Biden and DIMS out of touch with reality? No, sir, this is out of touch!

Presj22's Avatar

What in the actual F??

In a bizarre speech, former president Donald Trump suggested a novel solution to the crisis in Ukraine: putting Chinese flags on US fighter jets and sending them to “bomb the s*** out of Russia.”

The former president proposed the literal false-flag attack during a Republican fundraiser in New Orleans on Saturday, where he spoke for 84 minutes.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Mr Trump told a crowd of giggling GOP donors, according to The Washington Post.

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine is now in its third week. The United Nations has estimated that at least 227 Ukrainian civilians have been killed, and more than 1.2 million have fled the country.

Trump says Putin ‘was a friend of mine’ in bizarre phone chat with golfer John Daly
Trump says Putin ‘was a friend of mine’ in bizarre phone chat with golfer John Daly
Trump news - live: Ex-president suggests ‘bombing the s*** out of Russia’ with US jets covered in Chinese flag
Trump news - live: Ex-president suggests ‘bombing the s*** out of Russia’ with US jets covered in Chinese flag
Trump furiously denounces Bill Barr for not helping him overturn election result: ‘Weak, ineffective and totally scared’
Trump furiously denounces Bill Barr for not helping him overturn election result: ‘Weak, ineffective and totally scared’
Last month, Mr Trump called the invasion “genius”, and praised Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, as “smart,” “savvy,” and “brilliant.”

“I mean, he’s taking over a country for two dollars’ worth of sanctions,” the former president said on 23 February. “I’d say that’s pretty smart.”

On Saturday, Mr Trump took a different tone.

“Are all of these nations going to stand by and watch perhaps millions of people be slaughtered as the onslaught continues?” he demanded, according to CBS News. “At what point do countries say, ‘No, we can’t take this massive crime against humanity?’ We can’t let it happen. We can’t let it continue to happen.”

The Republican also said that if he were still president instead of Joe Biden, Mr Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine.

“Nobody has ever been tougher on Russia than me,” Mr Trump said.

During his presidency, Mr Trump repeatedly praised Mr Putin, sided with him against his own intelligence agencies at a public press conference, and held up a military aid package to Ukraine while demanding a public investigation of Mr Biden’s son, Hunter.

Zelensky says Ukraine must accept it will never join Nato – live
Zelensky says Ukraine must accept it will never join Nato – live
Why has Russia invaded Ukraine? The conflict explained
Why has Russia invaded Ukraine? The conflict explained
Sign The Independent’s petition to help the people of Ukraine
Sign The Independent’s petition to help the people of Ukraine
In Saturday’s speech, according to the Post’s transcript, the ex-president also praised North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, repeated the lie that he won the 2020 election, called global warming a “hoax,” and referred to Democratic congressman Adam Schiff as a “watermelon head.”
offshoredrilling's Avatar
wake me up if anyone triggers this trap
His TDS appears to be permanent....
who's gonna tell him Trump isn't the prez?
His TDS appears to be permanent....
who's gonna tell him Trump isn't the prez? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
But Trump won't go away. He should shut up and write his memoirs. Since he keeps on repeating lies about the election being stolen and saying other dumb things, he is still fair game. It is Trump himself who has TDS.
But Trump won't go away. He should shut up and write his memoirs. Originally Posted by brasil
Shut up like Obama?
Shut up like Obama? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Yes, exactly. Obama said almost nothing about Trump during most of the Trump years in the White House. He followed the tradition of all former presidents to not criticize their successors. He did, of course, make some appearances in the 2020 election in support of Joe Bidden, referencing the reasons why Joe Bidden should be the next president.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Trump may run again in 2024, so not ready for memoirs yet.
TDS will continue to devastate the left for another 4-8 years. Those of us with natural immunity will be unaffected. 😉
TDS will continue to devastate the left for another 4-8 years.]😉 Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Kinda like the way hitler is still in the thoughts of many?
The left will get over Trump as soon as he takes his rightful place in the dustbin of history. I doubt that Trump himself will ever get over his TDS.
While Larping about nonsense. There is a reality to the current choices being made by the moneyed elite

Don't worry, they with the help of ADM have a plan for you as well. Enjoy your bug protein as you bicker

Presj22's Avatar
So…. Back to Trump, I have to ask: remember when he running against Joe and he was how Joe was the worst candidate in the history of politics and said if he lost he would “leave the country” or he would “never talk to you again”?

How’d that work out?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So…. Back to Trump, I have to ask: remember when he running against Joe and he was how Joe was the worst candidate in the history of politics and said if he lost he would “leave the country” or he would “never talk to you again”?

How’d that work out? Originally Posted by Presj22
vid link of that lie please n thank you
Whatever your opinion is of Trump, he is now just a spectator in Mar a Lago, being Trump.

In case you haven't noticed, the tragedy that is happening now is all under Biden. There was an election and the demon that haunts you was replaced. There has to be someone else you hate to add another note to your one note song.
Whatever your opinion is of Trump, he is now just a spectator in Mar a Lago, being Trump.

In case you haven't noticed, the tragedy that is happening now is all under Biden. There was an election and the demon that haunts you was replaced. There has to be someone else you hate to add another note to your one note song. Originally Posted by sexman333
It’s Biden’s fault, just like Obama because they can’t fix the previous presidents fuck up quick enough to appease the uneducated voters.

Lol, this really a thing… I seriously just shake my head and wonder how the majority of you take care of yourselves, I know most who complain nonstop about politics are closet takers, who leach and scam the government to live.

These discussions in the right vs the left are about as productive as discussing science versus god.