Where's a Good Place to Hide and Live Off the Grid???

I'm serious!

Look at this:


Geeze, I had no idea this was extreme socialism. Still, I consider myself a democrat. After seeing this, I know I am not an extreme socialist!!!

I am so scared I just want to find a hidden area in the mountains to live, preferrably not alone! Stock up on supplies, build a cabin or buy an RV!!!
  • DSK
  • 04-08-2015, 08:49 PM
I'm serious!

Look at this:


Geeze, I had no idea this was extreme socialism. Still, I consider myself a democrat. After seeing this, I know I am not an extreme socialist!!!

I am so scared I just want to find a hidden area in the mountains to live, preferrably not alone! Stock up on supplies, build a cabin or buy an RV!!! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Debbie, calm down. The world is not ending soon, but if it does, living out there off the grid will still suck!
Game players prefer nutria holes so louisiana would be your best bet.
I would tell you to hide in Lusty Lad's butthole but people are in and out of there all the time.
I would tell you to hide in Lusty Lad's butthole but people are in and out of there all the time. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Stay the fuck away from me WombHater... Get your gay sex under the bridges, like you always do.
Try Eccie's Banned list.
Stay the fuck away from me WombHater... Get your gay sex under the bridges, like you always do. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Here's what I said: I would tell you to hide in Lusty Lad's butthole but people are in and out of there all the time.

Did you forget to log out and back in as Lusty Lad?
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 10:22 PM

Did you forget to log out and back in as Lusty Lad? Originally Posted by WombRaider
He's prone to that mistake. It's a lot harder than it seems apparently.
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 10:27 PM

I am so scared I just want to find a hidden area in the mountains to live, preferrably not alone! Stock up on supplies, build a cabin or buy an RV!!! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
If you're serious about this you should consider Alaska. I lived there during the summer of my sophomore year in college. It's relatively off the grid,comfortably cold, with amazing scenery and wildlife. Pretty much everything a man could want. Too bad life has me pretty much tied down where I am. I would have moved there ages ago.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
SLOBBRINs head has lots of empty space.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm serious!

Look at this:


Geeze, I had no idea this was extreme socialism. Still, I consider myself a democrat. After seeing this, I know I am not an extreme socialist!!!

I am so scared I just want to find a hidden area in the mountains to live, preferrably not alone! Stock up on supplies, build a cabin or buy an RV!!! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Sorry, don't think you can do it. You're a mooch. You have already indicated that you need government to do things for you. Imagine being out there and you have to do everything yourself from planting a garden, some self doctoring, building, and self protection from man or beast. Not sure how many of any of us could do it unless we were forced to.

Of course, if you're soul searching. Maybe it's time to accept some responsibility for what liberalism has wrought. Turn over a new leaf and become a conservative. The best time to have stopped Hitler was before he took power. You're wanting to run when it is time to dig in and take a stand. If you run they will just roll everyone up one at a time.
Sorry, don't think you can do it. You're a mooch. You have already indicated that you need government to do things for you. Imagine being out there and you have to do everything yourself from planting a garden, some self doctoring, building, and self protection from man or beast. Not sure how many of any of us could do it unless we were forced to.

Of course, if you're soul searching. Maybe it's time to accept some responsibility for what liberalism has wrought. Turn over a new leaf and become a conservative. The best time to have stopped Hitler was before he took power. You're wanting to run when it is time to dig in and take a stand. If you run they will just roll everyone up one at a time. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you looked at income equality yet, especially in New York? It's sickening. See my post about this. As I said before, I am not extreme left or right. Rather, I lean toward a social democracy style of government with more worker's rights and more taxation on capital gains and the super rich. Wages have been stagnant for a lot of American workers, yet the cost of living is continuing to dramatically increase, forcing many of the middle class into poverty. Do your research dude!

By the way, I worked all my life and saw how more and more workers were forced to take cuts in wages while doing more and more work, with less time off. I was making $9 per hour working my a** off at a law firm in Indiana, as a single Mother. Yet, was not able to receive any help, including food stamps! In other words, with no child support, I was expected to support two people on this amount. Is that fair? A social worker there even told me I was better off on welfare until she got older. I did that, went to school, and learned I would only make $8 per hour as a programmer or data entry worker. What the H**??? That's when I started working for a family owned Chinese Restaurant who reported my wages at $5.00 per hour (because most of my tips were not included). I was better off doing this because I got help with child care, food stamps, and subsidized housing, which I could not qualify for when making $9 per hour (before taxes).

It's a Catch 22 system.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You just used the magic word "fair". When is life supposed to be fair? Did someone tell you that when you were a little girl? Want to know about fair. I worked in a shipyard about 20 years ago. I worked 84 hours a week (yep, that's seven times twelve) and made a lot of money on less than $15 an hour (over half was overtime). I killed myself in the hundred plus degree heat, 100% humidity and never seeing daylight (6 PM to 6 AM). What did I accomplish? I went into a higher tax bracket and lost a lot of money because I was "rich". It didn't do me any good to go to the grocery store in my eight year old car and watch a woman with a huge basket of groceries pay for it with food stamps and then go get into her new car. That's fair for ya!

Of course, pay equality (whatever that is supposed to be) has nothing to do with living off the grid and you've kind of proven my earlier comment. You'll never survive off the grid if you think fairness is what you need to survive. Nature is not fair. You live out in the wilderness and break your leg when your truck overturns...it's only fair that you get rescued after getting hurt and losing your truck right. It wouldn't be fair if some wolves came along to make you their dinner is it.

You want to score some brownie points. Tell us about your education. Did you drop out? Work history. Did you go from one job to another frequently? You personal habits that we can't really discuss but you know what I mean. The kind that would make you unreliable at work.
LexusLover's Avatar
You'll never survive off the grid if you think fairness is what you need to survive. Nature is not fair. You live out in the wilderness and break your leg when your truck overturns...it's only fair that you get rescued after getting hurt and losing your truck right. It wouldn't be fair if some wolves came along to make you their dinner is it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"surviving off the grid"

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1056588887]You just used the magic word "fair". When is life supposed to be fair? Did someone tell you that when you were a little girl? Want to know about fair. I worked in a shipyard about 20 years ago. I worked 84 hours a week (yep, that's seven times twelve) and made a lot of money on less than $15 an hour (over half was overtime). I killed myself in the hundred plus degree heat, 100% humidity and never seeing daylight (6 PM to 6 AM). What did I accomplish? I went into a higher tax bracket and lost a lot of money because I was "rich". It didn't do me any good to go to the grocery store in my eight year old car and watch a woman with a huge basket of groceries pay for it with food stamps and then go get into her new car. That's fair for ya!

There you go, exactly what I am talking about. What I was trying to say is that you should stop putting all welfare recipients into one class. I could have stayed on welfare longer, but did not. I do not enjoy being labeled as a moocher or lazy for going on it at a time in my life when my child and myself were better off.

As to the personal, I have a long history of depression/anxiety/ADD, since childhood. I was never able to get the treatment I needed and/or continuing treatment due to the cost of healhcare. When I did get treatment under United Health Care at a law firm, I was immediately laid off, right after 911, so I think this had something to do with it. Yet, instead of filing for disability which I qualified for, I continued to work. To make a long story short, I suffered through childhood sexual abuse, rape, and domestic abuse, which caused and/or exacerbated my stress response. I began having panic attacks at age 16 in high school, which terrified me. AFter that the anxiety continued, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder. The reason I have been staying in New Mexico is because they expanded Medicaid here and I was able to stay under psychiatric care. I am improving, though because of my age and spotty work history, am unable to obtain substantial gainful employment.

So, yes, I have filed for disability now in lieu of taking early retirement. If you want to call me a "moocher", go right ahead.