funny couples. tell me your stories

ok. ima t the grocery store today, and see an extremly large woman with no front teeth probably in her early 20's with a very good looking fit man. now can someone pls explain to me, or maybe i just have to much time on my hands, but what, how, or even more y?! i would love to just ask them whats their story. its not the first time ive seen odd couples and im sure all you have too.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 07-08-2011, 10:07 PM
I can see their bank balances....
She is EXCELLENT at spelling.
Joe Joe!

How dare you make fun of my sister and brother-in-law!!!

By the way, he sez that gap between her teef is purty handy---and it also opens beer bottles...
You know what they say about a big girl... shade in the summer, heat in the winter! And no teeth too? I'm sure that has its benefits somewhere.

Not my thing though...

In my experience when you find "missmatched" couples like that it can be financial... or simply that the less attractive one is doing a lot for the person that the hot person feels is beneath them. I mean lets face it... I've been in relationships with some very attractive women and those chicks are always trying to put restrictions on things... and they're not trying to let you do anything fun with them sexually. Get a girl who isn't as hot... she tends to be more caring and thoughtful... more sexually adventurous. Likes to talk and has spent more time educating herself so she actually has something worth listening to.

Not always the case... but quite often... missmatched couples are there for a reason and quite often they're happy with their arrangement.

ok. ima t the grocery store today, and see an extremly large woman with no front teeth probably in her early 20's with a very good looking fit man. now can someone pls explain to me, or maybe i just have to much time on my hands, but what, how, or even more y?! i would love to just ask them whats their story. its not the first time ive seen odd couples and im sure all you have too. Originally Posted by Joe Joe
Love is blind.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gee, I take my sister shopping, and this is what I get?
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Gee, I take my sister shopping, and this is what I get? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're confused, it was the female that was unattractive.
You're confused, it was the female that was unattractive. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Now THAT'S fucking hilarious right there!

Disclaimer: I have never seen COG.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, I see it now. Need new glasses.
JRLawrence's Avatar

.............................. Get a girl who isn't as hot... she tends to be more caring and thoughtful... more sexually adventurous. Likes to talk and has spent more time educating herself so she actually has something worth listening to.

Not always the case... but quite often... missmatched couples are there for a reason and quite often they're happy with their arrangement. Originally Posted by FireSerpent

Quite frankly, if they have an relationship; it is none of our business.

Good looking women are common. But it is tough to find a woman who can be your partner, help with the home, cook your food, do your laundry, help with the kids as her main job, and be your help in every other area.

Sex is fun, and everyone loves sex. But take sex out of the marriage, and you can still have a great relationship.

I have three good friends who came back from Nam injured for life in a way that some women would leave them for. But they are still are all married to the same women, and they all seem happy. One of these girls is very attractive, the other two - not so much. In view of the circumstances, looks just doesn't matter.

I am very glad that the women in my life did not pick me because of my looks, things might not have turned out as well as they did. Maybe I have succeeded in life in spite of my looks.

I'll have to agree, love is blind and has no boundaries. But still would like to know there story. And lmfao! The no teeth comment! Brilliant! Didn't think of that
Thats a wise analogy. Interesting. Or is it"it's all the same in the dark" lol
wildbillkc's Avatar
all the same in the dark? no way i still can see her highlites!! and i like nice highlites. good thread jo jo. you sound like a fun lady.
Hahaha! Highlights and teeth! Or no teeth! That is funny!! It have to b reeeeally dark