What's the most important thing to you in this hobby?

beelzeboss's Avatar
I'm going to ask the ladies and the men this, and eliminate the obvious "safety" answer.

Assuming every visit was 100% safe what is the most important thing to you when seeing a provider or a client?

Mine is transparency/honesty. There's nothing worse to me than the classic bait and switch, arriving to a provider's location and she isn't even close to the age she said in her ad (I'm looking at you gal that very recently made a thread here), pics aren't accurate at all, or advertised services aren't really available. I can't even count anymore how many times I've walked from a provider as soon as she answered the door because of this, and the funniest part is they often talk shit to me as I'm leaving or after I'm gone like it's my fault they lied in their ads.
Theatrical person's Avatar
My pet peve is not being timely. If she says she'll be ready in 15 minutes, I expect her to be ready in 15 minutes. Not 2 hours. And that's especially frustrating when we have pre-booked. I also hate when the menu listed isn't actually available, or is a significant upcharge. If you don't offer GFE, I'll respect that, but if it was adver,and it is not available, that's a disappointment.
When we do meet, I love the conversation. If a girl can hold a decent conversation, I enjoy the visit all the more.
I also love a good kisser. Some are better than others on that.
I think for me, mutual respect is important.
there are several that say there 40..45...and there well over 50...
For me is the time thing. I absolutely cant stand it when you set something up and then get stalled for hours. Then they text or call HOURS later and are pissed saying I'm the no show.
beelzeboss's Avatar
there are several that say there 40..45...and there well over 50... Originally Posted by JHSwain1895
Shit there's a somewhat popular/respected provider active recently here that advertises mid-20's and is actually mid 40's to early 50's. Even though its bullshit I can get past an obvious 5-10 year difference but when someone says they're in their 20's but you show up and they're pushing 50 there's a problem...
Theatrical person's Avatar
For me is the time thing. I absolutely cant stand it when you set something up and then get stalled for hours. Then they text or call HOURS later and are pissed saying I'm the no show. Originally Posted by Turtle_man
A girl called my phone at 1am the other night. I had texted her at around 10am, and didn't hear back till 1am. WTF?!?! Was not amused.
I agree, the late responses, the going ghost, the no responses when they keep placing adds.
If real life or whatever interferes , just text no longer available or not interested. Let a guy know he can move on to someone else.

But on the plus side of the hobby, what I enjoy the most.
It’s when a door opens up and the excitement of seeing someone new or dressed for playtime. Someone who looks like they’re photos or often even better.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Variety Period and the rest is just a given.[/B]

Never knew a woman that liked the age question. Hell, if your 50 or 60 and look good it doesn't matter.
Variety Period and the rest is just a given.[/B]

Never knew a woman that liked the age question. Hell, if your 50 or 60 and look good it doesn't matter. Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
Absolutely Chief. I've met some knockout 50 year olds and some sub par 30 year olds so, age is just a number. When I met my ATF her site said she was 46 or so I think, and when we met the first time I was thrilled, because I would have guessed her to be in her late 30's at the oldest. The real surprise came when I found out she was actually 50! She took extremely good care of herself, and was class all the way. She NEVER was on time though, LOL, and I think thats just the way it is. For my money give me someone who has a great attitude, and enjoys her encounters. IOP is great, but if you see someone for awhile it becomes clear if its just an act or not. Thank you to all the ladies out there who do there best to make us gents feel special, hell desired even! Really puts some pep in your step....
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Absolutely Chief. I've met some knockout 50 year olds and some sub par 30 year olds so, age is just a number. When I met my ATF her site said she was 46 or so I think, and when we met the first time I was thrilled, because I would have guessed her to be in her late 30's at the oldest. The real surprise came when I found out she was actually 50! She took extremely good care of herself, and was class all the way. She NEVER was on time though, LOL, and I think thats just the way it is. For my money give me someone who has a great attitude, and enjoys her encounters. IOP is great, but if you see someone for awhile it becomes clear if its just an act or not. Thank you to all the ladies out there who do there best to make us gents feel special, hell desired even! Really puts some pep in your step.... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
You have real time and then you have Hooker time. Very few ladies are spot on all the time. I have a Provider in Florida that I told If she didn't start being on time I'd quit seeing her. That stopped it.

It has become a part of the Hobby.

I've started on time or no time. I'm not paying to be screwed around and made to wait.

End of Rant
TimToolMan's Avatar
Advertised menu options are upcharges...SMH. Set time is set time. If some thing happens and I cant make it I let you know. So dont mess with me. I get that life happens...happens to me everyday.
Spent some time trying to taste all the candy..some is sweet and some is not. Trying to keep seeing the ones that met my criteria with the limited time I have.
DigitalWorld's Avatar
Most important for me would be that both parties actually have fun and enjoy the time together. If one or the other isn’t into the time they’re spending together, it really tanks the the mood and ruins the enjoyment.
there are several that say there 40..45...and there well over 50... Originally Posted by JHSwain1895

How about when they say that they are 25 and are really 50? I'm not mentioning any names!
NotQuiteBond's Avatar
Most important to me is for the provider to actually be into it...a high sex drive where getting some $ too is just bonus. I know that's rarely out there...but hey beelzeboss, you asked. And I know you know what I'm talking about, since we were both Kiki fans before she disappeared.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
One of the more recent important things is I like to know if they have Teeth. Not tooth, but teeth. If you can't smile with teeth, then give us a Gummy Grin.