healthy. If it doesn't smell healthy, that's a signal that you don't wanna go there. Some say they like the faint taste of honey. Okay, bring some honey, just enough to help make her faint.

An under-appreciated differentiator, pussy juice can run like a spring brook. It can flow like honey after being microwaved for a minute on medium. It can be as dry as Lubbock, TX. I like the second one the most. Something that is wet enough to fully moisten your thumb and forefinger and thick enough to stretch into a clear, unbroken miniature of an hourglass when you part them an eighth of an inch. If you part your fingers a full inch and the femjuice streamer remains unbroken or isn't particularly clear, I consider charging for a gynecologic examination. In the extreme, if you open your hand, extending your fingers fully forming an "L" shape and the femjuice streamer is both intact and clear, congratulatons! You've just gone down on Spiderwoman.

Free is best. Good pussy is worth every penny you pay for it though. Even though it is one of the world's most renewable resources and it is available without monopoly, it has the kind of value that drives good men to work their ass off, to take the risks of dangerous jobs, to forgo sleep, food and drink... just to invest in a few of the best moments of their lives.