Where to begin with no references?

Hi. I am new to this, seems like references is generally required. Where did y'all started?
CubanAva's Avatar
Look up the newbie friendly provider thread
CubanAva's Avatar

There you go. Take your pick. Make sure to ask if they give references, some don’t.
Also bear in mind that there are a bunch of providers that won't ask references. I would say the majority of the women I've seen of this site I just cold called them with no reference and got seen. References are better, but if you don't got any don't let that keep you from contacting the girls you really want to see.
Britttany_love's Avatar

There you go. Take your pick. Make sure to ask if they give references, some don’t. Originally Posted by CubanAva
+1 I agree. I see newbies but do require some screening when you dont have references. We are all trying to stay safe. Stick with well reviewed ladies with good reputations.

There are lots of ladies on the list above that see newbies. Some screen with different kinds of information and some dont even screen at all (risky for both parties) so do what makes you feel comfortable.

Also keep in mind there are a few ladies on that list who dont provide references or respond to ladies trying to verify you. So make sure you do your research and make sure the ladies will provide a reference after yall have met.

Nothing sucks worse when you are trying to get started and the lady you started with went vouch and your mission starts all over again.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-04-2018, 01:27 PM
and some dont even screen at all (risky for both parties) Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Not risky for both parties...

What risk does the guy take for not being screened?

Britttany_love's Avatar
Not risky for both parties...

What risk does the guy take for not being screened?

z Originally Posted by ztonk
If the lady does not screen she does not care about her safety so she sure and the hell doesn't care about yours. She will let any dude come over just because they say their are safe. That means they only care about one thing and that's money.

Not to mention if she will see any dick that will throw money her way she is probably not protecting herself in other ways as well.. ie healthwise being one.

If she doesn't screen she is letting any Sam, Bob and Joe over to her place. These guys could be cops, rapists, stalkers, murders, "partiers", crazy ex's, a previous clients crazy wife etc.

Maybe some dont care or have to worry, but these all do happen that's why the smart ladies screen to reduce the risks of these happening. Screening doesnt always mean these things dont happen. However they greatly reduce the chances and if something life or death happens you will at least have some info about who it was that hurt you.

1. She could have a stalker that's making her life hell. He books under an alias, fake number, handle. He shows up but not for the appointment. She doesnt think anything of it besides a ncns. Meanwhile he's parked outside. Writing down the license plate numbers of all clients coming and going, he could show up unannounced, knock on the door while yall are in session..etc

2. She didn't screen, a crazy wife out for revenge contacted her and shows up making a scene, drawing attention to that's ladies incall. Wife is screaming calling her a hooker.. prostitute what not. Now all eyes are on who comes and goes. Neighbors are nosey now, they make complaints about guys coming and going, attention is drawn, cops gets called, they take notice to the amount of traffic...they stop and question why you were there.. etc.

3. A crazy ex/bf created a bait account. He sets up an appointment shows up and watches the guys who come and go. Is angry, confronts the guys who are coming and going, creates a scene, he now has your car info, a simple license check he has your personal info.. etc can mess your whole life up with your wife, job, home, kids etc. All because you are dicking his girl and he didn't know she was a hooker. Some SO'S, spouses, ex's are crazy, what if messes with your car, tall get physical..etc. are you going to call the cops, make a report and have to explain to a gf or wife why you were at so and so hotel or complex and why this dude targeted you?

4. A drunk/"partied" out client doesn't know he can't just show up to her incall whenever he feels like. They had an apt at noon, she gave the address, but he doesn't show. Hours later he decides to just pop on by, you are there for an appointment. He bangs on the door, is drunk.. possibly stumbling around outside being loud, she has to stop session to try to get him to leave if a neighbor hasn't already called the cops because of the disturbance. Your in a hotel/incall with a hooker when the cops get called.

5. You dont do any screening. Guy shows up and boom.. it's a friends husband, your college professor, your uncle george, best friends dad, an ex boss. Sorry that's a risk I'm not ok with taking.

6. More times than not (not all) the ladies that aren't screening are pimped/managed. They aren't worried about who shows up because they have "protection". If you want to take that risk of being robbed, ripped off, jumped, bait and switch that's all on you.

Almost all of those above scenarios have happened to clients and providers I have met over the years. We already know the hobby has its risks but if we are able to stop most from happening because of a little screening I'm not sure why we wouldn't.

As a hobbyist no you dont have to screen or provide that information. That is your right but dont knock the providers that require it. Go see someone that doesnt and move on.
It's like renting an apartment. Do you wanna go somewhere that just takes anybody - and have you seen those apartment communities that take anyone off the streets?
Do you wanna go somewhere that qualifies their residents so you don't meet up with some thug in the parking lot.

Your choice.
Miss Valentina's Avatar

There you go. Take your pick. Make sure to ask if they give references, some don’t. Originally Posted by CubanAva
This is a super old list. Someone needs to update...
onendone, just FYI. When I started I contacted a bunch of providers on the list and only one of them ever got back with me. The one who did reply asked for work ID which I was not comfortable handing over. killeen's way might work for you. Or your path of least resistance might be to see Victoria Columbari. She's newbie friendly. We never had a session, but met at a social. She was a blast to hang out with. (She told me she required a 90 minute session with a newbie). If things go well with her, that's one reference. If others won't see you with just one reference, I'm sure Victoria has doubles partners or personal friends who are providers that would see you. Good luck, man. I know what its like.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-04-2018, 04:02 PM
This is a super old list. Someone needs to update... Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I added a note at the top of that thread directing people to the last page for the most current list of newbie friendly providers.

chencho's Avatar
Sadly sometimes the ones that do provide references won’t come through in time or ever... making you miss the lovely lady you really wish you could have seen...
Mongo1971's Avatar
I have found p411 to very much be worth the initial investment, and worth the annual subscription fee as well. p411 along with an intelligently worded and polite intro have opened almost every door I've ever wanted in, most without even bothering to look at my profile.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-05-2018, 01:07 PM
If she doesn't screen she is letting any Sam, Bob and Joe over to her place. These guys could be cops, rapists, stalkers, murders, "partiers", crazy ex's, a previous clients crazy wife etc. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
A lady who screens could end up with Sam, cops, rapists, stalkers, murderers, and all of these other types you list as well. Who is to say your vouch from that other provider was legit? Or maybe she got confused? Or maybe she wanted to eliminate some of her competition?

And how does your screening protect me from the crazy wife of one of your previous "safe" clients who finds all your contact information, pictures, your address, etc. on hubby's phone and decides to pay you a visit?

All screening does is give the lady a false sense of security. It really doesn't protect me as a client at all since it's dependent on you, an unknown quantity.

To follow on what ztonk is saying one of the most stringent screeners I know of is also one of the most dangerous. The next most stringent provider is also fucking dangerous. The last eccie girl that tried to screen me? "Managed" by a thug and I went no further.

She's not here anymore but another person I didn't see because of her screening requirements got banned for... outing. Gee, that makes me feel so much safer to be screened.

Screening is zero benefit to a hobbyist. Most of the time it's a security risk and it is absolutely no guarantee of safety. It might make you feel better but as Ztonk says above... that's a flimsy sense of security at best.