How many guys in Austin would be interested....

TemptationTammie's Avatar
In a home cooked meal as part of a session?
How much extra would you be willing to give for this added pleasure?
Would you want to choose what was on the menu?
Deznuttz's Avatar
If I were a single man without a so that cooks, I'd be interested.
That would always be a nice added touch to support the GFE.

That being said my standards for what I require in a provider physically/intellectually would not decrease just because I paid extra for a home cooked meal.

It's a great idea. Rather than seeking feedback here just go ahead and stick the option in an ad and let the response be your guide.

If you make it an outcall service where you houseclean as well you might even end up with a few marriage proposals .
TemptationTammie's Avatar
LMAO wind. I don't know that I would want a marriage proposal.
I may put it in a future ad, but I started the thread to also lets other ladies know if it is something that would be desired.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have done this with a favorite lady and it was great, she cooked a great meal at my place and the evening was as amazing. I did not ask for it she offered and that's what made it wonderful.

(Private)tags: for you only Tammy, offer this to your loyal long time clients, at no cost. This will go a long way and well worth it! (Private)

What a great idea! I may just start doing a steak and BJ day.
Sounds like fun Miss Tammie!
ck1942's Avatar
Once upon a time... ok, maybe three or four upon some times my flavor of the (insert day, week, month, year) would greet me just before the crack of dawn on my way to work with a fresh pot of java (mocha/java that is) as a hot and steamy prelude to our very hot and steamy early morning interlude.

Sometimes even on a weekend day when "yes, dear, I have to be at the office for a couple hours to do some catching up but I'll be home by 9:30 or so."

But I'm the official diswasher at the hacienda.
GneissGuy's Avatar
After a good meal, the only thing I want to do is slither back into my cave and digest for a while, so it wouldn't work for me.

After a good cuddle session, the only thing I want to do is slither back to my cave and bask in the glow and the scent of a lady's perfume for a while.

So I guess it wouldn't work for me.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Gneiss Guy, you may have to start with a light meal, cuddle some, then dessert of both kinds.
Sex THEN food. I would be a great pleasure to cook a great meal after great sex.
So far, I've been lucky to make some great adult drinks before and after a session.
I've offered this and home cleaning, nude it favorite outfits back home, it does well there
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I enjoy cooking all kinds of things but I prefer the comfort of my own kitchen that way I know where things are.