DOJ bocks Texas Voter ID law

You'd think it would be a"No-Brainer" but somewhere in the back of Karl Rove's mind there was probably an attempt to automatically delete anyone from the voter rolls who called the registrar's office and pressed "2" for Spanish.

Buying collard greens at the grocery store would have probably gotten your whole family expunged from the rolls.
Excellent news. Originally Posted by timpage
Finally.. yes, good news.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ridiculous. The Obama Administration depends on illegal votes. So who is surprised that the Administration overturned these laws, that the citizens wanted. Why bother to vote, or voice an opinion, the Administration will do whatever the hell it wants to in order to stay in power. Can't get an ID. What bullshit.
This is the part from the article that I don't understand:
Under the data provided in January, Hispanics make up only 21.8% of all registered voters, but fully 38.2% of the registered voters who lack these forms of identification. Thus, we conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by (the state Department of Public Safety) could range from 603,892 to 795,955," Perez said in the letter, addressed to the director of elections for the Texas secretary of state.
Almost 40 percent of the registered Hispanics don't have a govt ID? How the fuck not? In this white man's world you can't get a drivers license, credit card, checking account, car insurance, apt lease, hotel rental, airline ticket, gym membership,cell phone, etc without a valid id. Can you get food stamps and welfare benefits without an ID?

What this tells me is that many illegals walked up to a voter registration drive booth and registered. Is there a law saying you can't register without a valid id?
I B Hankering's Avatar
This is the part from the article that I don't understand:
Almost 40 percent of the registered Hispanics don't have a govt ID? How the fuck not? In this white man's world you can't get a drivers license, credit card, checking account, car insurance, apt lease, hotel rental, airline ticket, gym membership,cell phone, etc without a valid id. Can you get food stamps and welfare benefits without an ID?

What this tells me is that many illegals walked up to a voter registration drive booth and registered. Is there a law saying you can't register without a valid id? Originally Posted by gnadfly
That is a paradox that lefties cannot satisfactorily explain.
Boltfan's Avatar
Someone, who is against it, explain why requiring some form of identification to vote is a bad thing?
Even the thread starter won't even respond Boltfan. COG is right, its good the Obama re-election campaign.
COG is right, its good the Obama re-election campaign. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Give me a friggin' break! This is a voter id law in Texas. It's not like Texas is a purple state, it is solid red! Obama has about as much of a chance of winning all of the Texas electoral votes as a.........

Well for lack of a better word........................ a Houston TURDfly!
Boltfan's Avatar


dilbert firestorm's Avatar


Bueller... Originally Posted by Boltfan
hes not here!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
These voter identification laws are about any election BUT the Presidential Election. COF, IBH and the rest of you shills for the right, put your thinking cap on and take your blinders off to the fact that your obsession about Obama makes you a perfect dupe for the Cock Broz, Karl Rove and the other ultra righty pimps.

The above quote about the "estimation" of the number of Latino voters who it was "concluded" by the state of texas "might" not be eligible voters is the only item presented by this glorious state. Texas never even bothered to present any such like "evidence" with regards to other minority communities such as blacks or asians. And nowhere did they, nor has any other state, present any actual instances of voter fraud.

There was a quote on "Justified" last night that really speaks to the source of real voter fraud. It centered around the sheriff's race. Boyd, the guy running against the incumbant and a few others were were discussing the impact of Boyd's interruption at the candidates' debate and Boyd allowd as to how they shouldn't get ahead of themselves bacause, "well, we all know that elections aren't over until the last vote in the cemeteries are counted." Texas and the other southern states might want to take a look at all the old, fat, white men and women who are the county election board secretaries. Just a thought.

Oh, and by the way, for those of you who might have seen that last night, who are the "company men" in most elections?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-14-2012, 05:48 AM
Give me a friggin' break! This is a voter id law in Texas. It's not like Texas is a purple state, it is solid red! Obama has about as much of a chance of winning all of the Texas electoral votes as a.........

Well for lack of a better word........................ a Houston TURDfly! Originally Posted by bigtex
LOL....Yea like Texas will now go blue because of this ruling!
Kansas came out with a voter ID when they listed all the things you could use it only excluded a written note from your mother.
mastermind238's Avatar
All you lefties and your Obama Ejaculation Syndrome! That cum in your eye must be preventing you from seeing the REAL reason we want voter ID laws - TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE BALLOT BOX. It matters not a damned bit whether Obama has a chance of winning Texas. It's not about Obama. It's about whether we can have faith that our elections are decided by ELIGIBLE voters.

If you don't think voter fraud happens all the time, you are simply not paying attention. I was a poll watcher in a Madison, Wisconsin election. Yeah, Madison, one of the whitest cities in one of the whitest states in the Union. No fear of minorities - legal or not - stealing elections. But in Wisconsin back then we had same-day registration and no photo ID required. In just the 8 hours I was there I must have seen a half dozen kids come in and vote multiple times. All it took was a utility bill with a name and an address on it. Phone bill in your name? One vote. Gas bill in your roommate's name? Another vote for you. Electric bill in your other roommate's name? Another vote for you.

Here's a video showing how simple it is in a "white" state like Vermont:

And the fact is that in states like Vermont or Wisconsin, there's about a million-to-one chance that this kind of fraud would ever be detected, much less prosecuted. So citing statistics about the rarity of voter fraud prosecutions is meaningless. It's not a crime very many people are willing to try and detect, much less stop.

And why is that? Back to the Wisconsin story. I took my observations of OBVIOUS AND PROVABLE voter fraud to my team captain. He just shook his head and told me that if I knew what was good for me to keep my mouth shut. And why is that? Because I was a poor post-doc at the University, and I'd spend the rest of my life paying off legal bills I was sure to incur from trying to defend myself from the onslaught of civil-rights lawsuits that would be sure to follow if I dared to interfere with a person's "right to vote." Don't underestimate the power of the ACLU to intimidate with threats of bankrupting lawsuits.