Carosel Again

bamacoach's Avatar
Well coming back to town next Tuesday and Wednesday, gonna try the Carosel again! Maybe the unknown lady will be there! Or maybe a new unknown lady shows!
HAHAHA I was there yesterday but you would know it if you saw me. xxoo
LarryLegend's Avatar
Oh my what were you wearing??
bamacoach's Avatar
About to board for Miami then back here tomorrow night, then to New Orleans on Tuesday! Yes Haa! I'm buying the 1st round at the Carosel and the last round at Harry's !
bamacoach's Avatar
Didn't see that post so Andrea what were you wearing?
I might be in town during that time period, If I've got a little free time may just drop by for one of those "Free" drinks!
LarryLegend's Avatar
Coach I will be in the quarter tomorrow night looks like you might need some help! You can't have all the fun!
I was wearing a back dress. pretty low cut and heals. Like I said between my boobs and tattoos you would have know it was me. LOL Have a drink for me! Im on tour so I can't stop by. Have fun!! xxoo
bamacoach's Avatar
I was there and now for the rest of the story.... Well that can wait for another day!
FIVman's Avatar
Comeon coach who did ya do, Andrea? How long where you two love birds at the bar? Not long huh! I need to go to that joint!
LarryLegend's Avatar
I wouldn't describe the Carosel as a "Joint"! Upscale, Cool, Chic !