How much would you pay a provider for hour?

pickupkid's Avatar




e. 600-650

f. 700-750

It is not my goal to pay as much as I can. There used to be a hobbyist the ladies liked a lot on here who maintained that you could get similar stellar service at all price points.

My goal is to pay as little as possible for stellar service.
gimme_that's Avatar
There's a sticky for this already right?
pickupkid's Avatar
You guys are evading the question..I would never spend more than 300 an hour
john353's Avatar
It is not my goal to pay as much as I can. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Same here.

I also look at it like this. If there is a lady that I want to see bad enough, I will pay her rate and go see her. I enjoy 2 hr sessions or longer and a ladies rates will dictate how long I will spend with her.

I have never dropped over 300 for a 1 hour session.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Removed: Just found another thread on this....
pickupkid's Avatar
So john and charles you would not see a girl if her range is 300
john353's Avatar
So john and charles you would not see a girl if her range is 300 Originally Posted by pickupkid
No...I said I have never dropped OVER 300 for a 1 hour session.

300 is my cutoff for a 1 hour session.
I have never dropped over 300 for a 1 hour session. Originally Posted by john353
I did once and regretted it. It would take a lot for me to do it again.

You can get stellar service at all price points. The challenge is finding who offers it at the lowest price point.

Some guys have developed this to an art. Others are wealthy and don't have the time. They just dial up the most available HDH w/o screening for quality. In that sense, they are screwed twice. Once on service and once on price.
john353's Avatar
charles...I would much rather drop 600 on a 3 hour session than on a 2 hour any day.

It all depends on the lady and how well we click. I have loads of fun with girls who are in the 200 range just as well as some 300 ladies.

For a number of reasons, I rarely do more than a 1 hour session. I don't see regulars (travel too much). I don't have the cash (choose your word: frugal or cheap). I pop once per session, no matter how long it is. I don't see the need to book a multi-hour when the same results can be had in one hour. (As a matter of fact, the same results can be had in 15 minutes lol, but I've never seen a lady offer a 15 minute outcall.)

Having said that, I also like longer sessions. If I can get a deal on a longer session, I would be attracted to that. Since, 2009, I've had a three ladies spend about 4 hours with me on a 1-hour appt on their own initiative. In all instances, it was a fluke. I was appreciative of their time, but at the time I couldn't compensate them for the additional time.
john353's Avatar
I have a couple ladies that I just love to take my time with. One hour is just a tease with them. These are ladies that I have seen multiple times and to say we an understatement.

I don't mind one hour sessions, but I reserve them for first encounters and the old Plan B.

I have reached the point where the old bump n run just doesn't do it for me anymore. I want more time to fully enjoy my lady and multis are the way to go in that regard.
charles...I would much rather drop 600 on a 3 hour session than on a 2 hour any day.

It all depends on the lady and how well we click. I have loads of fun with girls who are in the 200 range just as well as some 300 ladies. Originally Posted by john353
Every lady's price structure is different. Just because she starts out at $300 an hour does not mean that a 2 hour session is $600. Lots of ladies offer discounted hourly rates for longer engagements. As for the OP, I think how much a client is willing to spend is determined by whether or not he feels it will be a worthwhile investment whether it be a $200 - $300 price range or the $500 - $600 price range.
Naomi4u's Avatar
charles...I would much rather drop 600 on a 3 hour session than on a 2 hour any day.

It all depends on the lady and how well we click. I have loads of fun with girls who are in the 200 range just as well as some 300 ladies. Originally Posted by john353
ding ding ding ding ding. My rates are structured to reflect that I prefer multi hours and my 3 hour packages are the most popular.
Still Looking's Avatar
There's a sticky for this already right? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Rates Sticky! LOL

$500 or less! If its more than $500 I start tring to justify why? Little SL gets involved every now and then! He doesn't give a shit how much it costs!