any married providers

It was interesting reading in a thread that several clients commented it would be turn on if the provider was wearing a ring, and was really married. Any providers out there that are married, and wear the ring while they work their craft?
i asked a question that won't get answered - too personal (lol)
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-03-2012, 07:49 AM
It was interesting reading in a thread that several clients commented it would be turn on if the provider was wearing a ring, and was really married. Any providers out there that are married, and wear the ring while they work their craft? Originally Posted by lostforkate
Of course there are. Been to two weddings. But as Lost said, they aren't likely to mention it--at least not for the first few years they know you.
shorty's Avatar
Most guys don't really want to know because when booking a session a guy wants to believe she's his GF for the time there together. Yet there are some guys that won't book a session with a lady if he thinks she does have a BF/SO. So most ladies will just avoid the question or deny it.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Most guys don't really want to know because when booking a session a guy wants to believe she's his GF for the time there together. Yet there are some guys that won't book a session with a lady if he thinks she does have a BF/SO. So most ladies will just avoid the question or deny it. Originally Posted by shorty

Which is a darn shame, but hopefully they might contact inquirers by PM.

Ladies, feel free to inform those that want to know, even if privately
Most guys don't really want to know because when booking a session a guy wants to believe she's his GF for the time there together. Yet there are some guys that won't book a session with a lady if he thinks she does have a BF/SO. So most ladies will just avoid the question or deny it. Originally Posted by shorty
true..... I assume it`s about competition with males and the stigma of pimping as well.
as I think of this more and read the comments, I agree and would elaborate further that it would not be wise from a business perspective, and from a personal perspective to share knowledge of, or existence of SO (opens up too many doors), as by doing so could be uncomfortable in many situations. Might lead to some new business, but I think it would narrow the perspective clients.
It doesnt really bother me if a provider has a husband or a significant other and sometimes it makes you feel better about it.
If they have a SO maybe they arent hitting all the civie action and lessens chances of some type of crazy jealous BF.
I know of one provider that was seeing several guys at one time and also providing quite often and one of the BF's got jealous and beat the crap out of her all the time and another where her crazy ass BF shot and killed her ..god forbid anything like that happen again.
I know several providers i see that are happy married and a couple who have a steady BF with no drama.
thats what its all about drama ..and relaxation so what ever or how ever we can get that more power to the provider ...if it means being married i dont mind.
pyramider's Avatar
Its none of my damn business if the lady is married, or seeing someone.
Still Looking's Avatar
With the economic down turn, there are a lot more than you might thinck!
Happily married to a gender queer man (that means has the same equipment I do, but, much, much, masculine and handsome) for the last six years And have a female partner of two years. All cohoused in happy chaos.
Still Looking's Avatar
Happily married to a gender queer man (that means has the same equipment I do, but, much, much, masculine and handsome) for the last six years And have a female partner of two years. All cohoused in happy chaos. Originally Posted by Katharine Butler
Heh... so am I getting this right? Your married to a "man" but the pickle is gone, and a woman lives with you both as well, is that right?
this is actually a question i have, too... but would love to be able to discuss "just girls".
Very close, SL. gender and sex are tricky things, no?

I am married to a fully femaled body but male (for the most part) brained/souled person. I am also partner to a female body and brained woman.
We all share a house.

BB, drop me a note any time.

Kathy - I think that's great and your life must be interesting, and home must be a nice change of pace from your clients.

That reminds me, gender can be confusing. We had very young people, like 18 ish,(children of old friends) stay at our our house as they were saving money on a hotel on their road trip. It was two young couples, and I was not going to have them do any hanky panky in house, so I gave the extra bedroom to the girls and made the guys sleep in the family room. I got sad looks.
Later I had a young lesbian couple stay with us, and a male tag along friend, and gender confusion hit, and I gave up, I let the lesbians share the bedroom, and made the guy sleep by himself. I think everyone getting something, as I am sure the male friend masturbated, LOL.