What's up with Waco?

bambino's Avatar
Didn't Baylor have a Basketball player murder in some drug deal? Now they're good in everything. They had that Grinder chick who could dunk and looked like Bill Russell. RG3? More dreadlocks on their football team than a Bob Marley band. They can run like Usain Bolt? WTF is going on down there? I don't think Waco is South Beach or Malibu. Who's paying the athletes? It's a private school like SMU right? Give me the scoop Texans.
Pistolero's Avatar
Baptist sponsored school
bambino's Avatar
Baptist sponsored school Originally Posted by Pistolero
Ah, that's it. They will all become Baptist ministers like Ray Lewis.
pyramider's Avatar
Baylor decided to try to become relevant in athletics again. Greiner could not dunck on a 5'10" man, but women's basketball is women's basketball. Baylor hired Art Briles from the University of Houston and committed to upgrading the facilities. They are building a new football stadium, which will only sell out if they are playing tu or A&M. Baylor will become irrelevant in a couple of years, again.