Electoral Map Based on State Polls (Current)

This is the electoral map based on current state polls (Clinton v. Trump). I was surprised to see Kansas leaning democrat!


"The Republican Party may have finally become too extreme for even deep red state Kansas to tolerate."

0zombies are funny!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SzfLTMWQMs Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Are red states turning blue funny too?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You go on believing that about Kansas.
0zombies are funny!] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

The MONSTER VOTE, you crack me up, SissySue...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Republicans have pretty well screwed up Kansas. It will soon be the Democrats' turn to screw us up. Whichever party is in power, we're screwed.
Republicans patterned Kansas after their idea of how they want the country run.
Republicans patterned Kansas after their idea of how they want the country run. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Take a look at this current electoral map based on current polls:


and this:

A New Map That Ought to Scare Trump Supporters:


Go, Hillary, go! After this election, I am sure the White House won't be gridlocked the way it was before. There will be a lot more compromise. It's time we had a woman in office.
gfejunkie's Avatar
There are only a few polls that interest me...

The one that will occur November 8th...

The Hillary Clinton trial juries'.

Not necessarily in that order.
No, I don't have a troll problem, but I think you do.
No, I don't have a troll problem, but I think you do. Originally Posted by SassySue

SissySue... I am sorry about your mother doing such a bad job raising you up. Here is a real woman with a beautiful mind. You should emulate her... good luck

SissySue... I am sorry about your mother doing such a bad job raising you up. Here is a real woman with a beautiful mind. You should emulate her... good luck

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4mCRyedgbI Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
No way would I want to emulate myself with anyone from Fox news. By the way, I am very happy with myself the way I am.

Your polls are SHIT, SissySue. I know when you are gaslighting us... beware of the "MONSTER VOTE" coming in November, SissySue!


The professional media political class, who are still trying to come to grips with the ramifications of a stunning geopolitical push back, are also in a reassessment mode. The polling releases today from Washington Post/ABC and from Wall Street Journal/NBC also highlight their modified deep-pause position.

In modern U.S. elections polls can have two purposes: #1 is to display the current status of any given election. #2 is to provide a preferred media narrative for any given election. The former is growing increasingly scarce, the latter is ideologically utilized depending on need. We also call the latter “agenda polls”.

Progressive globalists and liberals writ large are back on their heels. Way back. Further back than they have been in the past two decades.

♦ If you cannot find the clear and concise raw data for any “Poll” or “Survey”, and the only information available is an interpretation of that data (editorial), in almost every example that survey/poll was conducted for reason #2 above: push an agenda. It’s a simple truism that has remarkable consistency.

[QUOTE=IIFFOFRDB;1058325782]Your polls are SHIT, SissySue. I know when you are gaslighting us... beware of the "MONSTER VOTE" coming in November, SissySue!


Is this ABC news articles shit too?


You guys are just worried because Trump is losing. That's why you and other posters like you continually discredit both me and my posts. The truth hurts doesn't it? It really hurts when she may have Elizabeth Warren as Vice President. That's a double whammy. Especially, when men like you consider women as second class citizens, correct? You are so insecure in your own masculinity that you cannot possibly see a woman as an equal. "Gaslighting" my *ss". I'm merely posting polling results and articles from the internet. If it bothers you, then don't read it!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Not to hijack a threAD but can SassySue post some taint up in this bitch.