Another Police Shooting.......Milwaukee Riots

Another shooting where a police officer shoots a armed suspect.

The link tells the story. "He was a good man, well respected in the neighborhood, cop shot him for no reason"

Of course, he did have a gun, a stolen semi auto pistol, from a home robbery no doubt. He ran from the police. Reports are that the man shot also had a long criminal record.

I still say the best solution is allow the minority neighborhoods to be patrolled by minority officers only, or just stay the hell out.

It is not worth putting the lives of our police officers in jepordy. They either risk getting killed by armed felons, or risk getting crucified by a willing press when they are forced to act to keep further harm from coming to the officer or innocent citizens.

I can't see how anybody would want to be a police officer any more.

Another shooting where a police officer shoots a armed suspect.

The link tells the story. "He was a good man, well respected in the neighborhood, cop shot him for no reason"

Of course, he did have a gun, a stolen semi auto pistol, from a home robbery no doubt. He ran from the police. Reports are that the man shot also had a long criminal record.

I still say the best solution is allow the minority neighborhoods to be patrolled by minority officers only, or just stay the hell out.

It is not worth putting the lives of our police officers in jepordy. They either risk getting killed by armed felons, or risk getting crucified by a willing press when they are forced to act to keep further harm from coming to the officer or innocent citizens.

I can't see how anybody would want to be a police officer any more. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just what I was expecting. Not only are we going to see violent destructive protesting when a white cop shoots an unarmed black suspect, we are going to see the same even if a white cop is confronted with an ARMED black suspect. It doesn't even matter anymore if deadly force is justified it's the race factor is what matters now. The quest to divide and conquer. Those seeds are now planted. This is the tip of the iceberg we haven't seen nothing yet.

LexusLover's Avatar
I still say the best solution is allow the minority neighborhoods to be patrolled by minority officers only, .... Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is "work place" discrimination .... assigning shifts by race.

One would have to have a "rational basis" for the discriminatory assignments based on historical data and facts supporting the disparate treatment. I think you will not find it. "In fact" there are some contrary studies....from years ago. The Black citizens in those neighborhoods, which are predominately Black, have been known to have a more negative attitude toward Black officers than White (or other race/ethnicity) officers ... not all Black citizens and not all Black officers.... but enough to show a case against it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That is "work place" discrimination .... assigning shifts by race.

One would have to have a "rational basis" for the discriminatory assignments based on historical data and facts supporting the disparate treatment. I think you will not find it. "In fact" there are some contrary studies....from years ago. The Black citizens in those neighborhoods, which are predominately Black, have been known to have a more negative attitude toward Black officers than White (or other race/ethnicity) officers ... not all Black citizens and not all Black officers.... but enough to show a case against it. Originally Posted by LexusLover

This seems to be a subject you're well versed in...all the time. LOL just saying. ;-) wonder why. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Another shooting where a police officer shoots a armed suspect.

The link tells the story. "He was a good man, well respected in the neighborhood, cop shot him for no reason"

Of course, he did have a gun, a stolen semi auto pistol, from a home robbery no doubt. He ran from the police. Reports are that the man shot also had a long criminal record.

I still say the best solution is allow the minority neighborhoods to be patrolled by minority officers only, or just stay the hell out.

It is not worth putting the lives of our police officers in jepordy. They either risk getting killed by armed felons, or risk getting crucified by a willing press when they are forced to act to keep further harm from coming to the officer or innocent citizens.

I can't see how anybody would want to be a police officer any more. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If he was armed and if he was in the wrong I will not support him in any way. Just like I didn't support the whole Michael Brown protest. He punched the cop in the face and as a result got shot. Even though the details are sketchy it seems Mike Brown did every thing to get himself shot.

See I can be objective and a clear and rational thinker it's what we Progressives do. You folks on the other hand have ZERO moral compasses and support all shootings out of hand just like Lexus Lover the undercover. You folks are no better than the Black Lives Matter protesters who protest all shootings whether just or unjust. I see no difference between you and them to be honest. You have zero Moral credibility!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
This seems to be a subject you're well versed in...all the time. LOL just saying. ;-) wonder why. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Isn't your expertise sucking dicks? Wonder why?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Isn't your expertise sucking dicks? Wonder why? Originally Posted by LexusLover

you mean clits. ok you undercover. It's clear what you are no go back to patrolling. ;-) er trolling.
LexusLover's Avatar
you mean clits. :.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No ... I meant what I heard ..... more rumors ..

"Why do you suck dicks in all instances no matter who they are?

.. "very odd" ... but "I think I know why though"!!!
LexusLover's Avatar

See I can be objective .... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are sounding like a cop.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You are sounding like a cop. Originally Posted by LexusLover

awe did I hurt your feelings. Is this now a game of I know you are but what am I? LOL Please from what I can see you've been suspect for a very long time and you emo'ing like this is very telling. LOL oink oink.

Carry on undercover. The more you deflect the more obvious it becomes.
  • DSK
  • 08-14-2016, 03:00 PM
awe did I hurt your feelings. Is this now a game of I know you are but what am I? LOL Please from what I can see you've been suspect for a very long time and you emo'ing like this is very telling. LOL oink oink.

Carry on undercover. The more you deflect the more obvious it becomes. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
It doesn't take a very smart man to easily see he is not an undercover cop. Of course, you aren't very smart, just a smart ass [prohibited word] who thinks he is charming when he is merely irritating. Typical [prohibited word] if you ask me.
  • DSK
  • 08-14-2016, 03:02 PM

Another shooting where a police officer shoots a armed suspect.

The link tells the story. "He was a good man, well respected in the neighborhood, cop shot him for no reason"

Of course, he did have a gun, a stolen semi auto pistol, from a home robbery no doubt. He ran from the police. Reports are that the man shot also had a long criminal record.

I still say the best solution is allow the minority neighborhoods to be patrolled by minority officers only, or just stay the hell out.

It is not worth putting the lives of our police officers in jepordy. They either risk getting killed by armed felons, or risk getting crucified by a willing press when they are forced to act to keep further harm from coming to the officer or innocent citizens.

I can't see how anybody would want to be a police officer any more. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I completely agree. If they don't want white cops, pull them out.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It doesn't take a very smart man to easily see he is not an undercover cop. Of course, you aren't very smart, just a smart ass [prohibited word] who thinks he is charming when he is merely irritating. Typical [prohibited word] if you ask me. Originally Posted by DSK
I take great pride in your classification of me. I love it that me being a smart ass evokes that level of sentiment in you. Like Obama I'm the Magic Negro.

and I wished this site would allow you fellas to use the prohibited word because I'm all for free speech.You fellas make an interesting case study.

Carry on
LexusLover's Avatar
It doesn't take a very smart man to easily see he is not an undercover cop. Of course, you aren't very smart, just a smart ass [prohibited word] who thinks he is charming when he is merely irritating. Typical [prohibited word] if you ask me. Originally Posted by DSK
He's just a loudmouth .... For some reason he actually "believes" I'm concerned about him suggestively "outing" me on the board ...

He has no clue how stupid that makes him look .....there are people posting in this forum and on this website who know me ... perhaps even the "site owner" he intends to persuade to ban me!!!!!

.. if his "game" is "cock blocking" .... it further shows how stupid he is ... and ignorant ....

.. he actually "believes" he "hurts my feelings"??????
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
He's just a loudmouth .... For some reason he actually "believes" I'm concerned about him suggestively "outing" me on the board ...

He has no clue how stupid that makes him look .....there are people posting in this forum and on this website who know me ... perhaps even the "site owner" he intends to persuade to ban me!!!!!

.. if his "game" is "cock blocking" .... it further shows how stupid he is ... and ignorant ....

.. he actually "believes" he "hurts my feelings"?????? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL @ cock blocking. you are free to chase cocks all day if you wish has nothing to do with me.

and cough cough at suggestive outing -->
