voter fraud with skittles

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the left insists voter fraud is much ado about nothing.

stupid ass idiots.

faulty math.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • DSK
  • 10-23-2016, 07:17 AM

the left insists voter fraud is much ado about nothing.

stupid ass idiots.

faulty math. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The left doesn't mind fraud, when it is in their favor.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like the dead have already voted in early voting.

man dead for 6 years contiunes to vote
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
They have been doing this for years, wonder how many times the Republicans should have been in.

Another Project Veritas after being fired by Americans United for Change

Cesaer Vargas is even talking about what they will do for 2018
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where are the DEAD votes? States ain't the greatest at cleaning their rolls. But where is the fraud?
Well everything that Mr Fovell and others are speaking is down right fraud. Maybe you ought to look up the meaning of fraud?????????????
What about Scott Walker refusing to issue out ID's in time for people to vote:

[COLOR="Red"]The reality is that voter fraud—which includes a range of offenses from impersonating another voter to casting more than one vote—is extraordinarily rare. And the tsunami of voter ID laws, address requirements, and sloppy purges of voter rolls has made it much harder for Americans—particularly minorities and poor voters—to cast their ballots.

Here are some selections from our reporting on the voter fraud myth and the impact of anti-voter-fraud laws:

The rate of fraud in US elections is close to zero.
UFO sightings are more common than voter fraud.
So is getting struck by lightning.
Florida’s aggressive efforts to root out voter fraud before the 2000 election erroneously purged 12,000 names from the voter rolls—of the 12,000, 44 percent, more than 4,700 voters—were African American. That was more than enough votes to change the outcome of that year's presidential election.
Native Americans are fighting a slew of high-stakes legal battles over voting rights; many of the lawsuits are linked to rules that were designed to prevent voting fraud.
Voter ID laws are among a host of hurdles that minorities face when they cast a ballot.
A national voter ID card could end the debate on voter fraud, but both parties hate that idea.
GOP presidential contender Ted Cruz's Iowa chairman spent $250,000 to stop people from voting.
Interestingly, a conservative activist inadvertently demonstrated how hard it is to commit voter fraud.
What about Scott Walker refusing to issue out ID's in time for people to vote:

[COLOR="Red"]The reality is that voter fraud—which includes a range of offenses from impersonating another voter to casting more than one vote—is extraordinarily rare. And the tsunami of voter ID laws, address requirements, and sloppy purges of voter rolls has made it much harder for Americans—particularly minorities and poor voters—to cast their ballots.

Here are some selections from our reporting on the voter fraud myth and the impact of anti-voter-fraud laws:

The rate of fraud in US elections is close to zero.
UFO sightings are more common than voter fraud.
So is getting struck by lightning.
Florida’s aggressive efforts to root out voter fraud before the 2000 election erroneously purged 12,000 names from the voter rolls—of the 12,000, 44 percent, more than 4,700 voters—were African American. That was more than enough votes to change the outcome of that year's presidential election.
Native Americans are fighting a slew of high-stakes legal battles over voting rights; many of the lawsuits are linked to rules that were designed to prevent voting fraud.
Voter ID laws are among a host of hurdles that minorities face when they cast a ballot.
A national voter ID card could end the debate on voter fraud, but both parties hate that idea.
GOP presidential contender Ted Cruz's Iowa chairman spent $250,000 to stop people from voting.
Interestingly, a conservative activist inadvertently demonstrated how hard it is to commit voter fraud. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Pukely, we are taking this country back so lump it bitch...

goodman0422's Avatar
This is stupid metaphor but, for arguement's sake, if you could sift through 834 million Skittles to find 35 m&m s, you can bet there more.

The only way to ensure there are only 35 is to inspect the other 833,999,965. That has not happened. A small sample of ballots are checked. If there is fraud in that small sample, a statistician sould project out estimated numbers of actual fraud. (This is also how polls are done. Pollsters take from a small sample and project expected numbers.)

Remember, the the deciding state of Florida in the 2000 election was won by 537 votes out of almost 6 million cast in that state. The state of New Mexico was won by only 366 votes.

I know many liberals will play dumb and say "there are only 35" but finding 35 means there are more. And in a large sample size, in this case in the 100s of millions, there are many many more.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Where are the DEAD votes? States ain't the greatest at cleaning their rolls. But where is the fraud? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
impersonating dead voters. you do know how that works.