And the Progressive NY left whines away......................
Total idiot. Trying to draw bizarre analogies to support bizarre viewpoints. Pretty much par for the bizarre idiot course.
2 butt hurt bitchez^^^
2 butt hurt bitchez^^^ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
More insightful commentary from the resident moron. You and IBanIdiot ought to breed and produce children who can produce a constant stream of inarticulate and utterly stupid commentary on all matters internet.

I B Hankering's Avatar
More insightful commentary from the resident moron. You and IBanIdiot ought to breed and produce children who can produce a constant stream of inarticulate and utterly stupid commentary on all matters internet.

Originally Posted by timpage
Maybe you're too stupid and missed the object lesson of de Blasio's harangue and the multitude of public protests by Kool Aid sotted lib-retards like you, Little Timmy-tard: they don't like it when the police try to enforce the laws.
More insightful commentary from the resident moron. You and IBanIdiot ought to breed and produce children who can produce a constant stream of inarticulate and utterly stupid commentary on all matters internet.

Douche. Originally Posted by timpage
I like how you signed your name Douche... way to go Timmy
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Total idiot. Trying to draw bizarre analogies to support bizarre viewpoints. Pretty much par for the bizarre idiot course. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm torn about the right of the police to do this work stoppage/protest. I lean to law and order and feel like they should do their job or resign. However, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a short time.
2 butt hurt bitchez^^^ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yah you and whirlagay.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm torn about the right of the police to do this work stoppage/protest. I lean to law and order and feel like they should do their job or resign. However, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a short time. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
fucking commie union stooge!

and oh yeah, SNICK!

Why didn't you have the stones to post the point of your "story" Whir-LIE-turd? Would it have anything too do with another outrageous lie in your screaming headline? I guess we'll find out when the sputtering, backpedaling and accusations start to fly.

Like -- where does the story mention President Obama? NOWHERE, you lying sack of shit.

You get a pass on NOTHING until you post the freaking link to the story that quotes MLK speaking against illegal immigration.

Until then, nobody can believe a thing you say, Whir-LIE-turd!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
fucking commie union stooge!

and oh yeah, SNICK!

Why didn't you have the stones to post the point of your "story" Whir-LIE-turd? Would it have anything too do with another outrageous lie in your screaming headline? I guess we'll find out when the sputtering, backpedaling and accusations start to fly.

Like -- where does the story mention President Obama? NOWHERE, you lying sack of shit.

You get a pass on NOTHING until you post the freaking link to the story that quotes MLK speaking against illegal immigration.

Until then, nobody can believe a thing you say, Whir-LIE-turd! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You fucking butter bar asshat - he never claimed MLK said it. Read the original OP and try to understand exactly what was said - that MLK would have opposed it, based upon his thinking as relayed by his aids at the time. His own fucking colleagues attributed that line of thing to him. He long ago provided that answer, and he isn't compelled to produce a link just because you two babies want him to do so.

If has been asked and answered, so move on before you look like more of an asshat and a dipshit than ever.

Clarence B. Jones, former personal counsel, advisor, close friend, and Dr. King’s speechwriter for the I Have a Dream speech, said that King would vehemently oppose the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, and would be offended at the comparison of phony rights for lawbreakers to civil rights for oppressed citizen Blacks.
In his book, What Would Martin Say, Jones said:
What would Martin say to illegal aliens? He’d say, “If you’re in this country illegally, have you come here in order to protest what you consider an ‘unjust law?’ If you haven’t, then for whatever other reason you’re here, even if it’s to make money for your sick child, which is as good a reason as there is, then you’re just violating the immigration laws of this country and deserve no more consideration from the authorities than does a thief.
To politicians who pander cravenly to the illegal immigration lobby, Jones said Dr. King would say:
You were elected to do what’s right by your American constituents, whether or not they line your pockets with reelection donations. Please, before you make it easier for the unfortunate of other countries to come here, consider the cost of your actions on the less fortunate of the country whose Constitution you’ve sworn to uphold.”
Despite many “church” leaders now embracing amnesty, Jones said King would lambaste businessmen who put cheap illegal labor above what was moral:
To businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens or choose not to know, Martin would say what he preached to the congregation at Ebenezer Baptist while still a student. He’d say, “We do not have to look very far to see the tragic consequences which develop when men worship the almighty dollar. First it causes men to be more concerned about making a living than making a life.”