
Most people defer the ownership of their minds simply because they are afraid to be different. They’re afraid of being noticed and they’re afraid of what people will think about them. The only person’s opinion you should care about is your own. Everyone else is secondary.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Most people defer the ownership of their minds simply because they are afraid to be different. They’re afraid of being noticed and they’re afraid of what people will think about them. The only person’s opinion you should care about is your own. Everyone else is secondary. Originally Posted by Sexyangelbaby
That makes for a shitty world. One should think for themselves but having consideration and respect for the rights of others to do the same is paramount.
Seeing how I am not allowed to post in the reviews I decided to post here , I just have one thing to clear up ...I DO NOT US ANY PT ....so if your going to say something you should really know what your talking about ....but guess your heads shoved so far up someone's ass that your a little clueless........
Well said. Just yesterday I was standing in line at the bank. I farted (silently). I think everybody assumed it was the older gentleman in back Of me. I had a good chuckle about it. But in thinking about it this morning while in the shower I wonder if people really thought it was me.
Ya know what ....if people wanna talk go right ahead .....I'm going to go and enjoy the day with my family , I refuse to let anyone ruin my holiday ....
just remember there r 3 sides to every story ....
Hahahaha ahhhh hahahaha ha lol lol lol
I feel better now
Plastic Man's Avatar
This is the hobby .....why make it personal ....you meet the girl ...boink her and on to the next one or if you like her keep seeing her ...not my fault boys catch feelings ......gotta use u r big head not Lil one

MountainGoat's Avatar
So are you suggesting it's just the boys that "catch feelings"

Or is the reciprocation "faked feelings"

Just wondering
MountainGoat's Avatar
Or playing games for intellectual stimulation

Or genuine reciprocal feelings

Did I miss anything?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
...not my fault boys catch feelings ... Originally Posted by Sexyangelbaby
That's a tough one. On the one hand, it is a job to sling ass, much the same as, say, a different kind of street vendor. Like this guy might deal with:

And presenting the best product, promoting those feelings that we come here for is part of the job.

But the best vendors want to keep clients in a healthy state. So they can keep spending, and telling their friends about a good situation. So you might think a good vendor would, through wisdom and experience, know when to drop the 'back off' hint.

In either case nobody wants to hear the vendor refer to the client as a damn junkie.
Lol again mountain goat u are a joke dude. Grow up. She got what she needed from u and u from her. Take ur personal whining to a text message.... This merry go round keeps going in circles. You will see her again and the same saga will have a new reoccurring chapter.. Personally I hope she finds the right person and leaves this shitty business behind. None of you white knights have feelings for her, just your cocks. Try to be true and real for once.
MountainGoat's Avatar
Lol again mountain goat u are a joke dude. Grow up. She got what she needed from u and u from her. Take ur personal whining to a text message.... This merry go round keeps going in circles. You will see her again and the same saga will have a new reoccurring chapter.. Personally I hope she finds the right person and leaves this shitty business behind. None of you white knights have feelings for her, just your cocks. Try to true and real for once. Originally Posted by vTiGrumpy
Dude - was a rhetorical question to her in response to her post. Is that ur pic posted above? If not, then who is the wk here? Not me, I'm just a hobbyist participating in the dialogue.
I say again. You are a joke. you are hobbyist that is infatuated with this girl. If you would like I can be very detailed or you can stop playing ignorant and just suck up the truth being stated like a man.
MountainGoat's Avatar
Whatever. Think what you want. Read my comment in doove's review. You have pa. That's not infatuation. But you can interpret it as you like

Troll elsewhere for drama mr grumpy. Interesting your join date and whom the majority of your meager comments are about. Can we say stalker?

I'm done wasting my time with you - bye