ch-ch-ch-ch changes

Are you aware of any ways in which the hobby has changed you?

I've noticed a couple:

Tattoos. I used to really not care for them. Obviously that is going to limit your choices pretty dramatically as a client, so I got over it. Now I barely notice, for the most part, even like them sometimes.

I learned I don't have a 'type'. Some of my very favorites now are ladies I might have overlooked when first starting because I didn't think they were my 'type'. It has really broadened my horizons in that way.

Your turn!
You're posting shit again, Spanky!

I have a lot more self-confidence.

I no longer feel like I need a relationship to be happy.

I can afford to buy myself and my family things that I couldn't before. The hobby literally removed all single-mom financial worries from my life.

I value my real friendships more because they are so rare when you're in the hobby.

My street smarts & lie detector skills are honed.

Analyzing people and what makes them tick now seems to come naturally.

I have no patience for bullshit or people who try to subject me to it.

I'm no longer intimidated to travel to random places that I've never been to.

Just a few!

I learned I don't have a 'type'. Some of my very favorites now are ladies I might have overlooked when first starting because I didn't think they were my 'type'. It has really broadened my horizons in that way. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
I totally agree with this. I have had some of the most amazing encounters with guys that I would have never given a second glance to prior to the hobby.
WMJ4657's Avatar
I don't know if the hobby has changed me or age. I used to try to find away to accept another person no matter how they presented themselves, not so much anymore, I have learned to say "Fuck Off" if they at least don't try to see my side as well.
FLReWrite's Avatar
Are you aware of any ways in which the hobby has changed you? Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Thanks for an interesting thread.

The most notable change in me has been my anxiety level. At first, I was keyed up and nervous, looking over my shoulder all the time. I don't do that much anymore. Relaxation pays big dividends.
You're posting shit again, Spanky! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
The hobby totally changed my opinion and outlook on women... not necessarily in a negative way. For example I used to pride myself on being able to pick up a girl at a bar or whatever and have sex with her. Now I'm like that lady that forgot her shoes Jesus in the fire. Ain't nobody got time for that. And The longer I hobby the more I feel like I'm paying for the provider to leave afterwards. Maybe I'm just a jaded asshole
I'm more comfortable in my birthday suit now. That wasn't always the case. The turning point was realizing that old, fat guys are practically the target demographic for escorts. Getting through a few sessions without anyone pointing and laughing was liberating.
Change #1 the hobby has hindered my ability to save money
I realize I act compulsively​ sometimes.ive seen providers that sucked not in a good way,and I be damn I see them again occasionally.
Hobby made me realize I need to be more self desciplined
All in all I have had a lot of fun with a lot of providers.but I should have kept some of that money in my pocket.and not wasted my time.all I need to do now is act on what I know.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Change #1 the hobby has hindered my ability to save money
I realize I act compulsively​ sometimes.ive seen providers that sucked not in a good way,and I be damn I see them again occasionally.
Hobby made me realize I need to be more self desciplined
All in all I have had a lot of fun with a lot of providers.but I should have kept some of that money in my pocket.and not wasted my time.all I need to do now is act on what I know. Originally Posted by Johnnytricks

However, it's a crapshoot. If I die suddenly before I can retire, it'll be cool (there'll be no inheritance for my kid, but she's not expecting one, I think). It's if I actually have to retire and live on what my employer laughingly calls my "retirement" plan plus Social Security... then I'm fucked...


bcg (still, no regrets)


I am with Ginger on most of her answers. I have wayyyy more self esteem now. I find it rather funny when you hear people talk about how it destroys a ladies self esteem to be an escort. It's exactly the opposite for me. I really have learned to love myself. It really makes me feel great to make a gentleman happy. I don't have to be in a relationship to be happy. Actually for me I don't date at all and am happy not to. I like myself more therefore I can be alone now and be very happy.
I use to turn 50 shades of red if someone said anything related to sex. I grew up living such a sheltered life that these were taboo subjects especially in mixed company.
My life has done nothing but improve since I started in the hobby. All in good ways,!!!!!
I am with Ginger on most of her answers. I have wayyyy more self esteem now. I find it rather funny when you hear people talk about how it destroys a ladies self esteem to be an escort. It's exactly the opposite for me. I really have learned to love myself. It really makes me feel great to make a gentleman happy. I don't have to be in a relationship to be happy. Actually for me I don't date at all and am happy not to. I like myself more therefore I can be alone now and be very happy.
I use to turn 50 shades of red if someone said anything related to sex. I grew up living such a sheltered life that these were taboo subjects especially in mixed company.
My life has done nothing but improve since I started in the hobby. All in good ways,!!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
I really like these answers - yours and Ginger's both. Nice to hear about positives since practically all mainstream media focuses on negatives.
Yes. This hobby used to be about having fun. Now we deal with
Possesive people. People that are here looking for husbands and wives
Restrictions on fun having
Judgemental peeps.
This has always gone on. Its just been more evident. Its sad but true. Me I could careless. I am here to have fun, if its the other crap I don't tolerate. I love my friends but I also want u to go home and be the best. My job is to enrich your life not add to bs
Well said Issabella! And you do that well! I'm here for fun too! No drama just a good time!
I'm much more comfortable in the company of women in general.
Older, younger, pretty plain. It's easier to have fun.
That's right Elvis.
I'm just a realist.
Yes you want passion, all the things but I'm not delusional.
Who wants to hear a hooker bitch them out or act like a jealous female. Its fun to me to be in this hobby I truly enjoy myself. Can't speak for anyone. Yeah we all have them days. But to put restrictions on people is sad. Men have enough restrictions at home, they don't come here to have them too