Loving More Than One

I'd be ok with it if she were. I think there is a difference between sex and love. As long as she didn't fall in love with the dude. I think the reason I feel this way is that I see providers. Some how I rationalize it as long as I don't fall in love with a provider. Originally Posted by TheDoc
This post that appeared in the Indecent Proposal thread made me wonder: is it possible to be in love with more than one person?

I know that the popular opinion in the US is that you can only love one person. Or it is only legal for you to be married to one person. Or, that you can only be soul mates with one other person.

Personally, I think it's quite easy to be in love with multiple people. It may be easier for some than others. Some people may only love one person (if that), and others may love 2 or 3 or more. In which case, being born in this country is a real buzz kill.

Finally, I would note that widows/widowers who have been very happily married for years tend to marry quickly after the spouse dies, while the somewhat unhappily married ones tend to stay single. Not that marriage equals love.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
As there are many different types of "Love" and "Being in Love". I say yes you can Love many at the same time. The Love I have for my children is equal to none, where the Love I once felt for their father is a fading memory. I Love my family in a different way as well. And yes I am in search of a "True Love", which when Im ready will come. As I evolve and grow, my needs change and with that my "Ideals of Love" as well. And last but not least I LOVE COCK!!!! lol And we know I Love them ALL!!!
KelseyKisses's Avatar
This post that appeared in the Indecent Proposal thread made me wonder: is it possible to be in love with more than one person?

I know that the popular opinion in the US is that you can only love one person. Or it is only legal for you to be married to one person. Or, that you can only be soul mates with one other person.

Personally, I think it's quite easy to be in love with multiple people. It may be easier for some than others. Some people may only love one person (if that), and others may love 2 or 3 or more. In which case, being born in this country is a real buzz kill.

Finally, I would note that widows/widowers who have been very happily married for years tend to marry quickly after the spouse dies, while the somewhat unhappily married ones tend to stay single. Not that marriage equals love.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Ok,I can honestly say I have been in this situation..It is very possible to love more than one person..However,my heart was yanked towards more towards one..I did love both and cared about their feelings..Once one found out about the other it was,choose which one you want..Me or him..I do have to say it was a difficult situation and I was torn..I cared about how both of them felt and at the same time I knew I had to make a choice..We all lived together for a bit..Might I add the stress of who gets what time and stretching one self is stressful....In my opinion its more trouble than its worth and caused pain in both ends..I don't know if it seems out of the norm but I do know poly-relationships (marriages) work for certain individuals..It just depends on how much love there really is and if sometimes the pain is worth the gain..

I've rambled enough I believe..But all in all it happens and takes a strong person..
  • MrGiz
  • 02-19-2012, 12:13 PM
I would say it's possible to love two (I guess even more) women at the same time... but close to impossible to convince both of it, if they know of each other!

BTW... who's an expert at trying to get to the real truth of this question?

I would say we're all just as much of an expert as anyone else....
who really knows?
awl4knot's Avatar
Sure, it's easy to love more than one person. The trick is being able to express that love in a way that doesn't destroy one or all of the relationships. If anyone knows how to do that he or she is a true genius.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-19-2012, 12:59 PM
. . . The trick is being able to express that love in a way that doesn't destroy one or all of the relationships. If anyone knows how to do that he or she is a true genius. Originally Posted by awl4knot
If anyone knows how to do that... I would love to hear it!
john353's Avatar
You can be "in love" with a person and feel that you can make the commitment to devote yourself to them and them alone...or you can have "love" in your heart and express it with others who are willing recipients, or you can just be a loving person.

I guess it all depends on the individual.

You may have a soulmate who is near and dear to your heart that you cherish more than life itself and still have a hard heart towards the rest of humanity.

You may be alone...and lonely for that matter, but there are times when you may meet someone who really brings out the "love" in your heart in a way that causes you to open yourself up to them and express your true inner soul.

Some people love life and everything that it encompasses.

Is it possible to be "in love" with more than one person?...maybe.
DallasRain's Avatar
As there are many different types of "Love" and "Being in Love". I say yes you can Love many at the same time. The Love I have for my children is equal to none, where the Love I once felt for their father is a fading memory. I Love my family in a different way as well. And yes I am in search of a "True Love", which when Im ready will come. As I evolve and grow, my needs change and with that my "Ideals of Love" as well. And last but not least I LOVE COCK!!!! lol And we know I Love them ALL!!! Originally Posted by Ms. Athena

damn girl...that was what I was thinking!

I think that since I am in an "open" relationship,it has expanded my perception of LOVE.........there are many types of love...I love a few of my clients in a special way...I love my girlfriends in another special kind of way....I love my family in another special kind of way....
But I can say that I love my SO in a way that I could love no one else!
I have no answer to this question except to say you can love many people in many different ways...but being "in love" I can honestly say I have never let myself fall in love with anyone ever....
Naomi4u's Avatar
To each their own.
Sure, it's easy to love more than one person. The trick is being able to express that love in a way that doesn't destroy one or all of the relationships. If anyone knows how to do that he or she is a true genius. Originally Posted by awl4knot
I agree that it's possible in a perfect world. But I don't think it's possible if you are willing to completely destroy one relationship at the risk of "what might be" with the other.
I think it's definitely possible to love more than one person. However, I prefer monogomy. There's something a little more special when you're only "sharing" yourself with one person. That being said, I don't believe humans (espcially men) are monogomous creatures.
If anyone's watched "sister wives" I actually give them a lot of credit.
This might not be seen as a dilemma for a narcissistic person with multiple personality disorder.
Charles, I am a widower of almost 14 years, my marriage, and my Wife, were phenominol.

I have chose to never marry again because I have had the one love of my life.

I have affection for others, especially the Lady I see exclusivly. But that is not Love, or at least by my definition of what constitutes real love.
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't fall in LOVE any more! I fall in LUST! It makes things a lot easier!