Call your representative tomorrow (Monday, 5 Jan.)

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is the time for more conservative voices to be heard in Washington (the rest of you just relax and play with yourselves). John Boehner wants to be speaker again and he is only 26 votes away from that not happening. He has targeted conservatives, called them names, discouraged our candidates, cheated our candidates, and has gotten in the way of any meaningful reform by conservative interests. He has openly agreed with Obama on Obamacare, the Omnibus spending bill (taking us to 18 trillion dollars), and illegal amnesty. Time for him to hit the streets with his sign that says "Will Legislate for Food".

Contact your reps on Monday and tell them that Boehner does not deserve another term.

So far two reps. have announced their intent to run against Boehner; Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoyo but a speaker does not have to even be a member of the house or an elected official.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2015, 04:10 PM
but a speaker does not have to even be a member of the house or an elected official. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who are you recommending for Speaker JD? Ted Cruz?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-04-2015, 04:38 PM
Who are you recommending for Speaker JD? Ted Cruz? Originally Posted by WTF
I think he believes he himself is best suited.
So far two reps. have announced their intent to run against Boehner; Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoyo but a speaker does not have to even be a member of the house or an elected official. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Louie Gohmert?
I'm IN!

Replacing Speaker Boehner: Here's How It's Done

7 hours ago
December’s disgraceful CRomnibus debacle fresh in mind, House conservatives may finally be ready to hand the most powerful gavel in the House from John Boehner to a more principled leader when they vote for Speaker of the House on January 6th. Replacing Boehner is both possible and necessary for a multitude of reasons, but it’s important to understand how the vote works in order to counter the misinformation that has already started coming from those with a vested interest in keeping the status quo.

Under the Constitution, the Speaker of the House must be elected each Congress by a majority of present Members of the House – 218 votes at the current count – and the Speaker election must occur before any other business in the new Congress. Although both parties typically nominate a single candidate before the vote takes place, any Member of the House can vote for any person to become Speaker – they can even vote for someone who is not in Congress at all!

This means that under the current numbers (246 Republicans to 188 Democrats) only 29 Republicans need to vote for someone other than Boehner in order to force another vote. The House will hold as many votes as necessary until one individual gets to the magic 218.

An important point to take away from this is that there is literally no way the Democrats could get the necessary votes to elect a Speaker of their choice unless a large number of Republicans were to join them. The charge that voting against Boehner could lead to a Speaker Pelosi (an accusation that was tossed around last time in 2013 and is sure to come back) is ridiculous and impossible.

At least two conservative members so far, Reps. Ted Yoho (FL) and Louie Gohmert (TX), have stepped up as possible alternatives to Boehner, and many more have publicly refused to vote for him. There's no question at this point that there enough conservatives who are dissatisfied with Boehner's leadership to keep him from a third term as Speaker if they were to stand together.

But voting against the sitting Speaker of the House is a huge political risk for anyone involved – Leadership can kick them off of committees, make it impossible for their bills to get a vote, and even support primary challengers against them. Polls already show a large majority of Republican voters want a new Speaker, but the Republicans in Congress need to hear from you, to know that their constituents stand with them. It’s crucial to send messages and phone calls to their offices to help bolster their resolve.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Run Louie run!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2015, 11:28 PM
I'm IN!

This means that under the current numbers (246 Republicans to 188 Democrats) only 29 Republicans need to vote for someone other than Boehner in order to force another vote.

An important point to take away from this is that there is literally no way the Democrats could get the necessary votes to elect a Speaker of their choice unless a large number of Republicans were to join them. . .

...But voting against the sitting Speaker of the House is a huge political risk for anyone involved – Leadership can kick them off of committees, make it impossible for their bills to get a vote, and even support primary challengers against them. . Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your in over your head... you do realize that Dem's can also vote for John Boehner, thus negating GOP defects.

Those defectors would then possible incur the wrath of the Speaker by Leadership can kick them off of committees, make it impossible for their bills to get a vote
Yssup Rider's Avatar
yeah, but SLOBBRIN IS IN!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Justin Amash. He would be a great Speaker.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The number who publicly oppose Boehner is now nine as of this morning.
rioseco's Avatar
yeah, but SLOBBRIN IS IN!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Count me in. Im no drooling liberal.
Snick, snort, fart, burp !
Count me in. Im no drooling liberal.
I'm A Snick, snort, fart, burp tea bog! Originally Posted by rioseco
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, Tampon has seconded the nomination of Louie Gohmert for Speaker and it is a good choice. I listened to him this morning and I like his ideas;

Order government to stop spying on Americans
Defund all the czars until Obama starts enforcing border security
Discuss comprehensive immigration reform AFTER the border is secure
Start removing regulations on the American people
Push forward on all the current investigations into Benghazi, the IRS, the Justice Department, the NSA, and Fast and Furious
Stop Obamacare and reconsider because of the Gruber revelations
Decentralize the power of the speaker and reduce that power
Throw out the tax code and begin discussions on either a flat tax, the fair tax, or some kind of spending tax.
Get rid of all energy subsidies
Establish an energy policy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Okay, Tampon has seconded the nomination of Louie Gohmert for Speaker and it is a good choice. I listened to him this morning and I like his ideas;

Order government to stop spying on Americans
Defund all the czars until Obama starts enforcing border security
Discuss comprehensive immigration reform AFTER the border is secure
Start removing regulations on the American people
Push forward on all the current investigations into Benghazi, the IRS, the Justice Department, the NSA, and Fast and Furious
Stop Obamacare and reconsider because of the Gruber revelations
Decentralize the power of the speaker and reduce that power
Throw out the tax code and begin discussions on either a flat tax, the fair tax, or some kind of spending tax.
Get rid of all energy subsidies
Establish an energy policy Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, that would be a good start.