Believe in reincarnation

canuckvic's Avatar
I'm always interested in seeing what opinions and views people have on this subject. Now, I'm not seeking any religious points, so please keep that out of the thread or it'll go sideways. My questions is simple, not based on heaven or god, do you believe in the possibility of reincarnation. In essecence when our body dies, does our mind and memories do too? Do you think somehow our mind, personality, etc, gets reloaded into another body to live again?
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Do I beleive in the POSSIBILITY of reincarnation... Yes, anything is possible. Do I beleive in reincarnation... No. Do I beleive in an afterlife.... Yes just not as we understand it in this life, that's all. Reality is I do not know what happens after death, but I have beliefs.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-17-2012, 01:39 PM
Too early to tell.

but I will say I've been several places (wilderness areas, and large South Texas ranches specifically) that I had never been to before, and while exploring/hunting had the strongest, and I mean STRONGEST feeling I'd been in that exact spot before .. so much so I had to sit down and let the feeling soak in. Its very possible my mocassins walked that exact path in another life.

If I do come back again I want to be my damn cat .. that little sob has it freakin MADE
Can't really say I believe in that. I admire the idea of it, though.
pyramider's Avatar
I have gone straight to places where I have never been before when I was traveling all over the US. These were places I know I had never been to before but I somehow knew how to get there and had feelings of deja vu.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do I believe in reincarnation?

Yes, I definitely do.

Frankly, I am surprised that not that many people do believe.

. . . I think we choose whether or not we want to come back to this world and face the dragons that we feared.

One thing for certain, Life IS Amazing! Key word: IS, to exist, etc.
IS spans from nano-seconds to 100+ years of life as we know and see it.
I personally have always been fascinated with both Life and the unknown.
Personally, in both Victory & Defeat, I close that chapter and move forward.
With that said, I find it highly unlikely that I will return to this place.
If I were to, my first words would be, REALLY, Really, now G you weally do have a twisted sense of humor! LIVE LIFE. GO WITH A SMILE. LIVING THE DREAM!
Frankly, I am surprised that not that many people do believe. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Guess you're living in the wrong part of the world.

To the OP: anything is possible; not everything is probable.
We all hope that there is more to it than just this.

The only reason we contemplate such things is because we have reached a level of intelligence that allows us to understand the concept of death.

Why do we cling to theories that promise us more that "just this"? An old saying sums it up. It goes.....

"it's not that life is so short, it's that you are dead for so long"
shorty's Avatar
I'm going to be reincarnated as Charles sense of humor, Burks big dick, SL hobby money, and Wakeup good looks!!
  • GNG
  • 02-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Nope. Dead is dead. Game over.

Clouddancer's Avatar
On Steven Jobs death bed, his last words were reported as:

"Oh Wow! Oh Wow! Oh Wow."

There is a very interesting book on the subject that is a very good read for those that are curious about reincarnation:

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

On the other hand, a quote from an old gent towards the end of his life, I knew well and had tremendous respect for:

"I pray there is no reincarnation. Nothing could equal the trip I've had. Anything else would be a boring encore."

Of course I don't know anymore than anyone else as to what happens when this life is over so, Why be miserable? Why be angry? Why fight? Why ridicule those who are different? Why be intolerant?
Why not seek love, friendship, knowledge?
Why not offer kindness, understanding, respect?

Whatever your beliefs, negativity is a waste of energy, or life.

Make yourself happy in this life ............. and get laid often!

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

I just got me a puppy last month and he sure does make me believe in reincarnation....he is more human than any dog I've ever had....I don't believe we come back as another soul...but who knows.....

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course there is reincarnation. As someone has said, "You are not a human having a spiritual experience, you are a spirit having a human experience."
I'm coming back as my favrorite pussy.