Danny117's Avatar
IT has come to my attention a close personal friend is being influenced by members of this site in regards to our relationship. My friend Cassandra Whirl Her Majesty whom controls all space and time should not be influenced in any way shape or form in regards to me.

She and I are friends quite literally.

Sincerely the Queen's and not the groupie Queen another Queen.

Do I make myself clear.....children....its fucking childish.


KCQuestor's Avatar
Ohhhhhhh... kay?
dirty dog's Avatar
Are you fucking drunk?
Ohhhhhhh... kay? Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Are you fucking drunk? Originally Posted by dirty dog

Be sure to read all the replies---it starts to get interesting around #8 or 9.

At one time, I had considered giving Cassandra a whirl myself...shit likes this makes me wonder less whether not doing so was a mistake.

See, I can be confusing too! Wheeee!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
Are you freaking kidding me, this is in response to a thread from almost a year ago. Hey Danny, grow the fuck up, direct your comments to the "individuals" you claim are interfering in your relationship, the problem I would suspect has less to do with this board and more to do with your personal obsession with Ms. Whirl, in other words I bet she could use some space from your smothering and worshipping.
This board is better than cable sometimes.

Very true MsElena!
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 07-10-2011, 11:56 AM
and the timing of her latest review....??
Funny MsElena, funny!
I saw her once, and once was one time to many for me. It is a like taking a leave of absence from your mind where it feels like a dream. She is an interesting provider for sure.
I understand her need for safety but jeesh it was like trying to breech fort knox lol
Wasn't this Danny guy, the one who last year was posting a series of bizarre threads about his Wasteland, or something like that.

If it was, supposely he promised to go away....

Promises, promises, lol

Perhaps the saying of....

Don't go away mad, just madly go away, would be appropriate???
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 07-10-2011, 12:52 PM
You would be correct VK. This is what happens when one goes off their meds. And following MsElena's post, I hope he sticks around, for "strictly entertainment purposes only"...lmao
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Sounds like Danny and Mizz Whirl may using the same brain.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Are you freaking kidding me, this is in response to a thread from almost a year ago. Originally Posted by dirty dog
To be fair, Danny never said that his post was in response to that review from a year ago. That was imnotanasshat who brought it up.
JRLawrence's Avatar
This board is better than cable sometimes.

LOL Originally Posted by MsElena
You are right!
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Where is the Aluminum foil? I need to make a hat.