Chat on the IPad?

Doc_rob's Avatar
I have an IPad and use it for almost anything. The problem is for some reason it won't work with the ECCIE Chat. I have tried everything, including downloading some worthless programs. Any help would be appreciatted. Doc
Hook's Avatar
  • Hook
  • 05-02-2012, 07:21 AM
I have the exact same issue. No love for apple.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-02-2012, 10:18 AM
Chat was developed with Flash. Apple products do not support Flash. So, there you are.
aggietigger's Avatar
I use iSwifter to ECCIE chat on the iPad. It works pretty well. There are some other apps that will translate\emulate flash on iOS, too. iSwifter was the cheapest and best reviewed at the time I went looking.
Doc_rob's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback.
Guest090412-3's Avatar
This thread couldn't be any better timed, I am using iPad and ran into the exact same problem.
Big Hugs