Why contact a provider if.....?

  • Nakia
  • 10-29-2012, 12:51 PM
I am so sick of hobbyist contacting me to schedule appointments and flake out. I mean these are legit guys with reviews and everything. I just don't get it. Guys are quick to post a NCNS on a provider. Can we do that?!? If so I am going to start. I feel that it is easy to call or even send a text that you can't make it. Ughhhh! Ok I feel better..Lol! Thanks for listening....
  • Nakia
  • 10-29-2012, 12:52 PM
I am not sure if this is in the right area if not can a mod move it to the right location thanks!
I am not a moderator, but I believe it is in the right location. I think any NCNS is supposed to be posted here to allow both sides to tell their side of the story. I know that hobbyists post NCNS, and I assume that providers can as well about us hobbyists. But again, I am not a moderator, so I can easily be wrong (and often am). Regradless of whether it is a provider or hobbyist, it is just poor attitude to not contact someone if there is a problem in making an appointment. This is the information age, and everyone has email and text capabilities. I just see no excuse for it on either side of the equation.
  • Nakia
  • 10-29-2012, 02:30 PM
I totally agree with you 100%! You couldn't have said it better. I will start posting NCNS. Maybe it will wake them up! It takes up time when someone does that on both ends. As a provider I block out at least 3 to 4 hours in between appoinments. So for me to waste 2-3 hours waiting on them is just irritating. I know when hobbyist have their short time from work and getting free time as well. It's all about communication.

I am not a moderator, but I believe it is in the right location. I think any NCNS is supposed to be posted here to allow both sides to tell their side of the story. I know that hobbyists post NCNS, and I assume that providers can as well about us hobbyists. But again, I am not a moderator, so I can easily be wrong (and often am). Regradless of whether it is a provider or hobbyist, it is just poor attitude to not contact someone if there is a problem in making an appointment. This is the information age, and everyone has email and text capabilities. I just see no excuse for it on either side of the equation. Originally Posted by mriley000
You can post in our ladies info share area, you may also share it on providerbuzz.com.
I actually posted one! I meant it as a joke I didn't use the guys name, but it was funny!

When You Are Ready's Avatar
Nakia, I say go for it. This should be something that neither side does. It shows a lack of concern for another person's time.
Massage By Mandy's Avatar
have not dealt with this much but have the same type of bs from guys wanting to haggle. had a guy today make threats to review me, when I don't even work that much anymore. He wanted to see kalle but I never got a response from him after I replied and told him as such. He then makes some snarky comments about me having no education and says he is going to "review this whole crap." review what, you never had an appt. with kalle and sure as hell not with me.
DallasRain's Avatar
I would post on providerbuzz and the ladies infoshare section
  • Nakia
  • 10-31-2012, 03:13 PM
Ok I will do that! Thanks for your help!

You can post in our ladies info share area, you may also share it on providerbuzz.com. Originally Posted by CarmenAlexis
  • Nakia
  • 10-31-2012, 03:14 PM
Hahaha!!! I am going to do it the next time! Thanks for your input sweetie!

I actually posted one! I meant it as a joke I didn't use the guys name, but it was funny!

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=391666 Originally Posted by Nicolet