Do ladies have to have "street cred".....

Rae Monroe's Avatar
On a particular site before gentlemen begin to see them? I am wondering because I've experienced this a time or two. I will start to frequent different websites, and it seems that unless gentlemen who frequent that particular site vouch for me, few people are willing to TOFTT so to speak.

Is this a phenomenon that happens regularly to ladies or am I simply seeing something that really isn't there? How long do you think it takes a woman to earn the appropriate amount of "credibility" before she is no longer considered a newbie?

Thanks for your input I appreciate it!
Cpalmson's Avatar
As a client, I believe "street cred" is somewhat a requirement. I know it begs the question of which came 1st, the chicken or the egg. In this case, how does a provider build rep if she is unknown. I know there are plenty of guys willing to TOFTT. I'm not. If I can't find a review (or a current review), I'm very unlikely to see a provider. Having said that, I'm not beholden to one particular site, nor do I expect a provider to have lots of cred on one site. All I ask is that in general, does the girl have reviews. I don't care what site. If she has 5 on site A and 0 on site B, I still have my answer. Same holds true if she has onsies or twosies across the web. If it is obvious to me she is legit and has decent reviews, I'll more than likely consider her. The bottom line is that most clients do expect some level of credibility. I'm not particular. There maybe some who are.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Given the nature of this biz, taken literally the thread title is a bit off...

We really dont want you to literally have "street" cred as in street walking....
Cpalmson's Avatar
Given the nature of this biz, taken literally the thread title is a bit off...

We really dont want you to literally have "street" cred as in street walking.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Good catch I knew what the thread was about, but you are right.
Rae Monroe's Avatar
Given the nature of this biz, taken literally the thread title is a bit off...

We really dont want you to literally have "street" cred as in street walking.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

Not including the double entendre that statement includes I am not referring to street walking, pavement pounding, or sidewalk solicitation.

I am referring to a provider having credibility as far as reviews.

My question, if I can make it more direct, is whether or not gentlemen who are particular to one site, such as this one, or any other forum/review site, are reluctant to visit with women who lack reviews on the site they frequent the most.

In example: I frequent a board for the NE, bgfe, and while I have many pages of reviews on TER, a high percentage of men have told me that they will not see me until I establish credibility on that review site. Either because they trust the review system less of another site or they are familiar with the reviewers so choose to hold out until more are present on their "favored" site.

Do the majority of hobbyists subscribe to this type of thought process or have I just been super priveleged to talk to the ones who are? Thanks for your input!
MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 03-23-2010, 09:16 AM
Hmm good question Rae,
Since the old board went away and I am not fond of its re-instated potentially still "bug" ridden data I do not have the reviews I once did. I know there are a few here but not many anywhere else. I understand gentlemen wanting local info but I would think that if your well reviewed and have obviously posted there locally and can reference other boards they may want to check out in addition to a website that should be a good base for them to work from and decide to visit with you or not.
I also know that TER had some major issues in some areas due to its former owner and his "boys" being piggish and rude (or so rumored) so that may be another reason why the folks up that way are hesitant to take those reviews at "face value" but I do believe those days have gone by the by and the reviews posted on TER are all good now with its new ownership.

I don't travel much and so I depend upon my small presence on the boards I am on plus the good word of fellow ladies and gents that I've had the pleasure to meet to facilitate meeting new folks.

So please folks let us know your thoughts on this subject it will be very helpful to many of us here.
Let me put it this way: I'm traveling to Houston in the near future, and here is how my search went (assuming all hobbyists are looking at review rather than TOFTT off BP/CL):
  1. I start on P411. My reasons are that most ladies on that site are already credible just by being there (not foolproof). Also, if possible, I want to get an OK on that site from a lady. I get an initial potential list here. If the lady is smart, she has posted review links on her P411 site (not all, but at least some).
  2. Then I go to ECCIE and search for reviews. If I'm in another geographical area where another site is prominent, I'll go there for reviews. I start with ECCIE because I have access to all portions of the review. I don't have that kind of access on all sites. If necessary, I might purchase a 1 month access, but so far I haven't had to do that.
  3. The ladies that had reviews on sites other than ECCIE: I visited those sites just to see what was listed, whether it was Horn Dogs,, Naughty Reviews, or whatever. I didn't go to ERAPS.
  4. Ladies in which I might be interested get an email to see if they can meet my time frame. In this case, my #1 choice was out of town. Don't know about my #2 yet, but my list is about a total of 28, so something should work out. That's a minuscule list based on the number of providers in Houston.
  5. With me, it's not so much as a lady needing to be well reviewed on a certain site for me to consider as it is does she do the activities in which I am interested? That's pretty easy to find out, although it can be fuzzy. One review I read stated the lady only did certain activities after the first date. If I get to her, we'll have to clear that up ahead of time.
That's my .02. But I believe in research. Many men may not have the time to put into the research that I do. However, I want to get quality for my $$$, and I think this is the only way to do it.
I usually use P411 and look for reviews here. No one wants to waste time or money TOFTT on someone that doesn't have a record somewhere in the hobby. There are plenty review sites and I am on a few. But, after doing some research and not finding anything, I usually pass on that person no matter how tempting their photos may be. But for me the past year, I normally just stick to P411, that is for me as well as the provider, it usually works out best that way.

But on the other hand Rae, if you are planning a visit to Houston in the near future, that question for me would be a moot
awl4knot's Avatar
I would imagine that having a good reputation, aka "street cred", is enormously valuable to a provider. I also think that for ladies who cover wide and disparate areas that requires much work.

A provider's reputation is based on multiple sources of information. At the high end, the toffs make personal referals at their clubs. Websites are universally available and say a lot about a provider. Sites such as P411 are helpful but have geographical limits and are augmented by websites and reviews, which maybe the most important resource. But many hate TER and that means that the wandering provider has to get reviews on the many regional boards.

Finally, a provider's persona is honed by her posts, but if she needs to post on many regional boards this can be taxing, as is this post.

The bottom line is that you got it, darlin'

  • npita
  • 03-24-2010, 04:15 AM
I am referring to a provider having credibility as far as reviews. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe
I'm probably not representative of the majority of hobbyists, but I didn't ever find reviews to tell me much about a provider that would be of interest to me. After a while, I decided to not see anyone with a lot of reviews - period - and preferred part time utr providers whose contact information I could obtain from another hobbyist rather than a review or an ad.
I am referring to a provider having credibility as far as reviews.

My question, if I can make it more direct, is whether or not gentlemen who are particular to one site, such as this one, or any other forum/review site, are reluctant to visit with women who lack reviews on the site they frequent the most.

In example: I frequent a board for the NE, bgfe, and while I have many pages of reviews on TER, a high percentage of men have told me that they will not see me until I establish credibility on that review site. Either because they trust the review system less of another site or they are familiar with the reviewers so choose to hold out until more are present on their "favored" site. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe
Speaking only for myself. I trust this site and specifically members with recognizable review history. TER, Escortboard, Big doggie etc. require too much research of the reviewer. If the gest isn't clear, locally, geographically speaking in my area, I trust my local hobbyists as a resource for credibility. I have taken the time to check a lady in different review forums and found the information availlable only to members. I am only a member of two sites. So yes - your credibility (for me) on a particular site, is necessary to make an informed decision.
Every board had their little cliques. Knowing someone on a board who can vouch for you is good to have. Just be you, do your thing, do it well and word will spread.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Let me put it this way: I'm traveling to Houston in the near future, and here is how my search went (assuming all hobbyists are looking at review rather than TOFTT off BP/CL):
  1. I start on P411. My reasons are that most ladies on that site are already credible just by being there (not foolproof). Also, if possible, I want to get an OK on that site from a lady. I get an initial potential list here. If the lady is smart, she has posted review links on her P411 site (not all, but at least some).
  2. Then I go to ECCIE and search for reviews. If I'm in another geographical area where another site is prominent, I'll go there for reviews. I start with ECCIE because I have access to all portions of the review. I don't have that kind of access on all sites. If necessary, I might purchase a 1 month access, but so far I haven't had to do that.
  3. The ladies that had reviews on sites other than ECCIE: I visited those sites just to see what was listed, whether it was Horn Dogs,, Naughty Reviews, or whatever. I didn't go to ERAPS.
  4. Ladies in which I might be interested get an email to see if they can meet my time frame. In this case, my #1 choice was out of town. Don't know about my #2 yet, but my list is about a total of 28, so something should work out. That's a minuscule list based on the number of providers in Houston.
  5. With me, it's not so much as a lady needing to be well reviewed on a certain site for me to consider as it is does she do the activities in which I am interested? That's pretty easy to find out, although it can be fuzzy. One review I read stated the lady only did certain activities after the first date. If I get to her, we'll have to clear that up ahead of time.
That's my .02. But I believe in research. Many men may not have the time to put into the research that I do. However, I want to get quality for my $$$, and I think this is the only way to do it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Like the way you think. I do pretty much the same as you.

I am understanding your question and feel what you are feeling. You are not seeing things and as be said there are cliques and you have to have that cred in a way to get in. Of course my target audience is most likely not yours do to our obvious but unique differences (I'm a larger woman, yeah I said it) so therefore your cred will spread fast. With a body like yours and the personality that comes across in your few posts you need to just do what you do well and you should have no issues.

Also, (no offense to anyone here) Don't be so quick to put stock in what you THINK your street cred is...just put stock in the provider and woman that you are. That will never change unless YOU change it but your cred anywhere might as people are fickle.
Jake2.1's Avatar
I have heard of ladies that will contact one of the males on the board offering a "special rate" to get a review. I saw a lady once that asked me to post a review on a certain board that I actually didn't frequent because she was trying to get "cred" with the site. (Note I said she brought it up, not me.)