Coping with Fate

Josh Hamilton, all star outfielder of the Texas Rangers did a simple thing in throwing a foul ball into the stands. A fan caught it and then fell 20' on to concrete and died.

Hamilton has already overcome a lot in his life and is a role model for rehabilitation and fresh starts.

I really hope he can cope with this one.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
simplyme's Avatar
Josh has to understand that the action of throwing the ball did not cause the fans death. It was the fan that made the ill fated decision to violate the laws of physics which led to his death. I stopped at a red light once (as everyone has)..... that action quiet possibly led to someone being delayed exactly the right amount of time that they were later were killer in an auto accident. Was it my fault no. Do I feel bad for the person yes, but mentally I would be good.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hamilton was not at any fault whatsoever. The guy could have let it go, and Hamilton would have tried again. Still, I would have a hard time not blaming myself. It's just an incredibly stupid accident. I hope Josh gets the perspective on it he needs. And I hope the little boy will someday understand, his dad died in an act of love. There are worse ways to go, not that there are any good ways to go. Prayers all around.
simplyme's Avatar
I agree with you COG its the child that will suffer the most.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nolan Ryan is a class act. The Rangers have set up a memorial fund for the family of Mr. Stone. What's more American than a dad taking his kid to the ballpark? God Bless you, Cooper.
+1 COG

We go to a lot of ball games, and I can't even imagine how my boys would ever get over having something like that happen right before their eyes. My heart goes out to the child, and I, too, hope that Hamilton can find some peace as well. This is nothing short of a tragedy that resulted from a heat of the moment effort to snag a kid a souvenir.