Hobbyists under 30: Do you take them seriously?

Do you have an age restriction?
Would you see a hobbyist who is under 30?

Are you under 30?
What age did you first pay to play?

I can honestly say that I've never been with a man who was in his 20's (so you can guest what kind of rep I had in highschool, lol). Back when I was a teen it made sense: Young men don't have cars, homes, money, or DATY. So when I entered the hobby my thought process did not change. I've gotten a couple of calls from young guys. The screening conversation was just awkward (and full of lies) so I dismissed them. I'm curious to know what everyone else thinks.
If the guy is verified by P411 I don't have an issue if he's younger than a certain age I won't normally see ( under 35). I recently saw someone who was 28, probably the youngest man I've seen in years.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I never even consider my clients age. I have seen clients from 18-90 years old. The worst clients I have had over the years are between the age range of 35-55, so I have never really had a problem with younger guys.

The biggest tip I ever got was from a 19 year old who worked at Sonic (the car hop place). He was such a nice guy. Wise beyond his years and more giving then many professionals I have seen who earn 100k + a year.

I never judge a client by his age, I strictly base my decision on if I will see them based on how they speak and communicate with me when they are seeking to book an appointment.
I strictly base my decision on if I will see them based on how they speak and communicate with me when they are seeking to book an appointment. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
You would have thought I was talking to Bevis and Butthead yesterday.
pyramider's Avatar
You refused a three way?
You refused a three way? Originally Posted by pyramider
For the record I would never refuse a 3-way.
jaybird43's Avatar
Interesting post.

I'm not sure why, maybe just because it was less drama, not ready for a relationship or what have you, but I started in the hobby at 19. Wherever I've worked, I've saved up a little cash and figured this was the best way to use it. Men are visual creatures anyway so the pictures now in my memory will last a lot longer than some new shoes or clothes that I would just not wear anyway.

I never had any problems with the women that I saw. And I tended to go towards women who were a little older because frankly they were just better and happy to see me (at the time I was a college athlete). Those near my age thought I had a second agenda and rightfully so because some guys are idiots. Either way the good times far outweighed the bad.

Point being, give the young dudes a chance. They'll be far less Beavis and Buttheads than you think.
Interesting post.

I'm not sure why, maybe just because it was less drama, not ready for a relationship or what have you, but I started in the hobby at 19. Wherever I've worked, I've saved up a little cash and figured this was the best way to use it. Men are visual creatures anyway so the pictures now in my memory will last a lot longer than some new shoes or clothes that I would just not wear anyway.

I never had any problems with the women that I saw. And I tended to go towards women who were a little older because frankly they were just better and happy to see me (at the time I was a college athlete). Those near my age thought I had a second agenda and rightfully so because some guys are idiots. Either way the good times far outweighed the bad.

Point being, give the young dudes a chance. They'll be far less Beavis and Buttheads than you think. Originally Posted by jaybird43

My experience with men under 30 is that most of them are flakes, time-wasters, and last minute cancellations, or they feel entitled to discount because they brag about being a 'handsome young buck' or whatever. And some of them even had the nerve to say they never 'normally pay for it.' And so that's why I don't see them for the most part. I prefer men in their 40's-60's. ( 40's being my age range).
KittyLamour's Avatar
I absolutely and completely agree with Ava. Same experience here. Every time I try to be nice...they ncns me, want to be indiscreet on the phone, haggle my rates, expect a discount for being a "young stud" and are general Time Wasters. I no longer feel the need to grant them the same audience as I do my mature gentlemen. I would much rather not deal with the headache. They need to learn that you must first learn to give respect before they can expect to receive it. And that quality comes with age and experience.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Not attracted to young guys under 30. (not in the RW and certainly not in the hobby), And ONLY 1 guy under 35, that I've had the pleasure of enjoying. Do I find sexy & attractive and mature. (he knows who he is. )

I prefer to meet & enjoy men over age 35. It's whom I as a mature woman, enjoy.
I simply don't go for the young (regardless of who looks *cute*).
I'm a woman in my prime and I want to enjoy being with a man my age or older.
I don't want young, whom I have to teach how to enjoy a woman and I don't want young who are caught up in the whole fantasy of being with an older woman.
Young simply doesn't turn me on. Especially their begging to be seen.

Do you have an age restriction?
Would you see a hobbyist who is under 30?

Are you under 30?
What age did you first pay to play?

I can honestly say that I've never been with a man who was in his 20's (so you can guest what kind of rep I had in highschool, lol). Back when I was a teen it made sense: Young men don't have cars, homes, money, or DATY. So when I entered the hobby my thought process did not change. I've gotten a couple of calls from young guys. The screening conversation was just awkward (and full of lies) so I dismissed them. I'm curious to know what everyone else thinks. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
AngeLisa's Avatar
Age is not important to me. I do get nervous when they are my age group only because we went to school together( which is why I do online classes lol). My only problem is with the more experienced guy they tend to think I'm too young saying " Oh you're just a baby" lol. All in all age doesn't matter as long as it doesn't matter to u.
Interesting thread. I've seen a handful of men under 30, and found them all very respectful and appreciative of the attention and energy I offered. Each one was physically lovely with an impeccable body. I've never been haggled by them or had my time wasted. In all cases, they were young men totally focused on school who were (in my estimation) being responsible for not getting involved with women and leading them on when they had no time for a relationship. One young man, a senior at Spellman, told me that he decided to spend his birthday money to treat himself to a massage. What was he going to do with it other than waste it anyway? He was adorable!

Even with older men, I generally dont get time-wasters, and I say it's because of how I market my services on my website and ads. "Jerk-hole" guys aren't typically drawn to me. I see far fewer clients, but I really enjoy the ones I see.

Wait.. there is ONE guy under 30 in Nashville, "Ivan," who's cancelled on me three times, but that was days in advance, and because he got cold feet. The last time I asked him to put down a deposit on paypal, and he did. When he cancelled for the last time I kept his $75. I felt only a little bad. grrrr....
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Age is not an issue with me, as long as their respectable
gimme_that's Avatar
I'm well under 33 right now. But I started hobbying off an on in between relationships when I was 25. Was definitely harder to see ladies when I was younger.

When I see an age restriction of any type on a ladies page, I assume a few things just based on my experiences........

1. Shes slightly over the age she advertises. "Especially is she advertises to be 30 herself but doesn't quite look it."

2. She considers seeing a client under 30 "more work" for the same pay stamina wise. Young guys will want to experiment and try more while older guys are usually stuck in the zone of what they usually do.

3. She advertising strickly to an age range that will limit her from being exposed to men from her own age range and peer group so she has less chance of getting possibly outed or recognized.

4. On backpage....or ladies with no rep for good or bad service........having an age restriction makes the rob or cash and dash easier since the older clients are less agile and try to avoid confrontation. The older client will take his rip off as a learning experience and just a hazard of the business. Try to avoid confrontation and leave to avoid drawing attention.

Where as a younger client who is geting ripped off may be a bigger problem and unpredictable. He probably has no wife kids or an issue in real life that will cause him to be embarrased he's getting ripped off.

For the most part seeing a lady with an age restriction won't prevent me from calling if I'm under it. For the most part they can tell by my phone demeanor that I'm mature. But what I do notice more times than not ladies 35 and older seem to ask me the most uncomfortable questions to secure a date. And based on how much dialogue is exchanged I assess whether seeing her is to my benefit.

Every now and then though......there that diamond in the rough of a lady in her late thirties early fourties who has sexual stamina that even I cant match. Mens sexual peek comes when they are far younger than when womens sexual peek is. So I wish just based on performance ladies who were older would consider this lol.

I will say for the most part I trry to see ladies my age or younger or slightly above it if they don't look their age. But for the most parts on dinner dates I will only take out. Ladies very close to my age, just makes the conversation flow better.
I absolutely and completely agree with Ava. Same experience here. Every time I try to be nice...they ncns me, want to be indiscreet on the phone, haggle my rates, expect a discount for being a "young stud" and are general Time Wasters. I no longer feel the need to grant them the same audience as I do my mature gentlemen. I would much rather not deal with the headache. They need to learn that you must first learn to give respect before they can expect to receive it. And that quality comes with age and experience. Originally Posted by mercianna

Amen, sister!!