Cubs headed to the series.

bambino's Avatar
Go Indians!!!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-23-2016, 10:52 AM
Go Cleveland.

If the Cubs win, that is a clear sign that the end times are upon us.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
once again Eva cannot read that this the "Political Form"
once again Eva cannot read that this the "Political Form" Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

Didn't see any of your snarky comments on this one, you pimple faced bitch.
JCM800's Avatar
Go Cubs!
once again Eva cannot read that this the "Political Form" Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Well it's political the Cubs will make sure Obama goes out a winner.
Well it's political the Cubs will make sure Obama goes out a winner. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I think he is a Whitesox Fan. Although in that infamous interview back in 2010 he couldn't name one ChiSox player, past or present.

I bet Frank Thomas said......"what tha fuck"??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Go Cleveland.

If the Cubs win, that is a clear sign that the end times are upon us.
Originally Posted by Old-T
ahaha. the four horsemen ride?

i'd be ok with long suffering Cleveland having a watershed sports year. they already bagged the NBA title with BronBron, why not win the World Serious?? ahahahaa they certainly have ZERO chance to get to the SuperDuperBowl ahahaha

I think he is a Whitesox Fan. Although in that infamous interview back in 2010 he couldn't name one ChiSox player, past or present.

I bet Frank Thomas said......"what tha fuck"?? Originally Posted by Jackie S
ahahaha. anyone who refers to Chicago as the ChiSox is a true old school baseball fan. awesome!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar

Didn't see any of your snarky comments on this one, you pimple faced bitch. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
pimples are problems that 3rd graders have
pimples are problems that 3rd graders have Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
That fits you to a T hillbilly, here maybe this will help.

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Cubs in 5
Go Cleveland.

If the Cubs win, that is a clear sign that the end times are upon us.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Yep, go Cleveland. Just to piss off obammy and " late-to-the-party " shrilLIARy. Mebbe there won't be as much killing during the times that the Cubs play in that bastion of liberal gun control, their home town of Chit-cago !!!
6---0 Cleveland.