Body Rubs VS FS gripes

If I can get FS from one girl who is just as attractive as the body rub girl with only HE, why the hell would I want to pay the same hourly price? Makes no sense to me?
Why? someone making you?


Then go hobby along with whoever suits your tastes and fits your budget and leave the critique of services that you don't even have a personal interest in at home.

"It makes no sense to me" - Must it? I'm pretty sure that if this is your reaction then you simply were not the intended client. Just as you don't want to see that provider, that provider probably does not want to see you. Several other men will happily see her though, and no, they're not foolish for doing so. They're just clearly different from you. Move on to someone who wants to entertain you in the way you'd like to be entertained.

While you do that, the rest of the world will carry on in doing millions if not billions of things that probably make no sense to you whatsoever and I assure you, despite your astonishment at this reality, that the sky is actually -not- falling and no great treachery is afoot.
Arverni's Avatar
I remember when my ships used to pull into the Philippines, some of the married guys would opt for the Body Rub / HE because they didn't consider it to be "cheating" on their wives. But - in the P.I., even then, "rubs" were cheaper than FS.

Why does a Chevy Volt cost the same as a low-end BMW? It's a curious world we live in.
I hear ya Daniella. Just ranting cuz I can. You're right, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.....Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis!!!??
Dave the Rave's Avatar
Gotta be FS