pyramider's Avatar
I have learned a lot from the hobby. The education has been priceless . . .

Until the hobby I always thought "fuckstain" and "asshat" were terms of endearment.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--cute topic!

I learned a new word----"taint"....anyone know what that means?? If not,I will tell you{lol}
I have learned, to fin for myself!
Don't trust men. Any of them. H
ANONONE's Avatar
Don't trust humans.
Will Boner's Avatar
everyone lies..........
Occasionally a POA is worth what you pay for it. But it is rare.
pyramider's Avatar
lol--cute topic!

I learned a new word----"taint"....anyone know what that means?? If not,I will tell you{lol} Originally Posted by DallasRain

Taint is defined as the patch of skin between the cooter and brown eye, tain't pussy tain't ass.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooo pyramider---you are the winner!! Come to New orleans and collect your "prize"{I may even lick your}!!!!
It's called the "perineum," fyi.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, it's not exactly pretty!
I have learned that not only am I beautiful, I am the BEST at what I do! Well, I sure have been told that many times!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Even the most beautiful mansion must have parts required by functionality,

but that are not so aesthetically pleasing to the eye and are best kept

hidden away from public view.

By way of example, I will cite the female armpit.

Personally, I see nothing attractive about it, but it comes with the package.

. . . And you can't break the set!
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 03-16-2010, 10:13 PM
All doges lie.
Interesting thought, Fast Gunn. I have known gentlemen that LOVED the pits! LOL! Glad that you are so accepting as yes, they ARE "part of the package".