Guest123018-4's Avatar
Class and classless
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Class and classless Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Had McCain selected Condeleezza Rice as his running mate in 2008, we might not have been listening to the bitching and moaning by Republicans for the last 6+ years. A McCain/Rice ticket would have been much more palatable to most voters than McCain/Palin.
Class and classless Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Condi Rice..... Self made, brilliant mind, accomplished musician, compassionate, beautiful woman.

Hillary Clinton.....married Bill Clinton.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another silly, misleading post from our resident Drudge wannabe....

The Clintons have done as much, or more, than anybody in terms of charitable contributions or supporting worthy causes around the world.

Bill Clinton's William Jefferson Clinton Foundation has directed more than $10,000,000,000.00 in corporate money and other resources towards things like stopping AIDS, reducing hunger and poverty, etc.

So fuck off Tard-away with your little slide show.
Condi Rice..... Self made, brilliant mind, accomplished musician, compassionate, beautiful woman.

Hillary Clinton.....married Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah, she's about as compassionate as an ice cube....and about that marriage thing. I guess since she is a lesbian, you'd be against letting her marry anyone, right?

But, since you brought it up....Bill Clinton

1. Self made
2. Brilliant mind
3. Plays a mean sax
4. As compassionate as they come
5. But, did not marry a beautiful woman.

Soooo....must mean you admire Bill?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whir-LIE-turd can't help himself. It's impossible for him to look at the big picture without getting hung up on his own bitterness and insane jealousy for those who have made something out of their lives and aspire to enhance the lives of others.

sucks to be bitter about everything ... That has to do with your own country.
Your moral compass is fucked up. Compassionate men don't sexually harass and rape women. Compassionate men don't use their position of power to get blowjobs from unpaid interns.

But you are right about #5 = Hillary is an ugly duck. No wonder Bill was a serial adulterer. I always felt badly for Chelsea, knowing her father was fucking around on the side. Cheating on her mom. But I am sure Bill didn't think twice about how his actions were effecting his young daughter.

Yeah, she's about as compassionate as an ice cube....and about that marriage thing. I guess since she is a lesbian, you'd be against letting her marry anyone, right?

But, since you brought it up....Bill Clinton

1. Self made
2. Brilliant mind
3. Plays a mean sax
4. As compassionate as they come
5. But, did not marry a beautiful woman.

Soooo....must mean you admire Bill? Originally Posted by timpage
  • DSK
  • 06-21-2015, 01:11 PM
Another silly, misleading post from our resident Drudge wannabe....

The Clintons have done as much, or more, than anybody in terms of charitable contributions or supporting worthy causes around the world.

Bill Clinton's William Jefferson Clinton Foundation has directed more than $10,000,000,000.00 in corporate money and other resources towards things like stopping AIDS, reducing hunger and poverty, etc.

So fuck off Tard-away with your little slide show. Originally Posted by timpage
Directed ten billion of other people's money, takes credit for it, and let's them buy favors with the US government when his wife gets elected. He always was a slick SOB.
  • DSK
  • 06-21-2015, 01:14 PM
Yeah, she's about as compassionate as an ice cube....and about that marriage thing. I guess since she is a lesbian, you'd be against letting her marry anyone, right?
Originally Posted by timpage
Conservatives are not opposed to lesbians marrying men, you stupid blowhard.
Another silly, misleading post from our resident Drudge wannabe....

The Clintons have done as much, or more, than anybody in terms of charitable contributions or supporting worthy causes around the world.

Bill Clinton's William Jefferson Clinton Foundation has directed more than $10,000,000,000.00 in corporate money and other resources towards things like stopping AIDS, reducing hunger and poverty, etc.

So fuck off Tard-away with your little slide show. Originally Posted by timpage
Hahahaha............. You apparently know nothing about the Clinton's.

  • shanm
  • 06-21-2015, 01:36 PM
Your moral compass is fucked up. Compassionate men don't sexually harass and rape women. Compassionate men don't use their position of power to get blowjobs from unpaid interns.

But you are right about #5 = Hillary is an ugly duck. No wonder Bill was a serial adulterer. I always felt badly for Chelsea, knowing her father was fucking around on the side. Cheating on her mom. But I am sure Bill didn't think twice about how his actions were effecting his young daughter. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And old wrinkly fuck on a hooker board is "lecturing" a former POTUS on sexual conduct. I think I've seen it all now.

Guess his sexual activities (yes, they're activities. If he's harrassed and raped women, where's the proof) outshine the fact that he's built a global charity fund that helps out millions of people around the world fighting some of the worst diseases and some of the harshest circumstances. Only if you're a repubtarded fuck, I guess.
lustylad's Avatar
The Clintons have done as much, or more, than anybody in terms of charitable contributions or supporting worthy causes around the world.

Bill Clinton's William Jefferson Clinton Foundation has directed more than $10,000,000,000.00 in corporate money and other resources towards things like stopping AIDS, reducing hunger and poverty, etc. Originally Posted by timpage

I'm calling bullshit. More than $10 billion? No way. As they said in Jerry McGuire - “show me the money!” Got a link to that, timmy? And by the way, the foundation doesn't get credit for “directing” money unless it goes through its own bank accounts... Does anyone know the foundation's charitable payout ratio? In other words, what percentage of donations actually goes to legitimate charities (rather than administration, overhead and salaries for Sid Blumenthal et al.)?

Of course, you don't really care about the Clinton "skim ratio" if you are writing the check in return for political access and favors, do you?

lustylad's Avatar
Guess his sexual activities (yes, they're activities. If he's harrassed and raped women, where's the proof) outshine the fact... Originally Posted by shanm

You're an idiot. Bend over because you are about to be reamed again. There is a ton of evidence Bubba is a serial sexual predator/harasser of women. Only a fool in complete denial would suggest otherwise. Thanks for coughing up yet another fine example of super-hypocritical libtard thinking! Bubba gets a pass for his lifetime of sexual harassment because he is a fellow libtard. When he's not grabbing and fondling and exposing himself to women or getting blowjobs from interns, he pays proper lip service to all the politically correct feminist libtard causes!