To review or not to review: that is the question

Last weekend a fairly new but still well-reviewed provider blew me off at the last moment on Saturday night and then promised to make it up to me on Sunday, and blew me off again after numerous confirmatory texts.
Tonight a very well known and excellently reviewed provider blew me off at the very last minute for a date we had set up days ago and confirmed by text several times today.

Yes, it sucks to be me. I have to schedule my whole weekend around these encounters, and now it's all fucked (and not in the good way). I'm considering just not hobbying anymore.

I don't want to fuck with anyone's reputation but I wonder if the community should know that these providers do this.
Should I review these very disappointing experiences and inform the community or should I just chalk it up to the nature of the hobby and move on? You're opinions are welcome and snide comments will be ignored.
Shit happens on both sides.
Tough call.
I would mention them in the ML, although they will find out via WKs.
I know it's common for guys to be mentioned in the (Female version of the ML)
Theres been a lot of mention recently about deposits prior to dates.
I wonder how fast or if said deposits would be returned in a timely manner.
I would write off the first one for sure....but post it
ben dover's Avatar
Yes do it in the ML or offer to pm the info.
lilylivered's Avatar
Been stiffed many times even by favs, if they keep contact I dont get too upset
I just don't know how/why I should trust someone who blew me off after confirming. This is a shame because I'd still like to see either one of them if knew I could count on them. I have to do a fair amount of prep to make this work so being blown off at the last minute fucks up my entire weekend.

The thing that I find hard to get past is that neither one offered to make it up to me for wasting my time. Everyone makes mistakes and life happens, but I think it's important to make good on one's commitments.

I lived in Denver for 25 years and hobbied quite a bit. This kind of thing only happened with BP one-offs, never with established providers. I guess I have a higher standard of professionalism based on a larger and more competitive market. Like I said, sucks to be me.
Fuck it. Post it UITB right here in the open.....
bustybabygirl's Avatar
That’s disappointing

Even the best, most professional girls make mistakes.

However, if they fuck up, they should always offer to make it up to you.

If it is a habit rather than a rare occurance, I think making a public comment is appropriate

For my own mistakes, I offer a special for our next visit. The gent pretty much always follows through on the return date. The more I fuck up, the better the special is

Rare occurance, but there was a recent faux pas and I offered 50% off of our next date.
Missburger's Avatar
Post it

U know they are posting in the w l or in pm about guys canceling
Things come up but hey post it

Hope ur luck gets better
Shit does happen on both sides but you can bet your ass if it was the guy doing this word gets back channeled and most girls black list you.

I have been doing this for over 20 years in multiple states and countries and I can honestly say this had never happened and shouldn't happen. Shit does happen but in this day and age with phones on our hips if something does come up a very easy and professional way to handle it is with a text message. Not a total blow off.

Your god damn right report it. If there are no consequences for actions then what is the incentive to improve. Upstate NY is the shithole of hobbying because this type of activity is just accepted. Enough time has passed for her to reach out and offer an explanation but has she? Why? Because she doesn't give to turds about your time.

What most do not understand is the girls have there methods for getting information about bad clients to the others. While it may not be public it is going on. Personally I find it ridiculous that guys are hesitant to post bad reviews. It just perpetuates more bad behavior. Same thing on the flip side. There are a lot of great providers out there that do not get the good reviews they deserve because the guys think by keeping it a secret they can somehow corner the market on her.

The bad providers need to either improve or be put out of business by not seeing them and the good providers need to be rewarded by keeping them busy! Good luck out there all, stay safe and have fun.
Thanks for your reply. I completely agree with most of your points.
My conundrum is that I really don't think either of them are bad providers per se. One of them is fairly new and has mostly positive reviews, I think that things just got away from her and she handled it poorly. The second is a very well-established and beloved provider who had something come up at the last moment and she choose to do that rather than seeing me. Neither of them totally ghosted on me, but they each cancelled 1/2 hour before our date after having confirmed several times.
Part of me doesn't want to call them out publicly and give them a bad rap. The other part of me says that they each handled the situation very cavalierly, with little respect for my time and effort, and that should be made known.
I work with individual clients all day. I have a 24-hour cancellation policy which I enforce. I only cancel appointments if there is an extreme emergency, and if I have to do so I always immediately offer my clients a freebie or discount to make up for the inconvenience. I would not be posting on this issue if either provider had done that. The first provider did get in touch with me to reschedule but with no apology and no offer of compensation, the other said she was sorry but that's all I've heard from her.
I think this behavior is unprofessional and unacceptable and should have some consequences.
I know I should just move on to the next provider but I'm really pissed off and disappointed.
A bad review or alert is not a bad thing. That is where most get conflicted. As long as you are honest and fair about what took place. A single bad review or alert does not make a provider a bad provider or person. Multiple bad reviews or alerts does and needs to be known. I can almost guarantee that this is not the first time this has happened with either one of them. If you don't report bad experiences how does the next guy know. If two or 3 people don't report their bad experience the next guy is wasting his hard earned money.

The more information that is out there the better it is for all to make their own educated decision. Hopefully after a bad review or alert the provider learns and her next review is a glowing one which in turn is great for all involved. Weed out the bad and keep the good ones busy. A major reason why good providers do not make this area a stop on tour is because the guys are known for being cheap and not paying up for good service. So why would they come if their good service isn't getting rewarded?

Make up your own mind and be comfortable with whatever you decide to do. People need to be informed of the good and bad.

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not sure what the rationale may be to surrender any weaponry you have in a transactional relationship. Never ceases to amaze me how much abuse a mentally weak male is willing to endure, even to a prostitute.
Now THAT is just fucking hysterical!
Thanks for bringing some comic relief to an otherwise serious thread!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
My pleasure.
Naughty.Nikki's Avatar
Last weekend a fairly new but still well-reviewed provider blew me off at the last moment on Saturday night and then promised to make it up to me on Sunday, and blew me off again after numerous confirmatory texts.
Tonight a very well known and excellently reviewed provider blew me off at the very last minute for a date we had set up days ago and confirmed by text several times today.

Yes, it sucks to be me. I have to schedule my whole weekend around these encounters, and now it's all fucked (and not in the good way). I'm considering just not hobbying anymore.

I don't want to fuck with anyone's reputation but I wonder if the community should know that these providers do this.
Should I review these very disappointing experiences and inform the community or should I just chalk it up to the nature of the hobby and move on? You're opinions are welcome and snide comments will be ignored. Originally Posted by demonlover
Let’s not get irrational and stop hobbying. That’s dramatic & irrational. By posting about it you absolutely are taking a stab at their reputation & trying to one get even. I would chalk it up to it’s the nature of the business. It happens. Those that are chiming in about if the tables were turned and it was the guy doing it u bet the guy would be on blast...sure maybe by some that are also the usual typical whiners who put everything on blast. They are also the ones who consider a guy dining and dashing as rape..don’t get me started on that nonsense. Maybe u need to revalute if this is a hobby or something u are starting to have an unhealthy relationship with. Last week I had several dudes flake and I didn’t feel the need to to inform anyone. Shit happens. Maybe they were having a moral dilemma, a wrestle with their conscious, lack of funds that they consider embarrassing, or any other reason they considered valid at that time. Are u really out anything like money or cost of a room? Probably not. Just a bruised ego. If u feel u were unreasonably wronged and it’s ur duty to tell everyone then go for it but be aware often times there is a lot of anxiety involved for providers, or maybe an earlier appointment felt the need to get their money’s worth and seeing someone else would be physically & mentally taxing, maybe she took an extra appointment and under estimated her energy level for the day, etc. would u rather she saw u, half assed it and rushed u out early? Probably not. Whatever her reason for doing it was probably valid for her and probably in both parties interest the appointment didn’t take place