Travel Time....Where To Go?!?

I will be back on the road this weekend seems it has been Lubbock a lot lately but I was wondering if I should switch it up a little this weekend. Let me know what you guys think....



Pistolero's Avatar
Well, gave 'em 11 hours. Come on down to Abilene.
Lutherwillsit's Avatar
Its a drive but we'd make it worth it in el paso
Its a drive but we'd make it worth it in el paso Originally Posted by Lutherwillsit
Just too far and too scary for me right now I am hearing more and more bad stuff going on there and I know I keep getting told it's not that bad but the news says different but as soon as it dies down I am coming there ASAP!

Anyone else for Abilene if not then Lubbock it is tomorrow.....running out of time.
If your schedule ever allows for a weekday noon in Midland, I'd book a couple of hours immediately! :-(
dammit....everytime i'm coming up to amarillo you seem to be coming down to lubbock..sooner or later i guess
bozo124578's Avatar
Come visit us Okies!!!!!!
Midland...Got to be Midland
hottoddy56's Avatar

Just too far and too scary for me right now I am hearing more and more bad stuff going on there and I know I keep getting told it's not that bad but the news says different but as soon as it dies down I am coming there ASAP!

Anyone else for Abilene if not then Lubbock it is tomorrow.....running out of time.
Originally Posted by thatgirlbailey
Fill us in on the bad stuff in El Paso?
El Paso is great + safe
Bailey, I know we have spoken about this before but it is absolutely safe in El Paso. The chaos going on across the border in Mexico doesn't affect life in El Paso at all. I'm based in EP and I can assure you that whatever the news says is misleading. There are maybe a handful of providers here, if if you came here, you would have a successful tour
Tenzil's Avatar

Just too far and too scary for me right now I am hearing more and more bad stuff going on there and I know I keep getting told it's not that bad but the news says different but as soon as it dies down I am coming there ASAP!

Anyone else for Abilene if not then Lubbock it is tomorrow.....running out of time.
Originally Posted by thatgirlbailey
El Paso is a safe city. We have one of the lowest crime rates for cities with a population over 600,000 in the country.

Cuidad Juarez, on the other hand, is a complete opposite but El Paso has managed to escape the violence just across the border. Just don't go to Juarez.

With that said, if you ever choose to visit, I'm sure you'll enjoy it every bit as I will.


On another note, I wonder if people's misconceptions about El Paso have hindered UTEP's ability to recruit athletes. Go Miners!
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
I know! All the bad press El Paso has been receiving lately - it must really be scary for a provider to come to town.

Lets see, we were recently named the safest city in America (population greater than 500,00).

We were named in the 2010 top 10 of "All American Cities."

Crime (which historically has always been low here) is at a 40 year low in El Paso.

But yeah, the words "El" and "Paso" sound pretty scary. Providers beware!!!

TGBoss's Avatar
What time will you be getting into Lubbock? Maybe we can get together Friday afternoon.
CheerZiggy's Avatar
Lubbock please!