Who ran foreign policy in the 2008-2012 time frame? George Soros apparently.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Apparently former Nazi party collaborator George Soros was sending emails to Hillary "advising" on what she should do and say about various situtations around the world. Our friend George has gotten hacked. This might explain the ten billion dollars that Obama sent to Brazil to invest (his word, not mine) in Petrobras, a Brazil oil company. This is after Obama shut down all exploration in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill allowing those rigs to break their contracts and go to Brazil for an indefinite period of time. So Obama got Soros the rigs (did I mention that Soros was a big stake holder in Petrobras?) and the money so that Brazil can drill for and sell the US their oil. In fact Obama said that he hoped that we would become one of Brazil's best customers (so much for energy independence).
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Soros is such a snake.

is there a warrant for his arrest by other countries still out on Soros?
bambino's Avatar
And then there's this:

http://freedomoutpost.com/shadow-gov...lling-clinton/ Originally Posted by bambino
Who is George Soros? A philanthropist and free thinker who donates to liberal and other democratic causes. Here is his website.


Conservatives speak trash about him for that reason. He is a Wall Street genius and caused the British Pound to collapse, which would have happened anyway. Your "freedom outpost" website is not based on fact and is nothing more than right wing propaganda.
bambino's Avatar
Who is George Soros? A philanthropist and free thinker who donates to liberal and other democratic causes. Here is his website.


Conservatives speak trash about him for that reason. He is a Wall Street genius and caused the British Pound to collapse, which would have happened anyway. Your "freedom outpost" website is not based on fact and is nothing more than right wing propaganda. Originally Posted by OverEasy
I know who George Soros is, you seem to think he's a philanthropist. LMAO!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Who is George Soros? A philanthropist and free thinker who donates to liberal and other democratic causes. Here is his website.


Conservatives speak trash about him for that reason. He is a Wall Street genius and caused the British Pound to collapse, which would have happened anyway. Your "freedom outpost" website is not based on fact and is nothing more than right wing propaganda. Originally Posted by OverEasy
in addition to the british pound, he also caused the Malaysian currency to collapse.

I know who George Soros is, you seem to think he's a philanthropist. LMAO! Originally Posted by bambino
he is a philanthropist to extent that he is a manipulator philanthropist. He uses his wealth to buy influence.
Soros, the nazi collaborator, Still seeks to undermine israel

Its a strange but true phenomena that the dimocrat party and its affiliates are such machivilean haters; for over 2 centuries it's been so

I think even black lives matters has an anti Israel platform
I B Hankering's Avatar
Who is George Soros? A philanthropist and free thinker who donates to liberal and other democratic causes. Here is his website.


Conservatives speak trash about him for that reason. He is a Wall Street genius and caused the British Pound to collapse, which would have happened anyway. Your "freedom outpost" website is not based on fact and is nothing more than right wing propaganda.
Originally Posted by OverEasy
Soros is a confirmed Nazi collaborator, Silly Suzy Simpleton. Soros is directly involved in the unrest in Ukraine, Silly Suzy Simpleton. People are dying and being killed because of Soros' financial speculation in Ukraine, Silly Suzy Simpleton. Soros directly profits off other peoples' misery, Silly Suzy Simpleton. Soros was convicted of illegally profiting off other peoples' misery in 2006, Silly Suzy Simpleton. Reckon you're going argue that the French court system is part of a conservative plot to "talk trash" about Soros, right, Silly Suzy Simpleton?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know who George Soros is, you seem to think he's a philanthropist. LMAO! Originally Posted by bambino
And you think 350 pounds of loose undulating fat is a physique.
bambino's Avatar
And you think 350 pounds of loose undulating fat is a physique. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who are you talking about you decrepit, unfit, cocksucking, stupid, lazy pig? Are you looking in a mirror?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
George Soros recently met with Tim Kaine's son. We know who will be pulling strings in that administration.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
George Soros was born a Jew in Hungary. In World War II he sold out the lives of Jewish people who were in hiding to the Gestapo. That is how he made his first Deutschmarks. Betraying his own people. According to Dante the deepest, darkest, coldest circle of Hell is reserved for betrayers. Why the devil hasn't called him home yet is beyond me. He nothing but a walking tower of shit. Philanthropy??? Yeah, right....better check who he gives his money to. Something called the Tides Foundation that is supposed to be helping people is actually a collection of activist groups dedicated to reducing the influence of the United States. So much for helping people. Even Saturday Night Live is afraid of him. After the housing collapse of 2008, SNL ran a skit where they had a telephone for those hurt during the bubble collapse. Slackers with jobs who lost their houses, people without the income to make payments on a half million dollar house, and a couple of bundlers (real people by name) who walked away with over 3 billion dollars. At the end, someone playing Soros walked out and said that he was going to collapse the US currency at some point and that he, like a god, loved playing his games. That clip has never been shown on TV since that one night. It was removed from youtube archives and it is not available on any SNL home purchase on DVD.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
SNL soros bank skit for those interested
I B Hankering's Avatar
DC Leak Exposes Top hildebeest Donor George Soros Manipulating Elections
Billionaire investor buys access to high-powered Democrats
By Michael Sainato • 08/15/16 1:00pm

One of hildebeest’s biggest donors, billionaire George Soros, has been exposed in a massive hack for manipulating elections in Europe via his non-government organizations. DC Leaks revealed more than 2,500 files from Soros’ groups, most notably the Open Society Foundations. The leaks are especially concerning for Americans given Soros’ close relationship to former Secretary of State hildebeest.

So far this election cycle, the billionaire investor has donated over $25 million to hildebeest and other Democratic Party members, with more expected before November. Soros has also funded Media Matters, founded by David Brock, who operates on behalf of hildebeest in several dubious capacities—like running the Correct the Record SuperPAC, which hires Internet trolls to spread pro-hildebeest ideologies on the Internet.

Soros has been a major donor to the think tank Center for American Progress, founded by hildebeest’s campaign manager, John Podesta. The organization also runs the pro-hildebeest media outlet ThinkProgress.com.

The troubling ties between Soros and hildebeest extend to her tenure as secretary of state. An email released by Wikileaks revealed that, in 2011, Soros instructed hildebeest to intervene in Albanian politics—advice she acted upon. Soros directly benefited from hildebeest pushing for the 2011 Panama Free Trade Agreement, as several of Soros’ holdings were implicated in the recent scandal there. That deal opened up the country for billionaires and millionaires to exploit as a tax haven, which was exposed in the Panama Papers leak earlier this year.

Soros developed an ominous reputation as a greedy billionaire in the early 1990s, when he single-handedly caused an economic crisis in England by betting against the British Pound. The investment, dubbed “Black Wednesday,” made Soros over a billion dollars at the expense of Britain’s economy. In 1998, Malaysia’s prime minister attacked Soros for inciting negative influences on the country’s economy through currency speculation.

Hildebeest’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, reportedly had a private dinner with Soros’ son Alexander recently, who has also been known to have unfettered access to high-profile Democrats.

In their coronation of hildebeest, the Democratic Party maintained that the massive amounts of money being pumped into their candidate’s campaign wouldn’t affect her at all. The connection between hildebeest, who has embraced SuperPACs and large donations from wealthy and corporate donors, and the influence these donations have provided them in the State Department are well documented.

If elected president, hi will continue exchanging favors and access to her big-ticket donors, as she courts their interests over those of everyday Americans. Soros’ access to hildebeest and the Democratic Party leadership is well documented, as are his interests and concerns receiving special consideration. Democracy has devolved into a system that works only for millionaires and billionaires with the money and desire to assert their own voices in government with big campaign contributions, simultaneously silencing the voice of every American voter.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
SNL soros bank skit for those interested
https://archive.org/details/PulledSnlBankBailoutSkit Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

You found it! Something I haven't been able to do. Thanks.