Colette Dallas

Caveman1234's Avatar
Wondering if anyone has been there. My wife's 50th birthday is coming up and recently she said she wanted to do new things. I know she doesn't want to be with another guy, but from what I have read, this place is a club with dancing but also has rooms to watch, participate with your partner and or others. Don't want a bunch of cheesy dudes hitting on her, just wondering what the patrons are like?
tiatate's Avatar
It's a great place for couples (obviously)! 10/10 definitely recommend. But make sure she's open to it, or just a VERY open woman in general. I often see women there that were obviously dragged there or it was a "surprise" by their man.
Yes, you might want to take her to a glory hole first to warm her up.
Op you really, really need to identify what "try new things" means. I am an experienced swinger for 10+ years and I have been to multiple hotel takeover, week long events with REAL swingers.

Best case is be a bunch of cheesy dudes hitting on her, as Collette's is hostile to single dudes and most dfw swinger dudes of substance know this and dont go, and it is mostly confused couples like you guys who want to spice things up and yet have no idea what or how to do it.

Other than that it is a bunch of cliquish, stuck up people that won't talk to you and 90% are voyeurs waiting for someone to put on a show.

Alternatively it is couples looking for a hot 22 year old unicorn that doesn't exist or frequent collettes. Figure out what you guys actually want or just pay $80 to go sit around and get some expensive drinks in a club.

No real swingers are rating the club 10/10 and I had several good friends attempt to waive me off before I went there my one and only time that I actually got bored at a swing club.

Bliss is way better, players dfw is way better, velvet curtain may be better, I haven't been.
Collettes is probably the perfect atmosphere for what you are looking for. The guy above is in the swinger lifestyle and I would imagine your wife would be bowled over by the places he suggested. Baby steps OP. Have fun.
Caveman1234's Avatar
Thanks. I am 100% sure she doesn't want to Swing, and neither do I. I mentioned it to her and she seems very open to going and watching, and actually had a sexy smile when I said people could watch us.
If you just want to watch and be observed Collette's may be a good spot then. It is not a real swinger club, but mostly for Voyeurs, which is fine. Go pay $85 and do your thing.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-25-2017, 12:56 PM
Baby steps indeed...

Taking that first step by dressing nicely and just going to observe could be the only one you take. Out of that can come conversations. Maybe she might say something like "can you believe she did that to him!" and after few drinks at home, she is doing it too, letting her daring side come out.

The key with places like this is that YOU AND YOUR WIFE have to have a conversation before you go. Don't completely surprise her with it.

Understand what each other is OK with, even if you don't fully know yet, set some basic expectations. Come together, leave together. Have a code word or signal. DON"T GET WASTED. -_-

From my experience in places like these, it is Ask - Reply.

Meaning most people won't just sleaze around hounding. They observe, then if they pick up signals, they ask. If told no, they respect that and tend to not bother the person again. Security and management do not want a hostile vibe, so they will quickly handle any situations that come up.

I love clubs like these. But, I tend not to play too close to home. The hobby pool here is actually smaller than some would like to believe.
@BBCDFW... Every post you make about Collettes is seriously negative. You mention it's not a real swingers club... I hate to disagree, but it is... It might not be a hard core du ngeon setting, but like minded couples go there. They swap wives, they meet others with similar ideals and set up private house parties.

It seems as though you might have gone as a single male and weren't invited to play. Or, perhaps you work for a competitor...

It's pretty clear here that quite a few clients and providers have been ti Collettes and clearly enjoy themselves.

Sorry you got butt hurt when you attended.

Yes, it is seriously negative...but I notice you don't describe the posts as incorrect or inaccurate. I'm just trying to keep it real.

It is not a place where real swingers go to. Curious folks like OP that don't know any better? Sure. You can disagree, but what basis for comparison do you have? I've been to 8+ clubs across the US and internationally not to mention multiple hotel take over events and private parties. Have you been to players DFW? I have. Have you been to Xposed adult theater or Bliss? I have. By all means, inform everyone about what qualities make Colette's better than Bliss or better than Players DFW? How does it compare to the Velvet curtain?

Point of clarification, dungeons are for BDSM, not swinging. Nothing wrong with BDSM play, and it sounds like most people here would have their minds blown by watching a spanking session or the semi-nudity that goes on there. I've been to the marble door, and you can expect what I described above, but not sex, at least in the open areas...That's an honest assessment.

Full disclosure, I was told independently by two experienced swingers before I went that I probably wouldn't enjoy Colettes, the people suck, and they were 100% correct. I did go as a single male, but it wasn't exactly like a roman orgy was going on around me and I wasn't invited to play. NOBODY was playing, except one women who was giving the most uninspired BJ I've every seen and there were a bunch of slack jawed dudes standing around like they've never seen something like that before. Two dudes were apparently similarly bored as they were talking about roofing supplies and contracting, and I decided that was fate telling me it was time to go. I didn't see anyone I wanted to play with anyone and apparently nobody else wanted to play either with anyone else, so I left and had a laugh with my friends that warned me about Colettes.

I get turned down sometimes at swing clubs or sometimes they have a slow night. That doesn't bother me, and I have plenty of action from friends or on demand... I am in Germany and just went to Club Emmanuelle, it was a slow night and I got zero action. Would I recommend Emmanuelle if you are in Germany? I sure would. I'm going back tomorrow night, in fact. I've been turned down at Players DFW a few times. That said, I've also done a DP at Players DFW. Would I recommend Players? Yup.

Just because some providers and clients had a good time is meaningless, there is nothing special that I have read about that describes anything Colette's did to make it fun. They could have had just as good a time at Bliss or Players or Xposed or any other place where you could draw a crowd and get naked. It would be something if they went to Players DFW, said it sucked and went to Colette's and said it was amazing.

Don't feel bad for me, I've seen and done some amazing stuff. I'm just trying to pay the warning forward and offer an informed opinion larger than a sample size of 1.
Wondering if anyone has been there. My wife's 50th birthday is coming up and recently she said she wanted to do new things. I know she doesn't want to be with another guy, but from what I have read, this place is a club with dancing but also has rooms to watch, participate with your partner and or others. Don't want a bunch of cheesy dudes hitting on her, just wondering what the patrons are like? Originally Posted by Caveman1234
I've been to collette's many, many times.

The crowd there is a mix between late 30's to 50's. I've gone on nights were the crowd was mostly black and then again on nights were the crowd was mostly white. All in all, its best to go on the theme nights when everyone dresses up.

If I was in Dallas, I would love to be you and your wife's tour guide.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks. I am 100% sure she doesn't want to Swing, and neither do I. I mentioned it to her and she seems very open to going and watching, and actually had a sexy smile when I said people could watch us. Originally Posted by Caveman1234
You might wish to, again, evaluate what that smile could mean.

Could have been one of those, "I love you" types of smiles that females give to men that say silly things but they adore them anyway.

Guess I'll make a confession here. One of the reasons why I don't really like to see married couples, is with very few exceptions, nearly every single woman was doing this to pleasure and please their husband/partner.

They said that they were game and willing (I used to never visit with a couple before speaking to the female, first). And perhaps they were being sporting about the desires of their partners.

But with one exception, every single couple ... wow ... one can just tell that the wife isn't into it. Or really doesn't wish to see her husband get a blowjob from another woman.

And really what's worse? Women don't like seeing their men having sex with another woman, no matter how hard they're trying to be cool about it.

Yes. There are true "swingers" and people who are bisexual. But our society has some pretty screwy ideas about sex. And it's rare, not in our circles, but it's rare for a female to truly wish to be that out in the open about her sexuality. Or do that in front of others. So just be sure that she's OK with your plans.

Truly, she's OK with it.

Porn, and the overt sexuality that permeates the internet, is crazily invasive. I don't believe that societal sexual mores have caught up to the overt sexuality that we see on the internet and advertising.

So we're lead to believe that it should be alright to explore our sexuality, but all of that other baggage comes into play. This is probably not the OP's situation but I'm writing this because so many read Eccie and do not respond to topics. My thoughts here are for the lurkers.

OK. Went on a tangent there.

But if neither one of you are interested in swinging, then why don't you just go to like The New Fine Arts and do something together like that?

Go into one of those back rooms. Explore that way.

Try new things? Gosh. There are a lot of fun things to try. Sex outdoors during a picnic comes to mind right now. Bring food and wine. Feed each other. Use your fingers.

Try on sexy outfits together.

I really like what a lot of the members here have suggested above, and I'll parrot one of them: take baby steps.

Then, take bigger steps. Then ... go forward and do something more brazen, if the previous adventures worked out.

A sweet and sexy smile can mean anything. It can mean that she's wishing to placate you and your desires.

Sorry if I sound negative. Your topic is a good one.

I just don't wish to see another lady dragged by her nose (or gently lead) into a situation that is completely uncomfortable for her.

So that's my main point.

Good luck,
Collettes is like a dance club with loud music in the one room. If you stay there, it is pretty tame. You'll see some BJs and grinding going on. On Fridays, it's a little less crowded, but Saturday is the main night.

If you want more you can venture into the semi-private room area where people are playing behind a sheer curtain. The curtain may be open. On Fridays, there are too many creepy single guys in there watching for my tastes. Then there is the area where only couples can get in. There are beds w/ private curtains. That may be something she might like. You are private, but you can hear the other couples playing. They don't allow single men in this area so it is only couples. Then there is the big round bed. Usually couples sitting around the perimeter watching couples(s) playing. Sort of like live porn.

The nice thing about Collettes is it is clean. Clean sheets, clean towels. Attendants who keep everything clean.

Hope this helps, and you figure something out.

Happy hunting!

PS You know your wife better than us. Make it about her. If she freaks out you need to be able to say it was her idea. You don't want her coming back with, "you pressured me!".
Scribe's Avatar
Wondering if anyone has been there. My wife's 50th birthday is coming up and recently she said she wanted to do new things. I know she doesn't want to be with another guy, but from what I have read, this place is a club with dancing but also has rooms to watch, participate with your partner and or others. Don't want a bunch of cheesy dudes hitting on her, just wondering what the patrons are like? Originally Posted by Caveman1234
Caveman, I'm going to offer you a little different advice here... just "don't".

Don't know you, don't know your situation, but I can see that your married and you hobby.

Now, (reading between lines here - and NOT trying to be judgmental), but from the way you write it... I'm guessing your wife doesn't know you hobby? (This is an assumption). Then you're writing that "she wanted to do new things".

Here's my guesses:
  1. You're trying to ease your conscious by moving her towards this (don't)
  2. You're going to end up doing something in front of your wife you'll regret with another woman because you're already comfortable doing this (oops)
  3. She's going to catch on that this "isn't your first time" (oops)
  4. She's going to feel that she has "permission" now and you will soon come home to find her fucking one of your friends (yikes)
Again, I could be totally wrong... maybe she knows about your play and she doesn't care - or even encourages you to go do it.

But, if I'm not...Remember when you were a kid and all your friends watched you do something reckless on your bike that was completely stupid - and you wish SOMEBODY had just said "Hey, trying to jump that construction hole on your ten speed PROBABLY isn't the best idea"... well, I'm that guy.

When she said "(she) wanted to do new things", did you bother to ask her "like what?"... maybe her fantasy is to be with another woman without you there... (lol, that's a joke - but could be, right?).

All I'm saying is - be really sure what you're doing here. If you and your wife are really open, honest, in love and communicative - then this is all mute, you've probably already told her about your peccadillos, and she's going just to watch what you do.
Good luck.